I didn't expect our Lord Hades to play word games like this.

When Ning was glad to see the news of King Guangwang of Qin Dynasty, he could not help but curl his lips and quickly replied:

dead running tricks: Yes, so as a party, I will think of everything one day. I will not believe what others tell me, and I do not need to know the so-called "truth" from any population.

Although I don't understand why king Guangwang of Qin suddenly sent this message to himself, Ning Huanxin still hopes that his own affairs can be handled by himself, which has nothing to do with outsiders.

After this news passed, for a long time, King Qin Guangwang did not reply. It seems that he did not know how to reply?

Ning Huanxin breathed a sigh of relief and planned to get out of bed to have a good wash. At this time, her wechat message prompt tone suddenly rang again.

Ning Huan heart immediately looked at, there is a new friend news.

But not from King Guangwang of Qin, but from White impermanence.

Ning Huan heart immediately click on the news.

Bai Wuchang: is it convenient now?

You want to come over? Give me ten minutes, I'll wash!

Bai Wuchang: Oh!

Ning Huan Xin put down her mobile phone and hurried to the bathroom for a simple wash. After that, she changed a suit of clothes and everything was done. She just sent a message to Bai Changchang.

Dead runner: OK, big brother Bai, you can position my Yang coordinates now.

After the news was sent, Bai Wuchang did not reply, but a moment later, there was a regular knock outside Ning's house.

Is it

Rather happy heart quickly ran over to open the door.

I saw Bai Wuchang standing outside the door of his room with a blank face and a straight posture.

"Good morning."

White impermanence cold light language, and then carrying two small boxes slowly walked in.

"A gift for you."

Rather happy heart did not have time to say what, white impermanence put those two small boxes, directly into Ning happy's arms.

"And gifts?"

Ning Huanxin is a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Bai Wuchang looks at Gao Leng, but his heart is very warm. As expected, ghosts can't be judged by appearances!

Bai Wuchang

"Brother Bai, what's in this? Is it a local specialty? "

Ning Huanxin looked at the two small boxes, which looked very delicate, and asked with interest.


White impermanence is still looking at a face high cold, in fact, the heart is ten faces muddled.

These two boxes of things are directly given to him by the Lord Hades. How can Bai Wuchang know what these are?

In fact, he was more than happy and curious, OK?

"This You can open it yourself and find out. "

White impermanence saw rather happy one eye, coldly answered a sentence.

"Then I opened it?"

Seeing Bai Wuchang say so, Ning Huan Xin is not polite. He opens the two boxes directly. There is a book in the first box.

This is

Magic script?

Ning Huan Xin's eyes flashed and her expression was excited. But at the moment, the book was sealed, and the aura flashed on it. Was it used as a cover? I can't see the name of the book.

Although Ning Huan Xin doesn't know what kind of magic is, he knows super high level at a glance! It's a good thing!

"Is this a secret? Thank you very much

Rather happy and elated to put the tightly packed book away.

The white impermanence on one side picked her eyebrows quietly --

I am! The Lord of the underworld has really laid down his blood.

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