Chapter 772

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
In the evening, the wedding reception originally held for Carrie and Yola SELAN was held as usual, but Carrie was taken away by free Gunda. The whereabouts of Yola SELAN and his old man were unknown. Yola SELAN and his old man, together with a large number of cabinet officials who were originally AUB, and all the officers were detained in the cell, so the reception turned into a cheery welcome reception, It is also the place where Xiao ran expressed his apology to those delegations that were shocked today.

Among them, the neutral small countries that have always been attached to the third force under AUB are the most happy. They are also neutral countries like AUB, but they are also forced to join the so-called world security alliance because of their joint hegemony. However, their emergence now can change their current situation to a certain extent, Everyone knows that Xiao Ran is not a master who is afraid of fighting, and he really has this strength.

Once AUB took the lead, they followed closely and gathered all the forces together. At this time, the alliance really dare not be calm in the face of the strong military pressure of ZAFT. Some people even see that there may be joint people jumping out to stabilize AUB's mood soon.

In addition to the representatives of these small powers, another happy thing is, of course, the few people sent by plant to congratulate. Although AUB was prepared to join the world security alliance, AUB and plant had a lot of cooperation before, so he did what the old fox dilandal did before he really turned his face, He will still do these etiquette.

Aubrey opposes joining the world security alliance. The representatives of plant are very happy. After all, Aubrey is also the third largest military system, and the world security alliance is still aimed at plant. Now Aubrey's announcement not to join has greatly reduced their pressure. What's more, Xiao Ran is also ready to declare war on the United Nations, which also makes the representatives of plant see the hope of cooperation and bring OBRA into their front.

So throughout the evening, from the beginning to the end of the reception, countless people gathered around Xiao ran, but I also know that today is not the time to say those things, but to surround Xiao ran and say some compliments.

Until the end of the reception, Xiao ran left in a disorderly roar under the protection of a group of guards and temporarily lived in the new residence of Asha's family.

Nowadays, Xiao Ran's guard level is too high. Not only because of Xiao Ran's current status in AUB, but also because of the fact that Xiao ran was kidnapped jointly after he retired two years ago. Many people, whether officials or people, hold a breath in their hearts, which makes his guard level rise to the highest level, so that the same thing will not happen, Of course, this also represents Carrie's being taken away.

There are many people around Xiao ran in any action. The area around the ASHA family residence where he temporarily lives is under full martial law, and the military is directly responsible for it. Although it is unnecessary for Xiao ran, he will not stop the people below from doing so. Today's God AUB is too nervous, except for so many things, Xiao ran didn't want to stir up their nervous nerves again, so he followed their arrangement.

As soon as she entered the strange Asha family's residence and sat down, bajilulu came to Xiao ran with a small electricity. She directly turned on the small computer and reported to Xiao ran while looking at the contents: "Your Excellency, the Mars delegation, the plant delegation and the third neutral force delegation headed by AUB have just made a request to the Ministry of foreign affairs for a formal meeting. I hope we can reply as soon as possible. In addition, the Atlantic Federation, the Eurasian Federation and the East Asian Federation have all proposed to hold talks with adults."

"In addition, except for a few people who have fled, all the members and allies of the SELAN family have been detained, and their final handling results also need you to decide."

"The military also issued a formal statement in the afternoon, which will unconditionally support you, my Lord. At the same time, it has also sent orders to all troops stationed abroad. All troops will return within a month at the latest. The AUB army has fully entered the state of combat readiness, and the selection of excellent pilots will start tomorrow."

"The government and the military need you to arrange and sign the vacancy due to the arrest of the SELAN family and its followers."

A lot of things came out of Bucky's mouth, and Xiao ran took a long breath, sat up straight again, thought about it, and said: "The government and the military personnel supplement, let the cabinet and the national defense headquarters select the appropriate personnel and hand them over to me for signature and confirmation. All the talks are promised to them. The time depends on the arrangement, and the war preparedness must be fully prepared. Let the dawn society immediately start to expand, recover the lost technicians as much as possible, and then start the research and development of the airframe of the ace pilot, I will tell them the specific requirements when the dawn society is ready. "

"In addition, find a place in aubune to establish a post disaster relief camp, and officially start receiving refugees suffering from the war, but normal people or regulators can receive them. Relief materials must be prepared in advance. A press conference will be arranged three days later, and I will be on the stage in person."

