Chapter 150

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
At this time, the group of participants who had separated from their own defense also broke through the front of the fleet cluster after paying the life of one participant. The lightning Holy Shield happened to fly past the team after breaking three warships. The passing of both sides also made the pilot Roger on the air overlord GAODA firmly remember the black shadow.

"This body... When the mission just started to leave?" Roger looked at the lightning shield far away in the screen and frowned slightly, but the enemy was in front of him. Roger didn't have time to think too much. He organized the participants to attack the local fleet cluster, and with the sudden entry of these participants, more than a dozen fighter formations followed.

Xiao ran drove the body to dodge quickly. Listening to the constant drip prompt sound in his ear, he also started the repair feedback and previous records of the atomic repair robot. As soon as he opened it, he saw several red dots, two or three red lines and nearby signs on the body's energy transmission pipeline. Xiao ran immediately slapped heavily on the keyboard angrily: "Angelo bastard!!"

"The energy pipeline is abnormal, the energy supply interface of VPS armor is abnormal, and the power supply of VPS armor is affected by high-intensity attack. It has been repaired by atomic repair robot."

Xiao ran bit his teeth and was so angry that under normal circumstances, a mere 20 micro missiles could not cause any damage to the body. However, after the problem, these missiles even damaged the body by more than 40%. Fortunately, the plug-in atomic repair robot extracted in the seed world was used on the lightning shield, which made the body radiant A new one.

His hands pinched, and Xiao ran finally sighed: "forget it, it's no wonder he."

Originally, the energy pipeline of lightning Holy Shield was completely disassembled in order to replace the lightning Holy Shield with a new energy system, but suddenly, Angelo asked people to install it back in less than a day. He also installed external equipment of multiple systems, thermonuclear engine and energy conversion charging device. He worked so much in a day and didn't have time to go in Although Angelo is responsible for the inspection, it is more credit.

Xiao ran was only startled by the attack just now, so he couldn't control his anger. However, his anger came and went quickly. As for why he left the enemy's fleet cluster, Xiao ran found that there were only 13 warships in the whole galaxy, but the mission proposed 15 dimension Devourers, and there were two on one ship, these two Where are the dimension devourer and those Galaxy participants who have not yet appeared? If the dimension devourer on that ship starts, he can't run if he wants to.

Not long after Xiao Ran's communication was sent to the new macro class warship, it soon returned to a factual communication. Brigadier general Perry's anxious voice also spread to Xiao Ran's ear: "General Xiao, you just said that there were dimension Devourers on those ships?"

"Yes, this fleet must be blocked. They can't bring us and Gaul 4 into the phagocytosis range. They must be blocked out of the phagocytosis range."

"I know, but now we can't draw more troops to stop them from breaking in." brigadier general Perry was a little embarrassed: "now two-thirds of the insect troops are attacking us, and the past dozen fighter formations are the limit we can send."

"Is their singing useless?" Xiao ran asked, biting his teeth.

"Yes, it's very useful, but it should take a little time." brigadier general Perry smiled bitterly and replied, "we used to resist less than half of the insects, but now it's more than two-thirds, but the insects seem to be affected by the song, and the intensity of the attack has been reduced a lot. There are a lot less attacks on other warships, but they all rush towards our ship."

"At this rate, according to calculation, it will take at least ten minutes to half an hour to stop the insect attack gradually."

"It works..." Xiao ran quickly turned his head and thought about the way to deal with the current problem. Suddenly, he said with a flash of intelligence: "wait, we still have a reaction bomb!"

"Yes, that's right. The advance fleet of Gaul 4 has allocated them with large reaction warheads!" brigadier general Perry's voice suddenly raised a little, and his tone was a little more relaxed: "I know. I'll arrange a fighter formation to launch the reaction bombs towards all parts of the galaxy fleet."

Xiao ran nodded and said, "you arrange immediately. In addition, since the song has had an effect on the insects, you also try to communicate with the insects by all means. The purpose of the galaxy fleet must be to destroy us and these insects, together with Gaul 4. These insects are intelligent and may understand what we say."

