Chapter 320

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
In another part of Auburn Island, Asha held the receiver and listened to the report. After a long time, he sighed slightly: "is that what he said?"

"It doesn't matter. Just do what he said. He said yes. The concept of no power is just rootless duckweed. We have begun to accept the consequences of no power. Since he decided to show the world our power before this, do as he said. Tell him that we will go to the command center before the war tomorrow and look forward to his performance."

After hanging up the receiver, Asha gently closed his eyes, opened his eyes with a slight sigh, and gently nodded to the old friends who were busy together to keep the orb fire.

As time went by, it soon reached 6 a.m. and there were only three hours left before the deadline of the earth army. Although the AUB government issued an asylum order for the first time 40 hours ago, the lack of ships and dense population also made the speed of people's asylum very slow.

But a few hours ago, under the command of Xiao ran, the army went directly to various cities to transport the people taking refuge by warships, which immediately accelerated the evacuation of the people, but many people still stayed in the cities.

At seven o'clock, just after breakfast, the representative of Asha and a series of senior officials and nobles of AUB came to the headquarters.

Thirty minutes later, Xiao ran left the Ministry of national defense and went to the dawn society.

At eight o'clock, the archangel leaves port. Thunder Gundam, storm Gundam, Freedom Gundam, assault Gundam are on standby on the archangel. Aubrey's troops were sent out.

At 8:20, the four aircraft took off directly from the dawn society on Auburn island and stopped directly over the fleet of the earth army scattered on the sea and facing the whole Auburn line, but the earth warship team did not receive any abnormalities, whether radar or any reconnaissance equipment.

At 8:50, both the flagship of the earth army and AUB's headquarters fell into silence and watched the time slowly pass by bit. In terms of the earth army, the MS force has also been ready to attack, the hatches on both sides of the carrier ship have been opened slowly, and the earth army's MS have also been displayed.

At 8:58, sitting in the lightning shield, Xiao ran smiled gently, connected Graham and nalo's communication, and linked the unmanned black eagle that was put into harrow: "It's time. At the scheduled time of 59, Aubrey will launch missiles against the earth warship team, destroy the earth army's warships, MS and fighters as much as possible within one minute, and turn on GN particles to interfere with the earth army's communication. Let's go."



Xiao ran pushed the auxiliary operating lever with his left hand and pulled the left main operating lever forward with his right hand. His feet stepped on the foot pedal at the same time. For a moment, the lightning Holy Shield immediately ejected countless GN particles, and the cloud on his feet broke through the clouds and rushed directly to the sea.

When breaking through the clouds, the scattered earth army warships on the sea surface also appear in the cockpit screen of lightning Holy Shield. Because the attack is about to begin, the two warships of the earth army strengthen the fleet. In order to increase the attack coverage of the ship's main guns and missiles and achieve better attack effect, the two fleets are in a straight line shape, and the warships are not dense between warships, but each other Each warship opened its own missile launchers, and the main guns began to gather energy.

There are also many armed helicopters flying over these warships to protect the airspace of the warships, which will also play an air suppression role in the future battle.

Seeing the picture on the screen, Xiao ran operated the lightning Holy Shield to lift up the shield and beam energy gun in his hand, and the gn-bit on both sides were all separated. Only two thermonuclear energy engines extended by the support were hung on it alone. The sea demon compound position energy gun in front of the chest also began to charge, and the solar furnace behind him also ejected more GN particles, which immediately burst into lightning A pair of green wings appeared behind the Holy Shield.

And Xiao Ran's eyes burst out at this time, and there was no expression on his face except calm.

"Fast lock." with the use of skills, countless locked targets appeared on the screen instantly. Press both hands at the same time, and countless beams of light immediately ejected directly from the shield, muzzle, chest and a large number of gn-bits of lightning Holy Shield, cutting through the sky and rushing towards the earth Army warships on the sea.

Countless beams of light fell from the sky, broke through and flew above the sky. After the defenseless armed helicopter hit one earth army warship after another. Among them, the sea demon multiple position energy gun in the chest of lightning Holy Shield aimed at the largest warship among the targets, which is also the carrier ship of the earth army. A sea demon multiple position energy gun went down and was easy there A large hole was cut through the deck and bottom of the warship.

The place hit exploded at the first time, lit a raging fire and emitted billowing smoke.

Most of the other warships that were hit, Xiao ran, directly aimed at the missile launchers opened by these warships. As the missile launchers were hit, these warships burst out countless sparks one after another. Only this wave of salvo directly caused the 13 fleets of the earth army to explode or slowly sink.

Not far from the lightning shield, mk-ii Gundam did the same thing, but the attack of mk-ii was more terrible and more simple and direct. Nalo only used one weapon, that is, the GN rocket used by de Angel Gundam. The GN rocket that should have been fixed on the back was directly across his chest, And a huge beam of light with a diameter of nearly 30 meters was emitted, which began to sweep directly along the earth army fleet from the other direction.

None of the warships swept or affected by the huge light beam can remain intact, either explode or overturn and sink. When the GN rocket is fired at full charge and the body continuously charges the GN rocket, such shooting is enough to support the mk-ii up to one revolution.

Farther away, the Black Hawk fired all the missiles towards the warships on the sea and the helicopters flying in the air. Countless missiles hit one target after another with long trails, setting off fireworks representing the beginning of the battle.

Graham flew a dark heresy directly from the sky and landed heavily on a warship, which almost twisted the deck and made a loud noise.

After the dark heresy cut off the bridge of the warship with the GN sword, a flying cross pull directly cut the warship in half, and then rushed to the second target.