"Finally, clean up the seran family's residence and tidy it up. I'll move there to do it. After all, this is the ASHA family's residence. It doesn't matter if I stay for a few days. It's still inappropriate to stay too long."

Bucky Lulu nodded her head as she wrote down Xiao Ran's words. At this time, a housekeeper came in, bowed slightly to Xiao ran, and then said, "Sir, a guest came to visit and hope to see you."

"At this time?" Xiao ran was stunned and asked, "who is it?"

The housekeeper said, "it's the big lady above."

As soon as the housekeeper said, Xiao ran knew who the so-called eldest lady was. Lund Mina sahak, the God of the shadow army of orb, was one of the successors of orthodox orb, the leader of the pillar of heaven and the real advocate of the heretical plan, which was independent of the universe because it was different from the concept of Asha family.

"Why is she here? Will she come to visit me?" Xiao ran was surprised, but still nodded to the housekeeper: "I know. You bring her in."

"Yes, sir." the housekeeper nodded and turned to leave, while Xiao ran also looked at Baji Lulu and said, "just like this. I'll deal with the things I arranged as soon as possible. You go first."

Bucky Lulu also nodded and left. A few minutes later, Xiao ran saw Mina Lund coming in in full dress.

The housekeeper turned and left directly and quietly before taking Mina to Xiao ran, while the God of orb's shadow army Mina stood in front of Xiao ran and looked at Xiao ran so seriously, and Xiao ran also stood up from the sofa and looked at each other.

The long hair goes straight down. Although his face has the unique characteristics and softness of women, Xiao ran can also feel a kind of pride from each other. Seeing him, Xiao ran thought of another man with the same appearance who was impeached and killed by him, Luo and Congyun when he first came to the world. He is also Mina's compatriot brother, Gina.

Xiao ran didn't ask why the other party came, and Mina didn't keep this doubt for too long. She looked at Xiao ran with a faint smile and said slowly: "Unexpectedly, in the end, an outsider will be in charge of AUB, Asha's family, SELAN's family, including my sahak's family, have become your stepping stone. Since the dawn society, you forced my sahak's family to let go of the dawn society, and then they can only succumb to the Royal pillar of heaven."

"Then he won the trust of the former Asha representative and carried out Tuogu. Today, he arrested the last SELAN family and their followers who could threaten your status. It can be said that no one will be your opponent, even if Carrie comes back. As long as you deny his identity, she will never get AUB's rights again."

"You count the whole AUB from top to bottom. In a short time, a teaching assistant in a university who is nothing has taken power twice. AUB is the most popular leader of AUB at present. Your ability is really amazing. AUB established by many aristocratic families, I'm afraid no one would have thought that he would finally fall into the hands of an outsider who is nothing, even you Now you are in control of AUB, but do you know how many aristocratic families really mean to you? How much they hate you who have taken their rights? "

Xiao ran nodded, smiled and said: "First of all, I would like to clarify that I have never had any calculation for AUB. It is also a coincidence that I can get to this step today. In addition, Carrie's departure is their own choice. I have no action here, and the SELAN family's practice is indeed contrary to AUB's idea. As the togu minister represented by Asha, my decision is not at fault."

"As for the people you said hate me and oppose me, I can only take special measures against them under the critical situation facing Aubrey. I believe no one will choose to jump out and touch my bad luck at this time. At that time, even if I let them go, the military and the people will not let them go. But you, who are independent of the pillar of heaven, should be in such a time Come and visit me every now and then. That's what makes me feel strange. "

Mina looked at Xiao ran, leaned forward slightly and said word by word: "I just came to remind you not to bring AUB into danger."