Chapter 349

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Xiao ran stayed in Kira's room for about half an hour and enlightened Kira for half an hour. Even after Xiao ran promised Kira to save Frey, he came out of Kira's room.

However, enlightenment is not equal to comfort. The sadness in Kira's heart will not dissipate with Xiao Ran's enlightenment, but just let him recover from his daze. When Xiao ran saw the three people standing outside the door, he just said to lacs: "Lach, I'll leave the rest to you. I think he needs someone like this to comfort him now, not me."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Xiao ran." lacs nodded gently. After Xiao ran let go of the door, she directly entered Kira's room, and Carrie was stopped by Aslan and Xiao ran again. Immediately Carrie puffed up her mouth and looked at Kira fiercely.

"The relationship between you and Kira has a great impact on him. After all, it's not easy to accept who suddenly has a sister." Xiao ran ignored Carrie's fierce eyes and just said, "it's more appropriate to give it to lacs."

"Hum." Carrie hugged her hand and leaned to the beginning, hummed softly, and stopped talking. Aslan smiled gently at Carrie, nodded gently, and said gently, "Mr. Shaw is right. I'll leave it to lacs."

Carrie looked at Aslan a little crazy: "but lacs is not yours... Is she suitable for Kira?"

Aslan shook his head gently and smiled gently at Carrie. "That's the old thing."

Xiao ran looked at them and smiled slightly. He also laughed at Carrie's dull reflection and strong nerves. After saying something lightly, he hurried away: "Carrie, are you dull or stupid? Don't you understand Aslan's obvious feelings for you? I really don't know when I can trust you with everything. Silly girl without Eq."

"Bastard! How dare you scold me!" Carrie was stunned for a moment and began to roar at Xiao ran. But Xiao ran didn't mean to stop at all except seeing Xiao Ran's back away. She couldn't help but let her be discouraged. When Carrie reflected what Xiao ran was talking about, she suddenly turned red, opened her mouth and looked at Aslan foolishly.

"That... That... He... Is he talking nonsense?" Carrie blushed, hurried and looked at a loss, which made Aslan laugh again.

Aslan shook his head gently, directly pulled Carrie into his arms, and gently said to Carrie, "Mr. Xiao ran doesn't talk nonsense."

"Ah!" Carrie exclaimed in surprise, but the next moment she had been blocked by Aslan. She could only give a hesitant voice, and then she gently hugged Aslan.

Xiao ran, who left, sighed faintly: "the feelings of the four little guys are on the right track, but if Frey appears between Kira and lux, it's also a trouble. Although she thought it was very interesting before, she really can't bear to see that the fragile boy is in the same dilemma as me."

Back to the archangel again, just in case, the situation did not appear, but until several hours later, the earth army's fleet led by the archangel also appeared again, making the archangel, the eternal and other warships sound the alarm and fly out of the port at the first time.

On the other side, there was a warship belonging to ZAFT, but it was hanging far away. It didn't join the battle between the joint fleet and the earth army led by Xiao ran, but just looked at it so magnanimously. The other two of the original three warships disappeared without a trace.

On the dawn, Bucky Lulu sat in the captain's position and listened to the report from the person sitting at the head of the ship:

"The enemy fleet launched, Ms troops attacked, the number was 48, and according to the heat source response, the number of short swords was 40." radar monitoring immediately looked up at bakilulu at the captain's position: "the number of disasters was three, the number of interdictions was two, the number of plunders was one, the number of fog thunder was one, and there were two unknown airframes!"

When bakilulu heard the report from the radar monitor, he couldn't help taking a breath: "the earth army has made so many GAODA. Inform all warships that the MS troops spread out quickly after the attack. The M1 heretic forces avoid fighting with special aircraft and focus on saving themselves."

CIC quickly replied, "yes."

"Spread warhead preparation, main gun, bariant preparation, aim at the same type of Archangel."

"The distance from the local fleet is within the range." just after bakilulu's order was issued, the arms control also said quickly: "Captain, the enemy fleet has stopped, and the effective distance from the enemy warship is 20."

As soon as bakilulu's pupil shrinks, the so-called 20 distance is not far in terms of the speed of the warship, but it is not close, but it just blocks the effective range of the dawn and even the archangel's main weapons. Exceeding the effective range will accelerate the beam diffusion speed of the beam weapon and make the beam hit the war with reflective beam coating After the ship, it can not play its due effect. It is either offset or invalid.

If your side is moving forward to a distance of 20, it will make the warship too forward and get involved in the battle of Ms. once your warship advances and the other warship retreats, it will make the entangled friendly warship become a live target of local warships, which can be regarded as putting the archangel, dawn and other warships in an awkward position.

"Inform all warships to stop moving." baki Lulu frowned and issued an order again: "main gun, bariant aimed at the enemy MS force for jamming shooting, and replace all missiles with diffusion warheads. The target position is XXX, XXX."

With bajilulu's order, the four warships led by dawn immediately fired several beams of light and sprayed them into the beam of the enemy's MS force. Under bajilulu's launch order, dozens of war borne diffusion warheads also flew in a certain direction, and more small warheads were fired after exploding.

Seeing that the attack speed of the local MS force was delayed by its own attack and scattered, bakilulu also spoke again: "our MS attack situation."

"Eighty percent has been completed."

"Speed up and inform general Xiao that we must stop the enemy's special body."


Bucky Lulu frowned and looked at the black Archangel on the screen. She asked herself, "who is the other party's commander? Would she know us so well?"