Chapter 51

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
(it's early to update today. Haha, there's only one chapter in the morning. I got up at 4 o'clock to code words. The baby gets up and greets me until I go to bed in the afternoon. I'll go to another chapter immediately. Give me a little encouragement and ask for a ticket ~ ~ ~ ~)

Four days have passed since the burning of tashou, and the fire has been extinguished for most of the first morning. It can also properly let people go to the city to search for the unburned materials. Later, the assault on GAODA also played a great role in opening the collapsed houses and carrying the required materials. Of course, all this is carried out at night.

The four-day collection did not make the situation much better. All the refugees have moved into the base in the dawn desert, making the already small base even more crowded. All kinds of small tents are everywhere, and the children run around. The happy laughter of the ignorant also slightly dissipated the haze over the head of the dawn desert.

Because Maliu's order to help the refugees made the archangel lack of materials. After all, so many people can't support the archangel for too long. After discussing with the people in Liming desert, the archangel who lack materials finally decided to hide his identity and disperse the people to buy materials in the cities controlled by ZAFT.

In addition, the water shortage of Liming desert and Archangel is also very serious. They have to go to the main cities controlled by ZAFT to purchase water sources. Of course, there are other more important things besides water sources, but this purchase can only be negotiated after Sibu, the leader of Liming desert, comes out.

Xiao ran even offered to stay with Kira and Carrie, saying he wanted to watch the two kids, and then followed the two brothers and sisters to a larger town than the burned tower. Although Xiao ran didn't know the name of the town, it wouldn't affect their shopping trip at all.

Xiao ran drove a car to follow Sibu and bakilulu. After entering the city, the two sides nodded and separated. When Kira saw the peaceful and lively city of ZAFT in the city for the first time, she couldn't help wondering: "this is the city controlled by ZAFT? It looks very lively and peaceful."

"Hum." Carrie snorted and patted Xiao ran on the shoulder. "Were you AUB's teacher?"

"Er, yes." Xiao ran was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand the connection between his identity and Kira's question.

Carrie glanced at Kira and said, "then, teacher, stop the car somewhere and come with me."

"Ha ha, OK." Xiao ran smiled. After seeing that another corner of the busy road could enter an alley, he drove in, found an invisible enemy and stopped. Then Carrie took him and Xiao ran across several alleys and finally appeared in front of a huge crater.

Kira was stunned and stunned when she saw the huge crater. It can be determined from the wreckage near the crater. The original location of the crater should be a building almost as high as the nearby building, but now there is nothing except a big crater.

"Even if it looks peaceful, those things are all illusions," said Carrie, raising her head a little and looking at what really surprised Kira, a huge yellow land warship, stopped in the city. Carrie also added with a dignified face at this time: "that's the real ruler of the city."

"Hello!" Xiao ran gently pressed their heads with his hands and said with a smile: "you two little devils, won't you feel strange with such an expression? Well, our task is to buy things. These things are not our business."

"Know... Know, teacher." Kira pushed away Xiao Ran's hand on her head with her hand, and quickly stepped back. Afraid that Xiao ran would put her hand up again, Carrie was quite brave, slapped it directly, and let Xiao ran shake her hands and leave from her head.

With a bleak look, Carrie looked up and snorted, "I know what to do."

Soon the three of them wandered around several markets in the city. Because they couldn't buy too much at a time, which aroused the suspicion of the ZAFT army in the city, they didn't buy too much every time. It looked like a family gathering. After putting the things back in the car, they circled around and changed to another place to buy again, Although it's a little troublesome, it's also a helpless thing.

After walking around the city all morning, the free space on the car was almost filled, covered by a thick layer of canvas, and stopped in a completely unnoticed place. Then, led by Carrie, the three returned to a dining hall in front of the crater, ready to comfort their stomachs.

Xiao ran also noticed that the three of them seemed to have been stared at, and looked up slightly at the roofs of several nearby buildings. They frowned and didn't speak, but their bodies were tight, ready to throw kirakaka Carrie down at any time, as well as the ZAFT army in civilian clothes nearby.

After three barbecues were put on the table by the waiter, Xiao ran directly picked up the seasoning on the table and sprinkled it, rolled it up and put it into her mouth. Just after Carrie sprinkled chili sauce on her plate and was about to recommend the same seasoning to Kira, a white seasoning bottle also appeared in front of the three people.

"Wait a minute, put chili sauce on Turkish barbecue? It's common sense to put these yoghurt!"

"Who are you? Who wants to listen to you for no reason?" Carrie was stunned, deliberately sent her barbecue sprinkled with chili sauce to her mouth, and snorted gently.

"God, you're spoiling this food." Andrew looked a little crazy and suddenly put the yogurt in his hand in front of Kira: "boy, you should listen to me. Turkish barbecue and yogurt are perfect."

"Nonsense, chili sauce is a perfect match!"

Xiao ran also slightly raised his eyebrows when he saw the appearance of the desert tiger Andrew, but he didn't participate in the inexplicable dispute between Andrew and Carrie. He just sat aside and watched them perform with interest until he sprinkled several spices on the Turkish barbecue in Kira, I don't know how Kira can eat that kind of thing. Sure enough, regulators and normal people are completely two varieties.

Andrew sat next to Xiao ran and looked at Xiao ran: "Hey, are you their guardian? Are you going to have a party to buy so many things?"

With that, Andrew also looked at the last batch of food Xiao ran and others bought before they came.

"Yes." Xiao ran smiled at Andrew. Although he knew that Andrew would eventually become a member of the three ship alliance, Xiao ran was not sure that Andrew must be a Klein faction, so he was also on guard.

Carrie suddenly said, "Hey, why are you asking so many questions? It's none of your business."

"I'm just asking." Andrew shrugged his shoulders and was about to say something. His face suddenly changed. As soon as he raised his foot, he kicked the table flying. At the same time, Kira rushed towards Carrie, and the bleak response was quite rapid. He directly pressed Carrie and Kira under his body and shouted, "be careful!"