Chapter 504

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Luo can drive his own red heresy, harass him with long-range weapons when bassac fights with others in a mobile fighting conference, and even directly break the other party's cockpit to let bassac win.

He can play a game with the other party when bassac starts a war with the other party, and then let bassac go up to solve the other party and win.

Luo can even poison, dig traps, bury nuclear bombs and other means to let bassac win in a row, because it is not stated in the task that he can't do so.

In the second stage of the mission, participants like bassac will certainly abide by the rules of the mobile fighting conference than Gundam fighters who adhere to the rules most in the world. For example, Domon, the protagonist of the world, and every participant in the battle will definitely be the most perfect gentleman. Of course, this is also under normal circumstances, Who has noticed this.

When the task subject can only abide by the rules and rely on his own strength to complete the task, but the assistance of the task can help the subject to complete the task by taking various means, then the task subject will no longer be the real focus, and this focus has become dominated by off-site duels when the task is released.

The reckless bassac didn't realize that the veterans who experienced the eighth task didn't notice this problem, let alone that the upright Luo just participated in his first formal task, and it was even less likely to notice the pit buried by Prometheus.

Among the two people, a newcomer and a crazy soldier with a little brain began their career of mobile fighting conference and continued to stay in the city for two days. Luo finally disassembled the all-weather screen man-machine integrated system. This disassembly is not a second disassembly of skills, but a little decomposition and analysis based on his own ability and technology, And draw the corresponding things on the drawings. Before fully understanding the man-machine integrated system of the all-weather screen, almost complete drawings have been drawn, and even corresponding data have been marked in many places.

In addition, in addition to the man-machine integrated system, the skeleton of the body has also been analyzed by Luo. Compared with the refinement of the man-machine integrated system, there are not so many places to pay attention to in the skeleton.

What's more, although the body skeleton of this world is slightly different from that of other worlds and can be as flexible as people, in the GAODA seed world, GAODA's skeleton is also recognized as flexible and movable. Therefore, although there are differences, the general places are basically interlinked. As long as the subtle structure of the body skeleton of this world is analyzed, To Luo, it's only a matter of time before it is completely imitated.

What Luo really doesn't understand is the energy structure of the world, which is a new technology that he has never been exposed to. In addition, there are some components and parts that have special functions all over the body, but he doesn't know what they do at present.

For a waste recycler, it is a good character to dismantle it if you don't understand it, so when bassac found a huge suspended truck, all the problems were solved.

All the incomprehensible things were disassembled and thrown into the container of the huge suspended truck. The truck is very large. Anyway, in Luo's opinion, the truck is completely wide and can fit the two bodies side by side. There is still space. It is also similar in length, and it is suspended, and the terrain can be basically ignored, Only after transferring the disassembled parts into the cargo box of the truck did Luo find that the truck was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

However, if Luo knew that there was no such a big truck in the city, even if the truck came to the city because he ordered the ragged Gundam and was finally bought directly by bassac with gold, he might sigh.

They prepared some things to use in the city, and drove the huge truck slowly away from the city where they had stayed for a short time. After leaving the city, they also had a few more lively friends in their team, rolling around in the cargo box of the truck with a round body, Or take a wire out of your body and connect it to something to crack it.

In the cargo compartment, which was almost empty, there were two more huge bodies lying side by side. It was xiaoqiba equipped with disaster generating Taidao and red heresy equipped with red dragon.

After they left the city and went to a place where there was no one, they released the two bodies that had been in their respective storage racks with the help of the haze and gloomy sky. Of course, along with those halos stuffed in the cockpit, now with such a truck as a stronghold for the two to move, these halos also have a place to stay, It can not only drive the huge truck, but also help Luo analyze the disassembled things as soon as possible.

After all, even if Luo is good at technology, there will still be a gap between the human brain and the computer.

They moved forward all the way and bypassed all the cities on the way as much as possible. Even if they wanted to enter the city, they would park the truck far away, leave one person on the car and let only one person go to the city for procurement. This practice was also mentioned by Barsac, that is, to avoid contact with other participants at this time.

After all, they don't know how many participants are distributed in the world. Otherwise, once they meet, there are no rules that restrict them from attacking other participants before the mobile fighting conference starts, so it's also a very troublesome thing to be entangled by the participants.

Luo and bassac have a long journey. It's a small thing to climb mountains and cross the sea. If they can't find any clues, they can only find Dongfang unbeaten according to Xiao ran. As for the second stage of the task, there is no time limit anyway. Bassac has considerable experience in this.

And knowing that Oriental invincibility can be said to be the strongest in the world, with such a powerful force as dismantling the machine empty handed, bassac's idea of the main task is really not as urgent as wanting to see Oriental invincibility. For Luo Lai, listening to Xiao Ran's words and learning from the East invincible is as important as the task, but how to worship the teacher, whether Luo or bassac, also clearly remember the two words Xiao ran said.

"Hot blood!"