Chapter 709

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The border and Galaxy singer returned to the earth circle again. However, when we sat together again to discuss how to solve the final Earth Federation with the fastest speed, no one asked Shirley Lu about it, and no one pointed out that completing the task with the fastest speed would lead to instability of the people and ultimately unable to obtain the camp territory.

Because everyone knows that Shirley Lu's situation is the most important thing to solve. If Shirley Lu has a problem, even if she gets the camp territory belonging to the world, it is not worth the loss. More importantly, Shirley Lu is their teammate. It is completely worth paying some price for Shirley Lu's integrity.

Whether in terms of feelings or benefits, Shirley Lu is far more important than the camp territory of the world. All the people sat together, and no one took the initiative to speak. They all looked at the slightly tired desolation sitting on the throne, but their hearts had determined what they had to do next, that is, fight, fight.

Finally, Xiao Ran's mouth moved a few times, and his voice seemed a little hoarse: "I have only one request to complete the task as quickly as possible, without folding the means and regardless of the consequences."

The crowd nodded, and ELF stood up and said calmly: "Then the next action arrangement will be made by me. From now on, I will start the ruling strategy of the earth circle. All satellite clusters and gathering points in the universe will be swept by the space army led by Xia ya. On the first premise of ensuring Shirley Lu's safety, there is no need to deliberately worry about recognition and other conditions."

"All rebels, forces and countries will be eliminated from top to bottom until the resistance stops. I will personally convey this order to Xia ya."

"On the earth, under the command of general leibil, he took the lead in occupying Australia, began to spread and clean up from Australia, occupied all the sea areas of the earth, and directly attacked the resistance organizations and forces. At present, he also began to attack the resistance forces in the occupied areas, and then launched a general attack on Asia."

"Before that, the border and galaxy Geji took the lead in attacking the earth army desert base. They can use Med large warheads and large reaction warheads. The time is set after the border intercepts and returns to the transport ship regiment. Once the earth army desert base is destroyed, the remaining enemies will not be worried."


Elf's action arrangement is very simple. He directly takes out the greatest strength to destroy all the rebels, those who are disobedient, those who resist, and those who are obedient and support integration to establish a new federal government. With the current power of integration, especially the two warships of the galaxy singer and the border, he completely destroys the rest of the universe. There is not much power at all The number of neutral countries is also a matter of minutes. Especially after the restrictions on Med bombs and large reaction bombs have been completely lifted, no enemy can stop in front of integration.

However, Xiao ran also tapped the table gently after hearing the arrangement of Al elf. Xiao Ran's heart is still softer than Al ELF's indifference to strangers, irrelevant and people in the way.

"It's done according to the arrangement of Al elf. It has been prepared for a long time before, but to start the attack in an all-round way, we must also make some pre war preparations. From now on to 24 hours, let the integrated government, the moon try every means to let neutral countries join the integrated government, and the rebel organizations willing to surrender and join the integrated government also fully accept it, 24 hours Then start acting. "

After deciding the development direction, they left directly. The border took the skeleton team on the journey again. They will continue to go to the universe to find and intercept the transport ship group that had left before. This trip will take at least ten days, while kruze and bassac took the ace pilots who had not been used in case The universe and the earth joined the action of the earth and the universe. Xia Ya also began to gather the fleet in the universe with Al elf to prepare for the colonial satellites.

In the next 24 hours, the whole world became tense and urgent. The unified government and the moon sent an invitation like the whole earth circle at the same time. It is better to say that it is an invitation than an ultimatum. Let all neutral forces, or the former anti earth army, anti Jiong army, or the current anti unified army, join the family of the unified government and be public It has imposed a series of very reasonable conditions, but it has also clearly set out the restrictions on joining the integrated government.

For example, there is no such reasonable requirement as the dissolution of all the armed forces of the army, but there are also some quite favorable conditions. After all, Xiao ran originally planned to make a camp territory in the world. Although some problems occurred in Shirley Lu, these conditions were all formulated before, even the new Jiong who joined first The sample must be bound by the provisions.

