Chapter 597

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Xiao Ran is willing to participate in the Odyssey battle not only because of the requirements of the main task, but also because the main task 3 is not only limited to the participants to complete in the Odyssey battle, but also can sneak attack the military facilities of the Federation and Jiong a little after the task is released.

The reason why Xiao ran participated in this battle is that Xiao ran wants to gradually establish his own reputation and honor among the earth federal army, and finally turn it into the support and trust of the federal army soldiers, so that he can quickly gather a group of supporters with combat effectiveness after the promulgation of the original Constitution and the complete opposition to the earth federal army, Even if these supporters may only be soldiers at the bottom, the blow to the Earth Federation will be huge.

The Federation's Odyssey battle plan may be confidential, but such a large-scale troop mobilization can't hide from Jiong, not to mention the role that the spies placed by both sides can play. Even if they don't know the real content of Odyssey battle, the attack target of the earth federation can be completely determined, and Jiong is also ready for battle.

The time is getting closer and closer to the battle time. Before the sun rises, the first shot of the battle is fired on the battlefield. The gunfire initiated by the earth federation is immediately hit back by Jiong. The fire of the battle will be still in the dark sky, and the lights will be bright in an instant. At the beginning of the battle, The war, in which more than five million people were invested by both sides, showed an extremely adhesive situation, and the situation of tug of war had appeared from the beginning.

Both the Federation and Jiong are completely surrounded by gunfire. With only one roar, each tank has completely turned into a piece of burning scrap metal. The bright fire snakes that flash away in the sky are like countless meteors sweeping through the universe because of too many.

In the early stage of the battle, when the Earth Federation did not invest in a few Jim that can be used at present, it completely relied on the lives of soldiers such as anti MS guns to fight against Jiong with MS and solid defense facilities, even if the Earth Federation invested more than 4 million people in the battle, Ji Weng, who had only a quarter of his troops in the confrontation, was suppressed to a point where he could not advance inch by inch.

The overall quality of the troops invested by Jiong is also much higher than that in the original plot. Some people who should have died in AMRO's hands and those who should have died in the confrontation with the white fortress are all safe and sound at this time. Lamba Lars and the black triple star appeared in this battle, Even Xia ya, who should not have appeared in this battle, also appeared here.

Without the control of the white fortress, Xia Ya will not be driven out of Jiong by Kalma's death. As one of Jiong's Ace Pilots, it is natural for Xia ya to appear in such a general battle of millions of people.

Karma zabi, who should have died, also appeared here and became the top commander of Jiong. In order to protect the young son of the zabi family, it may also mean to let karma, who has no dazzling achievements, once again establish the prestige and honor of the zabi family. Therefore, it can be said that the number of MS invested by Jiong is much more than that in the original plot.

The battle began in the early morning and lasted until the sun rose. Xiao ran and his team members, those participants who did not know the situation, had been in the camp behind the battlefield, looking at the distant sky and hearing the endless roar of gunfire. Some of the new participants also felt a kind of pressure brought by the whole world in the battle this night. Some people began to frown, others showed worried expressions, and only a few people remained calm, indifferent and confident.

Until this time, the federal MS in the station finally started, took steps in the sound of alarm and the shouting of countless people, and walked steadily towards the battlefield in front of the desert step by step. In the whole station, all Jim add up to less than 20. Based on the number of MS in this station, the number of Jim produced by the Earth Federation may be only a small number. In such a large-scale battle, Every small battlefield may be allocated only about 20 units. It depends more on the huge number of soldiers, tanks and aircraft to pile up the victory with their lives.

At this time, Xiao ran noticed that several people in the small camp specially prepared for them began to set off, got up and went to the direction of the transport plane. After seeing these figures who left unexpectedly, Xiao ran narrowed his eyes, nodded slightly, and turned his head to look at Ozma not far away.

Ozma also stood up after stretching lazily, made an OK gesture in the bleak direction, and followed them slowly. As the coach of new participants, Ozma, who taught them to learn mecha driving technology, naturally did not know the learning ability and potential of these participants, but she was also quite clear, It can be seen from the usual behavior and personality habits of these participants whether a person has the potential to become a qualified soldier.

According to Xiao Ran's requirements, it was one of his tasks to select some potential people and invite them to join the Legion. During this period, Ozma and others have been observing these participants, brushing off a batch and leaving a batch. One night, Ozma finally marked the results for these new participants, Qualified or unqualified.

This group of people who can decide to go to the transport aircraft for combat preparation at the beginning of the friendly army attack is less than five, but it is the first batch of qualified people among so many participants. These people are calm or visionary. Of course, they do not send people who want to make more preparations because of tension. No matter what, these people have also passed Ozma's assessment.

Ozma followed the past naturally to invite these new participants. Although the remaining new participants missed this opportunity, it does not mean that all assessments have been completed. If there is something remarkable in the subsequent actions, With a steelyard in mind, Ozma will naturally invite those who have passed the previous training.

A few hours later, a hurried step came from Xiao Ran's ear when she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. She opened her eyes and looked at the direction of the sound. Xiao ran also stood up from the chair with a faint smile and directly walked out of the shelter. At this time, all the remaining new participants stood up, Both eyes were fixed on a paper document held by the visitor.

Ozma, who doesn't know when he has returned, and elf, who has been staying in the camp to observe the remaining new participants except his own, have also selected the second batch of qualified people who can join the Legion, including those who can adjust their state smoothly in one night, It also includes people with large nerves who don't show blood and battle * * until the battle is about to begin.

Soon these people will also receive invitations from elf and Ozma and become one of the members who need to be taken care of in the battle.

The hurried man stopped in front of Xiao ran, saluted Xiao ran, and then handed out his file bag with both hands: "major, this is an attack order."

Xiao ran nodded, took the document in the captain's hand, opened it directly without taboo, hung a range again after seeing the content above, nodded and said, "I know, attack immediately."

The captain nodded and left. Elf also came to Xiao ran and took the attack command Xiao ran gave him: "Order the heretical brigade of the special MS force to attack immediately and be sure to arrive in the operation area before 1130. According to the battlefield report, the Jiong special force known as the black triple star appears in the battlefield. It is necessary to rescue the besieged friendly forces before 1230 and break the Jiong army defense line in the target area as much as possible."

After reading a lot of unimportant words in the attack order, elf briefly repeated the attack order according to his own understanding. After that, he couldn't help shaking his head: "Even in this kind of battle, the attack order can not be simple and direct. Don't you know that so many irrelevant words are likely to cause the front-line soldiers to misunderstand the order."

Xiao ran smiled: "that's right. Even if the action fails, it can give those superior friends a chance to shirk their responsibilities, can't it?"

"Oh," said Al elf with a rare sneer, and an ironic look in his eyes that was hard to see except calm. After folding the attack order, he said, "this battle should be a test of our combat power by the Earth Federation. Whether it is strong or not, the final result will be good or bad."

"It doesn't matter. Just fight with all your strength. If you don't kill people, don't kill people. You should also prevent other people of the federal army from killing prisoners. The Chion army we defeated today will be our soldiers soon." Xiao ran patted al elf on the shoulder, looked up at the sky and said: "If we are strong enough, we will feel invincible. Whether it is for Jiong or the Federation, once this invincible is erected, it will be more beneficial to us."

"At the same time, it can also let M1 heresy really enter the sight of the Earth Federation, give up the existing Jim and purchase our M1 heresy. On the one hand, it can delay the speed of the Earth Federation MS army, and on the other hand, it can also let them pay for the production of our own body, and finally steal the chicken without eroding the rice."

"Even if the earth federation is afraid of us, do we have to worry?"