Chapter 148

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Under the bleak operation, the vf-25 mass production machine broke away from the gravity of Gaul 4 and entered the universe. The light spots flashed in front of us. Through the monitor screen, we can see that the distant fleet and the fleet coming out of the space jump channel are in a state of war. The warships of both sides shoot at each other and the fighters fly, From time to time, it will bring out sparks and huge beams of light across the battlefield.

On Gaul 4, insect warships appeared from the center of the epicenter on the planet, and were flying slowly towards the universe.

"It's just the second main task. It's going to get the three parties to start a war. What's the fun?" Xiao ran shook his head, pushed his left hand and stepped on the thruster of the fighter again, and rushed towards the new macro class warship like a meteor.

When Xiao ran returned to the warship again, orchid and Shirley Lu had gone to the stage of the warship. More than 20 fighters, including Brera and Michelle, were urgently equipped with various tactical backpacks. When the body slowly descended from the lifting platform and entered the hangar, Xiao ran opened the hatch cover before even the fighter stopped, jumped down from the fighter and rushed to the bridge.

As soon as he entered the bridge, all kinds of noise came into Xiao Ran's ears.

"The first fighter formation is damaged and is now returning."

"The equipment of the eighth to twelfth squadrons has been loaded and is allowed to sail."

"The Qianliyan investigation team found the wreckage of investigation group 117 and found the trace of the enemy. The battle has begun. Cross team, please go to support immediately."

"All teams, the bug warship is expected to arrive in the combat area in five minutes."

Xiao ran walked quickly to brigadier general Perry: "what's the situation now?"

"At present, our military strength has a great advantage. The other side currently has three carrier ships, five battleships, three landing ships and two attack aircraft carriers. Sure enough, the signals reflect that they are the warships of the galaxy ship regiment." Perry took a bleak look and stretched out his hand to draw on the console in front: "But you see, the other side's fighter formation is full of new aircraft, and the speed and firepower are far higher than our vf-17, which makes the loss of our fighter formation not small."

"Where are s.m.s and those people?" Xiao ran asked, looking at the battlefield situation displayed on the console in front of him.

"S.m.s is suitable for free movement. Those people have been arranged at the front of the front according to your requirements. So far, their combat achievements are quite good, and the degree of combat cooperation is very high. In particular, the deformer has broken three enemy planes up to now." Perry said, with a deep frown. He said: "But we found that most of the enemy's fighters are unmanned and are completely regardless of losses. They are breaking through our defense line. If so, when insects enter the battlefield and disrupt our defense line, they may not be able to resist the impact of the other party."

Xiaoran nodded: "the other party still hid the macro class warship. As for the insects, once the insects enter the battlefield, we will withdraw our people from that area, and then broadcast full frequency under the singer's song. It is said that we are to prevent the other party from starting the dimension devourer on Gaul 4. I believe those insects will understand what we say."

"There's only one try. In the current situation, I'm afraid the insects will attack us together with the galaxy fleet. In that case, we must be unable to resist." brigadier general Perry nodded and said: "By the way, the ship regiment sent a message that they had changed their route, made a space jump, went to other places and cut off all external communication. At present, only I have the route coordinates of the ship regiment in my hand."

"The president is right. After all, we don't know how much combat power galaxy has. Now the defense of the ship regiment is weak, so it's appropriate to do so." Xiao ran nodded, looked at the insect fleet that is about to enter the combat area and said: "They can start singing, and the command of the battle will be given to you. My battle is not sitting here. I don't need to specially announce the news of my attack."


"By the way, we'd better send all the reconnaissance troops to avoid the enemy's small-scale landing, but we didn't find it." Xiao ran turned and left. He ran all the way to the stage of Shirley Lu and orchid. Looking at the two girls who were ready to sing at any time, Xiao ran slowed down: "Shirley Lu, orchid."

"Xiao ran, why are you here?" Shirley Lu happily ran to Xiao ran, while orchid stood aside with some restraint: "Mr. Xiao ran."

Xiao ran smiled at orchid and Moses, reached out and stroked Shirley's hair: "come and see you."

"Don't worry, singing is my strong point." Shirley Lu gently hugged Xiao ran and said softly: "I will sing with my heart."

Xiao ran nodded and looked at the orchid: "orchid, don't be afraid. Insects won't hurt you. Tell them your most sincere thoughts with your song, contact them with your heart, and tell them that we came here to help them and ourselves. We can become a family and survive in the universe together."

