Chapter 370

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Xiao ran said two words without hesitation, which stunned kruze. After laughing, he asked, "do you believe me?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't believe it, but even without your method, I have a way to destroy genesis, as long as I can let one of the two bodies of justice and freedom explode within genesis." Xiao ran answered again without looking back. These two words also made Cruze's mouth turn up, but Xiao ran said: "But I can save you. I'm not lying to you. Your disease is not a problem for me at all. You think your genes bring you only endless pain, but your genes also bring you excellent talent. Although you are not an adjuster, you are actually stronger and more capable than many adjusters."

"I know a lot about you. Besides you, there is another child who is facing the same situation as you. His name is Lei, isn't it?" Xiao ran said slowly. He also operated the black eagle to shuttle through countless cosmic garbage and quickly rush towards the direction of creation: "Have you delivered him to dylandar? I don't know if you care about the boy named ray, but I can also save him."

Cruze clapped his hands and said in a surprised tone, "I really didn't expect you to know me so well. Even ray and dilandal were investigated. It seems that it's really what you said. I'm in your calculation from beginning to end. It's my misfortune to have an opponent like you."

"Ha ha." Xiao ran smiled and looked at genesis in front of him. He also found that the three high-end heretics were fighting with a purple and black body, and each body of the three heretics was more or less damaged, while the body fighting with the three heretics was as intact as if it had not been injured at all.

Cruze looked at the body on the screen and said: "Reborn Gundam, no matter how many times it has been damaged, it can recover completely unharmed through the replacement of parts. I'm afraid the three bodies have been at war with reborn Gundam for a long time. The one you broke before is just a product of parts. This time you met the Lord and don't need to help them?"

Xiao ran glanced at the screen and gently shook his head: "no, I believe they can break the body. Can you tell me where you are behind genesis?"

"Back," cluze said innocently, leaning against his back: "There is a safety gate. Once it is pulled down, the power supply to Genesis will be interrupted, and all protection and guidance will be forcibly stopped. At most, it will explode due to the forced interruption of protection in ten seconds. I wanted to use it at a critical time. At that time, if there was no Genesis deterrence, it would be impossible for plant to parry the earth army's nuclear bomb, but What a pity. "

"Really." Xiao ran directly drove the black hawk to a turn and began to move forward at a high speed around the huge genesis. The genesis defense force Xiao ran met on the road did not care. He pushed forward at full speed and could completely leave the oncoming MS behind in the blink of an eye. However, he circled from the front to the rear of Genesis in more than ten seconds, and found the so-called safety gate under the instruction of kruze 。

The safety gate is exposed after opening an armor plate. It seems that it has been camouflaged. As a result, it can't see any difference from the original when the armor plate is in. Even there is no warning sign next to the gate, just like a common gate with unknown function, but the gate can't be pulled by manpower MS is required to operate.

Cruze said to Xiao ran with his mouth tilted: "pull down the gate and everything will be over."

"If you want to live, don't lie to me at last. Even if Genesis will explode at the moment I pull down the gate, I can guarantee that I will be fine." after Xiao ran glanced at kruze, the full frequency broadcast sent a message: "Inform the earth army, ZAFT, I'm the supreme commander of the AUB joint army and the pilot of shengdungaoda. I officially announce to you that Genesis will start the self explosion system in ten seconds. Please leave the self explosion range of Genesis immediately."

"At the same time, I warn all the ZAFT army and the earth army to cease fire immediately and evacuate from the combat area. Otherwise, I will regard anyone who does not cease fire as the criminal root of deliberately starting a war. No matter where you escape, I will pursue you until you die! But in the process of pursuing and killing, I may cause accidental injury to other people, accidental killing, and even treat the same model as an enemy My attack target, in order to avoid accidental injury, please retreat immediately if you don't want to fight, so as not to be affected. "

"I now order all AUB officers and soldiers to kill directly once they find any non ceasefire bodies and warships!"

Xiao ran released the communication button, and kluzer clapped his hand again and said in praise: "it's very brave of you to say such words."

Xiao ran smiled with disdain: "just say it casually. It's a big deal to throw something more terrible than a nuclear bomb next time. Just let everyone see the consequences of violating me."