Not long after the announcement was issued, the first group of forces or organizations announced to join the integrated army. After all, the announcement issued by the integrated government made it very clear that in order to ensure the peace of the earth circle in the future, all individuals, organizations, forces and countries who refuse to join the integrated government will be divided into peaceful unstable factors and eliminated.

Especially after releasing the battle records of reaction bombs and med bombs used against the federal fleet and the records of eliminating the giant gods, many leaders of forces have been honest, even including a large number of senior federal officials.

The aksis, which they regarded as the last turning power, has disappeared, and the giant God has been destroyed. The hope that finally appeared has been destroyed, which has also led to another turmoil in the Federation. In addition, the conditions of the integration government are quite good. Even if they join the integration, they will not cause damage to their property and ensure their property safety, At most, if you don't pass the examination, you can't continue to be an official. As long as you are honest and obedient, there will be no danger at all.

Compared with the life and property of a family, the latter is of course more attractive. In just 24 hours, countless people contacted the integration government through various ways, and senior federal officials sold all the secrets of the desert base.

However, those who are willing to join will naturally resist. They also made a statement of resistance to the end. However, Xiao ran did not have time and energy to continue to waste on such people this time. As soon as the last time of 24 hours arrived, countless shadows appeared in the sky of Australia, and countless MS and shells fell from the sky, starting the occupation of Australia.

In the universe, Xia Ya also led the fleet to a cosmic gathering point of the intelligence Federation.

The war in all aspects of the earth and the universe has made the earth circle lively again, but with the pace of the integrated army, which has occupied 80% of the whole earth circle, all the roadblocks have been easily and completely destroyed, and the fast shadow heretical forces have played a great role in the all-round war, The sabotage behind the enemy has repeatedly made great achievements, so that all the resistance forces can't organize a little useful defense line at all.

Under such circumstances, it took only three days to integrate and occupy all parts of Australia. When the army forces officially entered, they not only started the post-war rescue work and distributed countless materials, but also posted countless permanent and effective reward lists. Under the leadership of the reward recipients, they destroyed one secret stronghold after another and the resistance forces, It has also begun its full occupation of the sea.

Even in Asia, where the Federation has the strongest control, some regions and countries have also raised the banner of resisting the Federation and willingly joined the integration government, so that the integration can occupy more federal territory without effort. Satellites and colonies in the universe fall under the integration fleet composed of the original Federation and xinjiong, Greatly accelerated the progress of their task.

Until the border guarded the return of a transport ship regiment and rejoined the war. With the confidential information of senior federal officials who were judged to escape, the galaxy Geji and the border completely mastered any fort in the federal desert base, any gate hidden under the desert, the accurate coordinates of the channel, and the complete drawings of the desert base.

With the help of these intelligence, the border and the galaxy singer directly began the attack on the desert base, but this time Xiaoran did not show mercy again. He has shown mercy too many times and gave these people too many opportunities to choose, but those federal officials and soldiers who still insisted on resistance ignored his kindness, Regardless of whether they are willing to fight for the union, even if they are soft hearted, they can only be cruel at this time.

Xiao ran did not let the galaxy singer and the border directly descend to attack. Even with the most detailed defense layout, he chose a more direct, more violent and inflexible method. With the cooperation of the cosmic fleet, he pushed an asteroid through strict calculation and measurement into the desert.

No matter how deep the base is hidden, even if the fall of this asteroid can not make the federal base suffer a devastating blow, it can also destroy all defense means close to the ground, decisive, direct and wide. Until the asteroid landing caused the first wave of attack and destroyed the defense measures, the galaxy Geji and the border will start the second wave of attack on the base, but only these two warships will participate in this operation in order to burn the Federation.

After Xiao ran personally ordered the asteroid to be launched, he felt a wonderful feeling when he looked at the asteroid flying to the earth driven by the scrapping unmanned warship.

"Unexpectedly, I also threw garbage on the earth one day. Although I wanted to do so for a long time, it felt really wonderful."