Chapter 399

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
When the shuttle took off directly from the ground with a huge roar, as soon as it raised its head and sailed towards the universe according to a certain track, several deformable fighters were closely protected, while more deformable fighters with the logo of the ship regiment defense force "followed" in the rear. Under such circumstances, it quickly rushed into the universe.

In the cockpit of the shuttle, Xiao ran held a gun against the pilot's temple, and most of the soldiers in the whole shuttle were replaced by those from the ship regiment, but the pilot alone could not change it, because Xiao ran didn't know what kind of contact mode the shuttle had with the unification and army, and whether there was any contact code to determine the identity, That's why the pilot will stay.

Xiao Ran's muzzle was against each other's head, but the promise made in his mouth made the pilot tangle in fear. His hands were tightly held on the operating rod of the shuttle, and cold sweat came out on his forehead.

"As long as we can safely enter the Mars class warship, I can guarantee you a lot of money, so that you can spend more money in this life, the next life, and even the next life. In addition to money, we can let you change your name and send you to another ship group and planet to live. You can imagine that with so much money, you can live what you want comfortably All life, women, wine and enjoyment are no longer a problem for you. "

"If you refuse, I think you can guess the consequences. I will find someone else to take over your job and take over the happy life that should have been given to you."

The driver is only twenty-five or six years old, and he is still young. There has been no war on the earth for a long time, which also leads to the fact that these young soldiers have no iron blood and so-called loyalty. The muzzle of the gun on their head and the promise spoken out are like ice and heat hitting the driver's heart, I couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

There seems to be no comparability between death and or enjoyment. The driver nodded hard and said in a nervous tone, "I... i... I know, I'll do it well."

Xiao ran smiled: "smart choice, don't worry. What I said counts. You should also know that it's not a problem to turn an ordinary person into a rich man with the power of a boat group, is it?"

"Yes... Yes." the pilot nodded, as if because he had made up his mind, and the whole person was calm. He slightly tilted his head and looked at: "I'm going to contact the warship now. Can you stand next to it? Otherwise, you will attract their attention if you appear in the video communication."

Xiao ran removed the muzzle from the driver's head and went directly to a place that could not be seen during video communication. He grabbed the long handrail on his head with one hand and looked at each other faintly.

When the pilot saw Xiao ran go away, he took two deep breaths and put his headphones on his head. While operating the shuttle, he also contacted the macro class warship in confrontation with the ship regiment defense force.

"Home, the guests have arrived. Please be ready to pick up the plane. In addition, the old man is injured. Please let the medical staff be ready."

"Home received. The pick-up troops have been informed to pick up. They will stop the people who send the plane. Please enter genaku directly."

"Received." the pilot turned off the communication and collapsed on the chair. Looking at the bleak eyes, he was also full of expectation: "I have done as you said, and I told them that if the old man was injured, there should be a senior commander of the warship coming to gnaku in person, and there won't be too much defense."

"Well done." Xiao ran smiled with satisfaction, patted the driver on the shoulder and said, "you can rest assured that I will definitely do what I promised you. No matter what happens later, either stay in the shuttle and don't go anywhere, then follow me closely."

The shuttle flew by the side of the defense forces of the regiment. Originally, more than a dozen fighters flew in the direction of the shuttle to intercept the shuttle, but the defense forces' deformable fighters that began to "follow" from the planet behind stopped their comrades in arms at a faster speed, and watched the shuttle Xiaoran flew into the protection of the earth system and military fighters, Quickly flew to the other party's macro class warship.

Xiao ran in the cockpit looked closer and closer to the Mars class warship, and his heart could not help but accelerate. After tightening his pistol, he took a gentle breath and walked out of the cockpit. Outside the cockpit was the cockpit of the shuttle. Both the upper and the aisle were crowded with soldiers belonging to the ship regiment defense army. Every soldier looked at Xiao ran with enthusiasm, Every soldier clenched his weapon, and every soldier was ready to attack or die.

Xiao ran looked at the soldiers, didn't say too many emotional words, but simply said: "believe in yourself, believe that we can succeed."

"Yes!" the shuttle remembered the cry with one voice, and the earth unification and army officers led by George, who were taken hostage, looked a little ugly and pale.

Finally, the shuttle slowly entered the cabin door opened by the macro class gnaku. Several fighters protecting the shuttle also filed in and landed on the deck of gnaku. Xiao ran returned to the cockpit and saw the doctors and nurses gathered in this gnaku, either in Tonghe military uniforms or in white coats through the cockpit screen.

The pilot thought that since they had been betrayed, it would be better to sell them completely and directly point out the identity of those officers to Xiao ran: "the man in the middle is the captain of the warship, and there are the old man's life officer and vice captain. Basically, all the high-level officers of the warship are here."

"Open the hatch at the same time." Xiao ran patted the pilot on the shoulder again, walked out of the cockpit, lifted George up, put a gun against George's waist, pushed George towards opening the hatch, and ordered the soldiers: "take all people as hostages and pay attention to the surrounding situation. No one can fire without my order."

Originally, when the gate was opened, the medical staff on the warship had already run towards the cabin door with a cart, but without climbing the stairs of the shuttle, they saw the man who should have stayed in the shuttle because of injury and waited for their rescue, but appeared in front of the shuttle cabin door with a gloomy face.

"General George?" the leading medical staff looked at George in amazement, but found that there seemed to be another person behind the bald general, and it was this figure who stretched out his hand and pressed on their officer's shoulder, slowly pushed General George forward, and revealed his body at the same time.

This is a man with black hair and a white mask on his face. People can't see his age at all, and this is a man who doesn't belong to them at all.

At this time, everyone reacted that the situation was wrong. The medical staff began to retreat slowly, but some soldiers met them, or stood or squatted on the ground, raised their weapons and aimed at the place that was exposed behind George, but no one put his hand on the trigger.

With the appearance of General George and Xiao ran, more people came down from the shuttle. Often two soldiers escorted an officer down from the shuttle. After all the officers were taken off the shuttle, more heavily armed soldiers quickly ran out of the shuttle and also raised their guns and aimed at the people who raised their guns opposite.

But this was not over. The deformed fighters that followed the shuttle into the hangar also became guardians in an instant. Their footsteps moved on the deck and made a loud bang. Finally, they protected Xiao ran from the 25th ship regiment, and aimed the huge green gun at a series of officers including the captain and vice captain.

When the ferocious bird came out of the shuttle's cargo cabin and made a greater sound in the whole hangar, the invisible shadow of the mirage system also appeared in everyone's eyes. After the ferocious bird smashed the cockpit of several fighters directly with his fist, the whole hangar fell into a strange silence and silence.