Tangled for a long time, black impermanence this just gave Ning happy heart back news.

Hei Wuchang: I really don't know. At the beginning, I didn't know that your highness was in the sun, not to mention the relationship between you and your highness, but Maybe, we should It's not an accident, is it?

Difu wechat system will not be bound to mortals for no reason. Hei Wuchang knows this.

Hei Wuchang also suspected that everything was arranged by Jiang Li from the beginning.

But this kind of irresponsible speculation, he dare not say!

The Lord of the underworld knows, will want the ghost life!


Dead run: I know, black brother, I have done a lot of local wechat tasks, which can be regarded as helping you, isn't it?

Hei Wuchang: it must be. You are very fond of you.

Hear black impermanence's answer, rather happy heart bottom at ease some, can help good.

Black brother, I'll ask you a question, OK, he What was he like when he was in the underworld?

Ning Huanxin is really curious about Jiang Lixing's status as "king of Qin Guang".

In the end What did the Lord Hades look like when he was in the underworld?

Black impermanence

This question is too difficult. I refuse to answer it!

Hei Wuchang sends an ellipsis and decides to play dead all the time.

Ning Huanxin is speechless, but she also guessed a little - maybe ah Xing is more terrible in the underworld?

Seeing Hei Wuchang, he didn't answer all the time. Ning Huanxin closed the chat window. Unexpectedly, at this time, people in the group were still discussing warmly --

drowned Ghost: why don't we send some gifts to happy heart!

Toilet girl: what's not in the sun? There is no specialty in our local government. Besides, it is not suitable for ordinary people to eat!

Faceless Ghost: love is not human, she is better than mortal.

Hungry ghost: if we don't wait for next year's Zhongyuan festival to go to her house together, maybe she has a son.

The one who runs the trap

How can it be so fast! What kind of calculation method is this!

Dead run: Thank you. I'll be happy when I receive your blessing. Maybe After I have the opportunity to go to Fengdu, I will go to see you!

Toilet girl: Pooh, Pooh! Children's words! You're going to live a hundred years!

Drowning Ghost: Yes, although we miss you very much, we don't want to look forward to your early death.

I'm going to sleep first. I'm really tired today.

Toilet girl: happy, go and have a rest! It's easy to get old if you sleep too late!

Good night, everyone.

Rather happy to say goodbye to the people in the group, after that, she directly quit wechat and sent a short message to Jiang Lixing --

I went to sleep, ah hang, good night.

Finish all this, Ning Huan Xin this just put the mobile phone on the head of the bed, the whole person lies on the big bed, at ease to sleep.

The next day, Ning Huawei and his wife planned to return to Yancheng. Ning Huanxin and Gu Xiao naturally drove their parents to the airport.

Before Ning Huawei and his wife arrived at the plane, the family made an appointment to spend New Year's Eve together in Yanjing.

It's hard for them to get together. Ning Huawei has already made plans. He will transfer the company's business to Yanjing as soon as possible after he goes back. In the future, the family will never separate.

Watching the plane take off, Gu Xiao held Ning Huanxin's hand.

"Happy, go back."


Rather happy nodded, everything has come to an end, she should also have a good practice.

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