At the same time, the ZAFT army also received the evacuation order issued by the ZAFT command, and the ZAFT command also issued a request for the earth army to cease fire.

Perhaps because he had received orders from his own side, when Xiao ran was operating the black eagle to pull down the gate, the earth army and ZAFT fighting in front of Genesis had retreated from both directions. Within a few seconds, Xiao ran found that the whole beginning of Genesis vibrated, as if it was caused by the explosion of the internal structure, He raised his eyebrows. While operating the black eagle to release the gate, he also used the skill waste recycler again.

"Whether to consume 80000 war achievements and recover the moderately damaged mobile fortress gun, genesis."

"Sure." a smile appeared on Xiao Ran's face. As soon as he pulled the joystick and lifted his left hand, the Black Hawk suddenly changed into a fighter form. The thrusters were all bright and left quickly with a long wake.

"You have recovered the mobile fortress gun, genesis. This item is a whole and cannot be decomposed."

"Mobile fortress gun Genesis: the external armor is intact, the defense system is intact, the weapon system is seriously damaged, the integrity is 20%, the energy system is damaged, the integrity is 30%, the propeller module is intact, the control system is seriously damaged, the integrity is 30%, and the main structure is damaged, the integrity is 60%. It can be repaired."

"Because you use skills, the recycled items will disintegrate and explode in a minute."

Hearing the last promotion, Xiao ran immediately pushed his left hand forward again, stepped on the foot pedal at the same time, lifted the speed limit of the Black Hawk, and gently reminded the back: "I'm going to accelerate, hold on."

The speed of the Black Hawk, who lifted the speed limit, doubled again, directly pressed Cruze on the chair and couldn't understand. Even breathing became a little difficult. Fortunately, the Black Hawk cockpit had a good decompression effect in this regard. Although Cruze had some breathing difficulties, there was nothing wrong.

It took Xiao ran more than ten seconds to circle from the front to the rear, but it only took a few seconds to return from the rear to the front again. It happened that the three heretics were making a tacit continuous attack on the reborn GAODA. Xiao Ran's eyes moved and directly used a quick lock on the reborn GAODA. Suddenly, three beams of light gushed out of the black eagle's weapons, Across a long distance, he rubbed around the dark heretic GAODA, crossed through the open gap of the blue heresy, and finally hit the reborn GAODA's head and shoulders on both sides.

The sudden attack of the Black Hawk made the rebirth GAODA's pilot not respond at all. While his head and shoulder burst, he was also stabbed by the blue heretic tactical composite uniform from the waist. While rebirth GAODA quickly separated, the dark heresy also appeared in front of the separated half of rebirth GAODA, and two solid short swords stabbed directly into rebirth GAODA's upper body, After taking back the double knives, he turned around and began to evacuate quickly.

Only the red heresy driven by Luo stopped for a few seconds and hugged the rebirth of only one wreckage. GAODA's cockpit quickly followed behind the dark heresy

A minute later, with the explosion of Genesis, the battle between the earth army and the ZAFT army finally subsided completely. The huge light ball exploded by Genesis is like a signal to stop the war. No one is raising their weapons, and no one wants to attack anyone. All people on the battlefield are celebrating the end of the war and mourning for the dead.

At this time, Irene kanaba, the house of Parliament of plant, and a series of old Klein faction sent a video communication on the international communication channel at the same time, officially announcing that the earth army had agreed to a ceasefire. Besides the people of plant, an unexpected person stood beside Irene kanaba.

Halbarton, known as the wise general, stood upright beside Irene kanaba in the uniform of the earth Army: "I am halbarton of the eighth fleet. Now I order the earth army to withdraw from the war area immediately and stop this meaningless war. Whether it is the adjuster or the old mankind, we are all part of the world and society. We have suffered too many disasters and sacrificed too many people. We can't let this disaster and pain continue. I call on you All people should immediately rescue those who were injured or lost contact in the battle. "

General halbarton's words fell. Irene kanaba also ordered the ZAFT army to clean and rescue the battlefield. Both sides began to send personnel to rescue in the battlefield. A large number of yellow coated ships of the waste recycling trade and Industry Association also appeared in the battlefield area. Industrial MS flew out of these ships and joined the rescue work.