When I mentioned director Li's niece, Sui Yushu had a complicated expression. He looked up and looked up at Ning Huanxin: "right, I heard you live in Block B 808? Director Li's niece used to live there. "


Hearing Sui Yushu, I prefer to have a eyebrow.

Living in 808, Li, is it

"Is it Liyuan sister?"

Li Yuan is the roommate of zhuangxiaoqing who disappeared ten years ago!

After the disappearance, because she and zhuangxiaoqing were in love with each other, she was invited to the police station to ask for a speech. Later, there were many bad rumors in the school. Liyuan was probably unable to withstand the attack and dropped out of school.

Seeing Ning Huanxin unexpectedly knew Liyuan, Sui Yushu nodded: "I didn't expect you to know that Li Yuan's child was also a pity. The events of that year caused her to suffer from depression. She often relapsed and recovered in these years. Director Li is not easy. She should be taken care of frequently, so She, oh, no more. "

Sui Yushu feels like he doesn't know how to change his nagging. Is it because people are old?

But others' family affairs, they should not comment too much.

"Teacher, then I'm gone."

Ning Huanxin saw Sui Yushu did not want to say down, she immediately took the fake and left.

Before leaving the office building, Ning Huanxin received a call from Yu Yuesheng, and the two people made an appointment with the tea house yesterday.

This time, Yu Yue Sheng was early than Ning's joy, and he seems very excited today.

Wooden table is placed on a stack of data, rather Huan heart to the third floor, see Yu Yue Sheng is looking at the data dazed.

"In the game."

Ning Huan heart called, then walked to the wood chair beside the more and more living sat down.


Yu Yue Sheng immediately returned to God after seeing Ning Huan Xin, and pushed the information to Ning Huanxin: "information, I have brought you, you can see it!"

Yu Yuesheng was also an acute child. He didn't rest well last night for this matter.

Ning Huan heart saw the black eye circle of Yu Yue Sheng. She could not help but take off her sunglasses she wore, and subconsciously touched her black eye.

Two people you look at me, I look at you, this scene, as if two giant pandas are looking at each other.

"You didn't sleep well last night?"

Yu Yue Sheng naturally found the dark eye circle of Ning Huanxin.


Rather happy nodded, of course, the reason why she can't sleep is very complex.

"Me too." Yu Yue Sheng smiled bitterly: "people are old, but they are impatient!"

"In the Bureau, don't worry. I'll take a closer look at the information."

Ning Huan Xin took the information up, which was the oral statement of the relevant personnel of Qin Meng case.

She looked at each person's confession carefully, and focused on the oral statements of Liu Zhen and Qihai, because they were students of Qin Meng, who should be familiar with Qin dream. According to Zhan Tianyu, the male students in the Department had ideas about Qin dream. Then, they were the most suspect.


Both have alibi!

Qihai is thin and small, and can't do anything in general. But he is very proficient in playing games. So he works as a network manager outside the school. His work is reversed day and night. In the daytime, he works for him to sleep. At night, others are off work. He is a night cat network manager who just works.

On the night of Qin Meng's accident, Qihai was on duty at the Internet cafe all night. The cashier in the Internet cafe and some old customers could testify for him.

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