"In addition, don't be in charge of insects. First gather all the troops to attack the galaxy fleet, leaving a quarter of the fighter formation and skeleton team as maneuvers. Drive the macro warship straight ahead and use cannons with the s.m.s warships. Each can be counted as one."

"Moreover, the target of these insects should be two singers. In the past, the warship will certainly follow the insects. Maybe they can lend us a hand and tell the two singers about it. Now we can only believe that they can create miracles."

"I'll arrange it immediately." Perry cut off the communication after saying that. Soon a wide area signal wave was sent out from the new macro class warship, and Xiao ran also touched the necklace around his neck: "Shirley Lu, you want to feel your real power with orchids."

On the stage of the new macro class warship, Shirley Lu and orchid looked at each other in amazement after hearing the announcement. They couldn't help holding their hands tightly. The next second, they seemed to have a bleak whisper in their ears at the same time.

"Real power, our power."

Shirley Lu and orchid stopped singing. Orchid looked at Shirley and smiled: "although I don't know what Mr. Xiao ran said, I will sing with my heart, no longer afraid, no longer afraid."

Shirley Lu also smiled: "just like last time, let's sing to help them."

"HMM." orchid nodded heavily.

It seems that there is only one other person left in their world. Everything around them has become nothingness. Even if you close your eyes, you can see another person around you. There is no secret about the ideas of both sides at this moment. They opened their mouths at the same time and sang the same song, a song called Aimo, without any communication.

A flower in front of Xiao Ran's eyes. At this moment, he seemed to see two girls holding hands standing in front of him, singing the most touching song. The song seemed to ring out in the whole battle area without communication medium, and everyone couldn't help pausing.

He seemed to hear the most sincere words in the hearts of the two girls: stop, we are not the enemy, stop, we are here for you, we can understand each other and live together, but we need to work together for the enemy in front of us.

"Insects! The attack of insects has stopped!"

Xiao ran was shouted back by a communication. He listened to the voices of the two singers and pressed the communication again: "brigadier general Perry, what are you talking about?"

"The insects are not attacking us. They all stopped!"

Xiao ran looked at the screen and enlarged the picture displayed on the screen. Countless insects stopped attacking. Even if they had appeared in front of the fighter, they could kill the vf-17 fighter in their hands in the next second, but they stopped and looked around.

"Inform the whole army that everyone should stop attacking insects and try their best to hit the fleet attacking Galaxy!"

More than ten seconds later, our fighters broke away from the battlefield where they had fought with insects, gathered together, turned into countless meteors and flew to the galaxy fleet. Those stopped insects also began to slowly change their direction. Under the leadership of an insect warship, they also quickly gathered together and began to attack the galaxy fleet.

Seeing this scene, countless people in the fleet were silly. They didn't expect that the enemy who was still fighting had become friends under the song, which suddenly made their ideas collapse.

However, when a fighter plane was about to be attacked and broken by the galaxy fighter, a bug suddenly appeared in front of the fighter plane and was finally smashed into pieces by the galaxy fighter plane. This scene immediately made the fighting pilots feel an unspeakable feeling, moved, stunned or otherwise. They only felt a strong sense of war, Roared and started the most powerful attack on the galaxy fleet.

In the blink of an eye, the three-party scuffle turned into two-to-one, which made the galaxy fleet suffer a devastating blow. The number of vf-27 was rapidly reduced, and the two macro warships also drove to the front. They began to deform under the songs of Shirley Lu and orchids. The countdown of macro cannon firing was heard in the warships, and the main guns of warships began to gather energy.

Shirley Lu and orchid looked at each other and smiled at the same time. They also had an idea of communicating with insects in their hearts. They nodded and separated their hands, and then pointed to the galaxy fleet in front.

Under this action, all the insects and their own warplanes that had burst into the front of the galaxy fleet quickly spread towards both sides, and all the warships of the insects opened their big mouths to reveal their gathered energy.

Just as Shirley Lu and orchid were singing and counting down the last second, countless light beams suddenly erupted from the ship fleet and insect fleet, and the galaxy fleet spewed away through the universe.