Chapter 122

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Seeing that the bustling voice of the people stopped again because of their own words, there was only the sound of everyone breathing for a moment. However, the eyes of several people looking at Shirley Lu and orchid were also full of a kind of deep curiosity and surprise. Some also felt that what Xiao ran said seemed like a movie.

Xiao ran thought about it and said slowly: "What I want to say next is what I and some people with lofty ideals have investigated for peace. It has nothing to do with the unification and army, nor any organizations and forces. The special departments of the earth unification and army have only some doubts. There is no speculation, conclusion or evidence. Similarly, I have no evidence to prove what I said. Believe it or not, it's up to you to decide."

The crowd did not speak. Some nodded and others frowned.

"An investigation mission was attacked 11 years ago, and Vajra appeared for the first time in the record. The destruction of the investigation mission and the emergence of new species alerted the earth unification and army, and also brought together a large number of people with reasons such as making mankind better or safer. Among these people, there are scientists, businessmen, retired soldiers and the government There are senior military officers and all kinds of people. "

"After all, human beings may encounter other life or civilizations if they continue to sail. The earth unification and military headquarters secretly began to investigate in detail before and after the attack on the investigation mission, but also prepared for another possible ethnic war. After those people gathered together, they began to work hard for a common goal, that is, understanding and survival "Not many people know them. They can't even talk about the organization. There is no distinction between superiors and subordinates. No matter what their identity, everyone is equal in it. They just try their best to prepare for dialogue or war in private. It can also be said that they are unknown members, families and partners in the unification and army. They call themselves heaven and man."

"The airframe I used was handed over to me by some of them. It is a new type of mobile weapon completely different from the deformable fighter and redesigned and manufactured from scratch. Of course, it is still in the experimental stage."

Xiao ran said. He paused a little, looked at the expression on the faces of the people, smiled in his heart and said: "At that time, after a detailed investigation of the investigation mission, the unification and army found that the research data inside the investigation mission had been artificially emptied and some research equipment had been damaged, which made the unification and army begin to doubt whether the attacked insects were the original products in the universe or the biological weapons made by some people because of their conspiracy."

"As the investigation continued, the special investigation department of the earth system and army finally met insects, and paid some price to capture several insects and began to study them. People from heaven and man also joined them. After the research, those researchers began to divide into two groups. One group thought that insects were biological weapons made, and the other group thought that insects should have existed since ancient times Natural creatures, but what can be determined is that the brain of insects is very small. In terms of their body shape, they have too much thinking ability. They are a product of receiving orders or being operated. "

"The two factions began to quarrel until someone found out the information about the event on earth more than 50 years ago. Someone found that the insect and the bird man seemed to have a lot in common, and then began to collect anything about more than 50 years ago. From that time on, the surname Noam was frequently mentioned."

"After our investigation, Mayo NOM seems to have entered investigation group 117, and Shirley Lu's birthplace seems to be in investigation group 117."

Xiao ran spoke slowly, perhaps to make everyone accept his words, but in fact, he gave himself time to compile everything in his head according to the real situation.

"Impossible!" Shirley Lu loudly interrupted the bleak conversation and said, "I've been living in the galaxy since I have memory."

Xiao ran took a faint look at Shirley and said without haste or delay: "did you have a memory when you were born? And I said before that everything is the result of our speculation on the earth. What I said must be wrong, because there is no evidence to prove that what I said is true."

"But after our investigation, we can confirm that you are definitely the descendant of Mayo NOM, and your parents were killed by the people of the galaxy. The purpose is that you, who inherited the blood of the 'wind guide' and your earrings." Xiao ran said, looking straight at Shirley Lu: "also, please don't interrupt me before I finish!"

"Hum, what you said is wrong anyway. I won't believe what you said." Shirley Lu sat down, habitually raised her hand, raised her chin and deviated her head.

Xiao ran shrugged his shoulders and continued: "Just now, I said that Mayo NOM entered the investigation group 117. We don't know what research is being carried out there, because there are no research records for our reference. However, on earth, the research on insects has also found some new things, that is, space crystal, a purple crystal, which can cross the barrier in the universe for information transmission, or As a landmark for space jumping, when Shirley Lu's fame spread on the earth, we found that Shirley Lu's earrings were also made of this kind of crystal, so the earth system and army began to send the first batch of investigators to Galaxy for investigation. "

"In the course of galaxy's investigation, many intelligence personnel hiding their identity died and sent some strange information to the earth. Some people in the top of galaxy have gradually disappeared since a long time ago, and they can no longer find traces of their lives, just like this person. But later, investigators found that all these are similar to the biochemical people vigorously promoted by Galaxy About transformation, those who disappear should put their thinking into an unknown construction network, and after transformation, those who do not disappear can link with this network and contact other people wherever they are, and what unknown conspiracy is going on. "

"And this network should have a common matrix, like..."

"Insects, just like insects, right?" Luca suddenly interrupted. After that, his face turned red, his head lowered, and his voice became low: "Some insect groups depend on the queen, and the queen is their mother. If you add the space crystal you said, major, all the Queen's information can be transmitted to the insect individual according to this crystal."

