Chapter 806

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
When the secretary sent the invitation to Xiao ran, Xiao ran looked at the invitation in his hand and seemed a little stunned. In order to express his sincerity, dilandar wrote a letter himself and sent someone to send it in person, and he chose such an important time for AUB.

Now that some spies have leaked out that AUB is preparing to test the new aircraft, Xiao ran doesn't believe that dylandar doesn't know this situation. Now AUB is fully focused on preparing the new aircraft, and there are definitely intelligence personnel belonging to ZAFT among AUB, which is indisputable, and it is still in the period of war, It's OK for him to come and visit, but it's a bit untimely to invite Xiao ran, and people don't understand dilandal's purpose.

When I opened the letter sent by the Secretary and looked at the contents, Xiao ran also frowned slightly. At the beginning of the letter, there were some polite words from dilandar, and then the main content. It said that ZAFT found a research base that seems to have been abandoned in a certain place, and found some things about logos and taboo research on the human body, I hope Aubrey will send someone to deal with it together. In addition, I found the whereabouts of a mysterious organization somewhere in East Asia, which seems to be related to the mysterious organization Aubrey is investigating, but I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with logos or alliance.

The ZAFT army also fought with the bodies of this mysterious organization. These bodies are the same as those that appeared in the yunius 7 time, and captured several pilots of this organization, but it is important. I hope Xiao ran can receive them in person.

The letter also said that the reason why he sent someone in person was that the problem was very serious. Xiao ran could send someone without going there in person.

Xiao ran asked AUB to investigate the librarian without hiding it. In addition to the unius 7 Incident, the librarian did appear and attacked the ZAFT army to interfere with the crushing work of unius 7. Therefore, it is natural that this organization also paid attention to the ZAFT side to carry out the investigation. Needless to say, ZAFT, Even the joint side is also investigating this organization, which obviously belongs to the G-Series improved body, but so far I don't know what specific results it has.

In addition to this letter, there was also a memory card in the letter. Xiao ran did not insert this memory card into his computer for the first time. Instead, he just looked at the letter saying that he captured several pilots, which was of great importance and needed him to accept it personally. Xiao ran had speculated something, which was also the key reason for his frown.

Not surprisingly, there should be his bleak photocopier among the pilots captured by ZAFT. Otherwise, dilandal would never choose to send such a letter at this time when AUB is so nervous. It is plain to doubt. Xiao ran doesn't understand why dilandal will give this letter and tell him about it.

Are you being honest? Or are you saying you're not threatening and AUB is on the side? Or is it a gesture of friendship that makes AUB relax his vigilance against ZAFT? In short, Xiao ran doesn't understand why dylandar did this, but it's certain that dylandar can't really share information because of the friendship between the two countries.

Frowning and thinking, Xiao ran, who didn't understand, directly pressed a button in the corner of the desktop, and soon the door of the office opened again. A young female secretary of about twenty-five or six came in: "Sir, what's the matter?"

Xiao ran put the memory card in his hand on the table and gently pushed it forward: "let someone check this thing, copy the contents, and call the person who sent this letter."

"OK." the Secretary nodded, leaned slightly, picked up the memory card on the table, and revealed a black deep ditch and looming beauty in front of Xiao ran, and then turned and left. But Xiao ran didn't notice the attractive spring light, holding his head and thinking quietly.

Not long later, the knock on the door sounded again. As the female secretary appeared again, she also followed a young man wearing ZAFT army red clothes and long orange hair. The man followed the secretary until he entered the office and motioned the female secretary to leave. The man saluted Xiao ran straightly.

"ZAFT army faith Heine westenvlus has met your excellency."

At the first sight of seeing the young man, Xiao ran recognized the man. It was haine who drove the orange tiger in the original plot, but was hit by free Gunda, and then cut by Stella's Gaia Gunda. If Heine didn't die in the war, he might be able to see the scene of Heine driving the orange fate up to the battle in the subsequent plot, but all this is not if. In the original plot, there was no orange fate because of Heine's death, but now Stella has joined AUB and asked for phantom pain control, Whether you can see the orange destiny that exists in the setting has become unknown.

