Chapter 243

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Ten large gn-bits returned to the back of the Secret Angel GAODA, and the ejected particles scattered around the Secret Angel GAODA, making people unable to see the real picture of the Secret Angel GAODA, just like a real angel, appearing in everyone's eyes.

Listening to the tips in my ear and looking at the MS debris with sparks and black smoke everywhere in the screen, Xiao ran also operated the Secret Angel GAODA to slowly rise to the sky again: "the first phase of the Secret Angel GAODA is completed and the second phase is started."

"Received, can angel GAODA, in an instant. F. Qingying, began to intervene."

With the launch of the Secret Angel GAODA, the energy angel GAODA also landed in other areas of the battlefield that the Secret Angel GAODA did not take into account. As soon as he came out, he quickly cut down several ms with GN war sword, and then stopped his action.

On the battlefield of seine Island, there are not only two forces that have led to conflicts for more than a century for various reasons, but also the army of the people's Revolutionary Alliance. As the people's Revolutionary Alliance force assisting one side in the war, it has naturally become a war factor determined by heaven and man and one of the intervention targets.

In and around Senna Island, the people's Revolutionary League has an independent military base and a carrier ship here. The Lord angel GAODA and de angel GAODA who separated from the team went to the military base and carrier ship respectively.

In this intervention, even without the participation of Secret Angel GAODA, if there is no situation originally, in fact, four GAODA are enough to complete the task. After adding Secret Angel GAODA, the process of intervention is even more inverted. Secret Angel GAODA almost swept the whole battlefield with the advantage of complete rolling, Almost all the moving bodies were attacked by the Secret Angel GAODA, and finally turned into pieces of debris and scrap iron, which were scattered around the island with fireworks.

Sitting in the cockpit, Xiao ran glanced at the task information on the body screen, nodded slightly and then said in the communication: "more than 80% of the armed forces on the island have been cleared. The second stage is over and switched to the third stage."

"The third stage..." after Xiao ran said that, looking at the third stage arranged by Miss Huang, he slightly squeezed his fist and landed the body beside angel GAODA. The two bodies stood in countless flames and black smoke, and suddenly became silent.

"In the third stage, wait for the Lord angel GAODA and the German angel GAODA to meet. Once the enemy reinforcements appear, the force angel GAODA, the capable angel GAODA go to meet the Lord angel GAODA, the Secret Angel GAODA go to meet the German angel GAODA, and confirm the battle data of the new aircraft of the people's Revolutionary League."

"Miss Huang has speculated that the people's Revolutionary Committee has also calculated that heaven and man will intervene in the disputes on Seine Island, so it is determined that the people's Revolutionary Committee may ambush new machines like Japan's special economic zone here... That is, will the participants appear?"

Xiao ran glanced at the silent angel GAODA and the force angel GAODA who landed next to him on the screen, and also shook his head slightly: "but it's really difficult to say whether there will be participants ambushing here. The actions of the participants can't think with the normal model of Miss Huang's thinking. The task is what the participants like most."

"And if the people's Revolutionary League really has participants, what will their task be? It is inevitable to deal with heaven and man, but break or capture?"

A few minutes later, the Lord angel GAODA and the German angel GAODA also flew from two directions, which also represents the completion of this intervention. With the three bodies on the ground slowly taking off, five GAODA also quickly flew away from Senna island.

"Didn't you show up? I still can't say when." Xiao ran watched the messy Seine Island getting smaller and smaller in the screen of the body and fell into thinking, but he didn't forget to use the secret code channel to send a retreat message to Sachs and three angels GAODA near Seine island.

"Not surprisingly, it is inevitable for participants to join various forces, and the emergence of heaven and man and the bodies that attack the Union military base will make the three countries look forward to the new Ms. from the action of union, it is normal for the three countries to enter a new round of military equipment."

"Hoo." Xiao ran shook his head, handed over the body operation to harrow, mobilized the chair to lean down slightly, held his head in his hands and thought, "the power of heaven and man is still too weak. Fortunately, I controlled Laguna first, otherwise it will be a big trouble in the end."

