Chapter 46

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
(there is another chapter in the evening. The next chapter will explain the real reason why Xiao ran invited Luo Qiu. Gaga, look forward to it)

Xiao ran frowned and looked at the resistance troops in the Liming desert surrounded by weapons. Luo shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands. Looking at Xiao ran seemed to ask what was going on. Xiao ran was a little embarrassed. After all, he invited Luo, but he didn't expect to be treated like this.

"It's all right." Xiao ran whispered to Luo, then got out of the car and asked loudly to the besieged Resistance Army, "what's the matter."

A resistance army came forward, gave a disgruntled look and said, "when you left, there was only one person. Why did you bring back one person? Who is this person? And this is the base of our Resistance Army. What if the person you brought back is the enemy, or you are followed!"

Xiao ran suddenly patted his head. Maybe it was because he was too relaxed just now. There were also reasons why he had never experienced hiding like the Resistance Army. As a result, he didn't think of it at all. What the other party said was completely reasonable, which made Xiao ran feel that he didn't refute.

I had to say sorry again and again: "sorry, I ignored it. This man is my old friend and a waste merchant, not ZAFT. When we came back, we also paid attention to whether there is anyone following behind. You can rest assured that if something goes wrong, I can be fully responsible."

"Waste recycler?" the Resistance Army looked at Luo, frowned and nodded: "since it's a waste recycler, there's no problem. We also have some contacts with waste recyclers. But please note next time that although you are our guests, we will eliminate the threat if you threaten us."

Xiao ran hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"HMM." the speaking Resistance Army nodded, waved to the others behind him and shouted, "if you have nothing to do, hurry out to patrol and ask the people over there if the ZAFT army has any strange actions."

Looking at the people of the Resistance Army leaving in a hurry, Xiao ran turned to Luo and said with a bitter smile: "it seems that I have brought them a lot of trouble."

"I think so." Luo Shen nodded and put his hands behind his head: "but they are not easy. Under such circumstances, they are still struggling to resist ZAFT. In fact, I think as long as the two sides have a good talk, there is no need to fight here."

"If everyone thinks like you, of course everyone is happy." Xiao ran shook his head, made an invitation gesture to Luo, and continued after Luo followed his footsteps: "But there are always some people who, for their own interests, have to stir up the nerves of tension in all aspects, keep making small-scale battles in various places, and then expand the scale of the battle to involve the whole world in the flames of war. They can also get greater benefits from it."

Luo asked, "are you talking about the arms dealers?"

"You know?" Xiao ran was surprised.

Luo nodded: "of course, those people are big customers of our waste dealers. They will buy a lot of things we recycle, either disassemble them for research or reuse them for manufacturing."

They talked all the way to the front of the channel into the archangel. After Xiao ran asked Luo to wait a little, they contacted the bridge from the communicator at the channel port and transferred the communication with Maliu: "Captain, I have a friend who hopes you can give permission to board the ship."

"Friend?" Matai's surprised voice came out of the communicator. Suddenly, the communication display in front of Xiao ran also lit up. I saw that Maliu's influence was looking at him strangely: "do you also have friends in this place?"

Xiao ran glanced at Luo, who was looking around, and then said to Maliu, "friend of the waste recycler, I hope to show him the archangel and, of course, Gundam."


I thought Xiao ran just wanted his friends to come to the archangel, but I didn't expect to see even GAODA. Maliu knew that Xiao ran wouldn't be so careless. He also knew that the visit and viewing was not really with his eyes, but really to understand. This surprised Maliu at once, but then said in some embarrassment: "Xiao ran, archangel and Gundam are secrets of the earth army. How can they?"

Xiao ran shook his head. He invited Luo Qiu to the archangel for a deeper purpose. At this time, he could not explain too much to Maliu, but said: "I guarantee with my life that my friend will never reveal what he sees. If, I mean, if, before the archangel and Gundam are made public, or before you confirm that you are regarded as abandoned children, as long as a little secret is circulated from my friend, you can pick up the gun in your hand and shoot me at any time."

When Xiao ran finished this sentence, not only Marius was stunned, but even Luo, who looked as if nothing had happened, turned and looked at him in amazement. Although he had just met for the first time, Xiao ran was so determined and had no doubt that he was willing to believe his attitude, which moved Luo Qiu's heart. He was originally hidden in the heart of the inexplicable invitation to Xiao ran Doubts dissipated at this moment.

Maliu did not speak, but she had wavered and wanted to agree to Xiao Ran's request. Seeing the expression on Maliu's face, Xiao ran said softly: "believe me, Maliu, you, the archangel and Kira are very important to me. I will not let anyone threaten the archangel, nor will I let anyone treat you as abandoned children."

After a moment of silence, malau finally looked up and looked at Xiao ran through the monitor: "well, I allow him to board the ship. I don't know anything else."

"Thank you." Xiao ran smiled and looked at Maliu's figure. A trace of warmth flashed in his eyes, but he was soon occupied by reason. After the communication hung up, Xiao ran took a deep breath and turned to Luo Qiu: "sorry, let you wait. In order not to have the problem just now, I think it's better to inform the captain of this warship."

Luo Jul shook his head. "It doesn't matter."

"Then please." Xiao ran walked into the open channel door and nodded to Luo.

After they entered the archangel, Xiao ran spent almost an hour with Luo Qiu in various places of the archangel. He saw that Luo Qiu kept writing and drawing with paper and pen on his face: "Indeed, it is worthy of being the most advanced warship of the earth army at present. Many concepts are very successful. It is compatible with high-speed assault, body carrying and heavy firepower multi-functional warships. Our ship can't be compared with this ship."

Xiao ran smiled: "ha ha, it's good to be liked by you. Later, I'll try to see if I can get some specific information about the archangel and give it to you quietly, but you can't let it out."

"No." Luo Qiu put the pen and paper back in his pocket and shook his head solemnly: "Because of my curiosity, you have done enough for me. You are a real friend and a good man. You are willing to do so much for your friends and your students. I don't want you to be embarrassed. With the things and ideas I just wrote down, even if I can't get the same thing as this ship, I can at least make the same."

"So you are still a very excellent mechanical engineer?" Xiao ran asked deliberately.

"Of course!" said Luo Qiu proudly. "Among the people I know, I dare to say second, but no one dares to say first!"

Xiao ran nodded and complimented, "my friend told me that Luo Jul is definitely a very powerful mechanic. The recycled things are no different from the new ones after passing through his hand."

"Ha ha." Luo Qiu smiled and suddenly rubbed his hands looking forward to looking at Xiao ran: "let's go and have a look at that thing?"

"Of course." Xiao ran nodded and smiled, "and I have something for you."