Xiao ran looked up and down at Heine. Indeed, as in the original plot, he was a beautiful man with sunny temperament. However, Xiao ran was a normal man. Naturally, the focus of observation would not be on Heine's appearance. After looking at each other, he nodded slightly: "Heine, isn't there anything else you want to tell speaker dilandal besides asking you to bring this letter?"

Heine nodded and said, "the speaker asked me to tell you that it's urgent and you must hurry up, and you must be careful not to let the things stored in the data leak out, so as not to have a bad impact on you. In addition, the speaker asked me to follow your arrangement during my stay in AUB."

"I see. Thank you for sending these things thousands of miles away." Xiao ran smiled and said: "I'll ask someone to contact ZAFT to determine the past time. You'll relax in Aubrey these two days. Now Aubrey is the only place not affected by the war. I'll ask someone to take you to have a good look in Aubrey. When I make arrangements, you'll start with us."

Heine nodded solemnly. You know, Heine usually likes to talk, joke, and doesn't like the serious relationship between superiors and subordinates, so it's very difficult to keep him so serious.

After Xiao ran asked someone to entertain Heine for these two days, Xiao ran looked at Heine's back after he left with the secretary. He also narrowed his eyes slightly and touched his chin with his hand. Xiao ran expressed some curiosity about what kind of road the pilot driving the second destiny GAODA would take after the fate was changed in dilandar's plan.

Among the four strongest bodies of Gundam SEED-D, the fate of Gundam, the only one in the plural, really makes people feel quite curious.

However, now all countries are in the stage of arms race. After continuing to increase investment in technology and capital, the number and performance of the next fate may be different from the original plot, and what it will become is not a good thing for AUB.

Originally, ZAFT was preparing to set up a multi-functional MS special force based on fate GAODA. Even its name has been decided to be called the terminal force, but this force did not appear in the original plot. In addition to the difficulty in the construction of fate GAODA, perhaps the lack of pilots is also one of the reasons, but now all countries are engaged in an arms race, AUB An ace force was set up to catch up, and it was carried forward. The force was built into a large team composed of Ace Pilots and special airframes, which became the goal of catching up with United and ZAFT.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the terminal force that did not originally appear is likely to really appear. However, if Xiao ran can dig up several pilots in the terminal force of MS special force, which is prepared to be established by dirandar with fate as the main force, it must not only become a threat to AUB, but also become AUB's help and help It will also make dylandar feel secretly hurt.

However, Xiao ran just wanted to think about it. Xiao ran was not sure to dig Heine over. Zhenhe and Lei, both of them, were because they had their concerns and weaknesses in Aubrey. Otherwise, how could they simply plot against them, especially Lei, who was taken care of by dilandar.

Although Xiao ran agreed to dirandal's invitation, he did not intend to go there in person. As a leader of a country, especially the leader of a neutral country, Xiao Ran is not suitable to appear in the sphere of influence of ZAFT, and on the contrary, it is normal for dirandal to appear in AUB. After all, AUB is a neutral country, even if it is in a state of hostility with the United Nations, it really needs to be When the united people come, Xiao ran will also open the door to welcome them.

Therefore, even in the past, the following people can only go to dilandar, and no leader is more suitable than bajilulu, the commander of the silver hand. Since logos and librarians are involved, it is natural that the silver hand existed for logos and librarians at the beginning of its establishment. Even ZAFT knows that Cloth is investigating librarians. There is no reason why the United Party will not know.

Therefore, even if the silver hand is so powerful, a team with a larger organizational scale than the general ace force in the past, at most, will cause the joint suspicion and fear, but it will not let the joint really determine that AUB must be an alliance with ZAFT. At the same time, it is impossible for Xiao ran to let the silver hand pass without saying a word. This may cause misunderstanding, and some Preliminary arrangements and announcements will also be made at the same time.