"I know." orchid put her hands on her chest, flashed a trace of firmness in her eyes, and nodded to Xiao ran heavily: "insects are not bad guys, Galaxy people are."

Xiao ran nodded, put his hands on Shirley Lu's shoulder, and looked at them seriously: "if you can let the bug stand on the same front with us, you can only rely on you two."

"I know. There's no need for you to say more." Shirley Lu pushed away with a faint hum, and said firmly with the microphone: "this is my battlefield. Your battlefield is not here. Go where you should go."

Xiao ran took a deep look at Shirley Lu, shook her head and smiled. After nodding, she turned and left quickly. Shirley Lu looked at Xiao Ran's back and held her hands together, praying: "we must come back safely."

Xiao ran returned to the hangar and directly sat on the body of several micro missile launchers. He was slowly sent into the universe by the lifting platform. As soon as he stepped on his feet and pushed his hands, he flew directly towards the battlefield.

"Listen to us sing!"

Shirley Lu and orchids sounded in the full frequency communication. As the music sounded, the song also spread to Xiao Ran's ears. Their song was transmitted to every corner of the battlefield through special fluctuations. While the song sounded, insect warships also entered the battle area, yellow and red, Even the green insects that never appeared flew out of the insect's warship and showed their strong power to both sides as soon as they appeared.

Countless missiles flew and machine gun bullets completely covered the front of the insects. A series of lights were emitted, which immediately brought out a series of flames and explosions. Because the fighters on the other side had ordered to evacuate immediately after the insects entered the combat area, the first opponent the insects hit was the galaxy fighter formation.

For insects, as long as they are human beings, they can attack. For galaxy, as long as they are blocked in front, they are also enemies. For the whole 25 ship regiment camp where Xiao Ran is located, galaxy is an enemy. Even if insects are not real enemies, they can't let a bug break into their own defense line.

The insect fleet rising from the planet can be said to be completely blocked in front of the galaxy fleet, blocking the passage of the galaxy fleet. The ship fleet is located in the other corner of the two forces, with missiles, machine guns and light beams all over the whole battlefield.

Insect warships blocked in front of the galaxy, but half of the troops were divided to attack the ship regiment fleet, and the galaxy fleet stormed in the direction of the insect fleet. Only a part of the fighters were sent to entangle the ship regiment's fighter formation, while the ship regiment fleet was defending against the insect attack, it also sent most of the fighter formation to try to break the galaxy fleet's ships.

Originally, the battle between the two sides turned into a melee between the three sides. The advantage of the already side fleet was directly wiped out after the emergence of the insect fleet. Each force will face the attack of the other two forces at the same time, and there will be a burst of fire every minute and every second.

The lightning shield flew out of the warship. Just after using the combined beam to bombard and break a vf-27 mass-produced model belonging to the galaxy ship regiment, it was attacked by two insects. As soon as the right hand pulled up the body, more than a dozen micro missiles immediately ejected, and brought up two flames again. Just after firing several beams to repair the knife, the alarm in the cockpit sounded instantly, Dozens of micro missiles sent by insects and vf-27 reached behind the lightning shield.

Xiao ran opened all the thrusters of the body and made a continuous z-maneuver. The green mechanism gun of the tactical composite army also began to shoot towards the rear, bringing out a series of explosions.

With the increase of singing, Xiao Ran's attributes have also increased to a certain extent. His spatial sense brought by his proficiency in cosmic warfare also makes him feel like a fish in the water in the universe. Originally, he was less than 50 proficient in cosmic warfare. At this time, Xiao Ran has also been horribly improved after several cosmic battles. It is only a few points away from the full value of 100 points, Perhaps the highest value can be reached after the battle. The improvement of proficiency also makes Xiao ran more flexible and accurate in the universe.

Moreover, under Xiao Ran's strong physical quality, all kinds of maneuvers that ordinary people can't do can be picked up by Xiao Ran's hands, such as emergency stop, sudden change, rapid steering, etc., which can't have any impact on Xiao ran at all. The lightning Holy Shield is really like a lightning, with a long Z-shaped tail straight into the center of the battlefield.

When entering the center of the battlefield and the place where the battle was the most intense, Xiao ran pulled the operating lever back with both hands and made an emergency stop. He turned high and rushed hundreds of meters away from the original top of his head. Then he suddenly stopped. The shield immediately separated from the body, and his limbs opened to expose all the missile launchers.

"Quick lock!"