Xiao ran thought of this and was suddenly stunned: "but without Laguna, the task Prometheus released to the people of the three forces is to improve the corresponding ms level of various countries? No, I finally leveled the strength between the enemy and me, and I even wanted to give such a move."

The more Xiao ran thought about it, the more he felt that it was not impossible. He rolled his eyes silently and sighed slightly: "but even so, you have a good plan, I have a bridge ladder, and I can't help it."

After returning to God, Xiao ran found that there were only four of the original five body teams, and the blue and white energy angel GAODA had disappeared without a trace.

"Have you gone?" Xiao ran also shook his head and couldn't help laughing when he thought of Graham's hot battle for GAODA: "Graham, you should be nearby at this time."


The third appearance of heaven and man once again shocked the world. Less than two hours after the evacuation of Tianren 5, the two forces on Seine jointly held a press conference to announce that the two sides will officially cease war from today and use other means to find a way of peace.

The press conference suddenly expanded the momentum of heaven and man, and countless people began to doubt whether heaven and man's practice was right or wrong. Just by virtue of a war intervention, it ended the dispute on Senna island for more than 300 years. This shock really made everyone who saw the news feel speechless.

"The world is beginning to change."

The first appearance of heaven and man helped the union to break the unknown MS occupying the Union military base and attack the union MS, which showed that heaven and man and union were not together. The second appearance was to warn AEU and expose the extra body deployed by AEU in the ladder, which made AEU bear great pressure of public opinion.

The third appearance is aimed at the people's Revolutionary League and ended the war on Seine island. The three appearances offended the three largest forces in the world. Countless people of insight can't understand what heaven and man are thinking. Is it really just to end the disputes in the world as stated in the statement?

Many people remain skeptical about this. It's no good. It's not inexplicable to die like this.

The Secret Angel GAODA finally parked in the base of the God. After separating from several others, Xiao ran drove the Secret Angel GAODA back to the base of the God, and did not place the body on the previous desert island again.

When Xiao ran returned to the base, Shirley Lu, Wang Liumei and Hong long had been back for a long time. However, Xiao ran didn't stay here much, but took Shirley Lu and old man Raphael away from the God base and went back to the Tokyo headquarters.

As soon as he returned to his home in Tokyo headquarters, Xiao ran saw that Graham and nalo had been waiting in the living room. Looking at the excitement on Graham's face at that time, Xiao ran also understood what, and then smiled.

"General, you're back."

Xiao ran nodded to them, sat on the sofa, looked at Graham and asked, "I've been in contact."

"Yes." Graham nodded and said, "GAODA's performance is really strong. According to my estimation, at least several times the output of the flag, my flag rifle was damaged and the left arm of the body was cut off. I just didn't expect that the pilot of that body would be so young."

"The damage is so serious that you don't have to write the report." Xiao ran smiled: "can you see it from the body action?"

"Thank you, general." Graham nodded heavily. "That machine is full of young people's vitality... No, it should be said to be impatient."

"Ha ha." Xiao ran nodded and said, "it's really a very young child. Now I'm afraid you're already thinking about your body?"

Graham nodded. "After this battle, I have some more ideas."

"Well, just get in touch with Billy." Xiao ran nodded slowly and looked at nalo: "what I asked you to do, how did it turn out?"

Nalo heard Xiao Ran's question and hurriedly said, "they are willing to join us, but they also offered to provide new bodies for them to use. Graham has offered an invitation. I tried, and the other party really joined us."

"Have you tried?" Xiao ran was puzzled at first, but then suddenly realized that naluo's so-called temptation is probably the same task of the same camp. As long as the other party joins the God, the task should be the same as naluo's.

However, Xiao Ran's camp is not God. Although it is the founder of God, the default camp is still heaven and man, so the task received must be different from them. Although he is curious, it's not easy to ask nalo what their task is.

Although Xiao ran said three words to herself, naluo thought Xiao ran was asking him, so she said, "yes, general, I can guarantee that they are really sincere."

"I know." Xiao ran nodded, looked at naluo and asked thoughtfully, "do you think we need to add some guarantee to them?"

Nalo touched the bomb around her neck, breathed out a breath, and said expressionless, "it's all up to the general. They will never object."