"Luca is right." Xiao ran smiled at Luca, looked at the stunned people and continued: "We began to doubt whether there was any connection between galaxy and insects, so we sent an investigation team to Galaxy for the second time. We were not afraid that they would hide or find nothing. We looked forward to them continuing to attack the members of the investigation team again. As long as they dared to attack the black hand, the earth unification and military would no longer need evidence to directly investigate Send an army to the galaxy. At that time, they wanted to hide, and they couldn't hide anything anymore. "

"However, there are many factions within the investigation team, and even people from the group behind the galaxy ship team, so even if anything can be investigated, it is likely to be hidden."

"For this reason, not many people know about some confidential tasks and information investigation missions. I happen to be one of them. I know more because I have the help of the Tianren organization I just mentioned behind me. Similarly, I also received a more confidential task from the unified military headquarters, that is, investigating Shirley Lu and grace. It happens that they often work together All together, it's enough for me to investigate alone. "

"The investigation of Shirley Lu is entirely because she is a descendant of Noam's family. Some people think that insects may have something to do with bird people on earth. After all, the space crystal on earrings is only the product of insects. Shirley Lu may also have something to do with insects“

"As for why to investigate grace, the special investigation department of Tonghe army found that grace was also a member of fleet 117, and somehow appeared in the galaxy and" resurrected ". Therefore, when I arrived at the galaxy regiment, I received the information about the lurks still hidden in the galaxy regiment, saying that Shirley Lu and grace came to regiment 25, I also followed. I happened to meet insects and fought. "

"As for my finding that the orchid's song can attract insects, it's really just an accident. In the battle yesterday, I found that the insect near the orchid didn't want to attack her, but just wanted to contact her. It really made me feel a little incredible."

"But after I know something about orchids, I think I understand something." Xiao ran said here and turned to Ozma: "Mr. Ozma, I think you should also understand something."

"Hoo." Ozma patted and looked at his orchids with puzzled eyes. She sighed helplessly and nodded gently: "Luca, you take the orchids out for a walk."

The orchid, who had expected Ozma to say something, was stunned, randomly puffed up her mouth and shouted, "brother, I'm not going out."

Bobby stood up with his little thumb, walked directly to the orchid and said, "Oh, sister orchid, you don't know too much about the military, otherwise you will be arrested. What can you do if you are arrested?"

Luca also stood up and walked to the orchid with his mouth. Alte, who had been sitting without talking, also stood up and wanted to go out with the orchid, but was directly shouted: "Alte, listen, after all, this is also related to your choice in the future."

Arte was stunned for a moment, nodded and comforted the orchid with a charming, typical Princess smile. After that, the orchid's face turned red, stood up, hugged his hands and left behind Bobby.

Ozma smashed her fist on the table, clenched her teeth and said, "orchid is a survivor of investigation group 117, because I didn't protect her family, her parents and brothers 11 years ago... So... I'm not his brother. Thank you, major Xiao ran, for not saying this."

"What!" ALT and Shirley Lu cried out in surprise at the same time. ALT said more: "orchid... Doesn't she know?"

Xiao ran answered aert's question for Ozma: "dissociation amnesia, although I don't understand it, I feel that it should belong to one of psychogenic amnesia."

"Almost, in short, orchids don't remember all the things at that time." Ozma nodded and said: "Orchid's parents seem to be researchers of investigation mission 117 at that time, and a brother. Unfortunately, they also died in the attack."

"No, I have a little news about this. Originally, the earth system and the army didn't know that the orchid fell into the No. 25 ship regiment, otherwise the orchid would become one of the investigated personnel." Xiao ran motioned Moses to pour himself a glass of water before continuing: "Because according to the information I got, orchid's biological brother has been in galaxy for a long time, has lost his memory and has been biologically transformed. Now he is a major of the defense unification and army of Galaxy regiment, but it is Grace's order."

"Her own brother... Is still alive?" Ozma widened her eyes. She didn't know whether she was happy or sad.

"HMM." Xiao ran took a sip of the water carried by Moses, pondered for a while and said: "No matter what the galaxy conspiracy is, grace is a key figure. Of course, I think Miss Shirley Lu should not know anything, but just exist by being used. This can be seen from the code of an instruction placed for Miss Shirley Lu in the top management of galaxy. It seems to be called fairy9. Miss Shirley Lu, do you know this code?"

Shirley Lu shook her head, and the expression on her face was a little confused.

"I believe you." Xiao ran smiled at Shirley luwenhe and turned to Ozma: "And orchid, like Shirley Lu, is the descendant of the victims of investigation group 117. Today, it has also determined the special ability of orchid singing, so your doubt should also be answered. As for who is monitoring orchid, I can tell you very clearly that that person is the chief assistant officer of the presidential Palace, Lyon Mishima!"

"He not only watched the orchids, but also the president, and deliberately approached Miss Catherine for some special purposes, but now it seems that he was successful." Xiao ran smiled in front of Ozma's blackened expression and said: "Moreover, in addition to monitoring these people, he is more in line with the galaxy ship group. Directly speaking, he has a very close contact with grace, such as the exchange of intelligence, giving grace some convenience, etc., but their contact is very careful, and we have not received any evidence."