Chapter 34 - Red Butterfly

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
"Butterfly, please come out. I prepared your favorite pizza for dinner" Sachi called her daughter just outside her room.

'*Sigh* I almost lost both of my children two days ago… I suck at being a parent' the woman sighed when she was answered with silence.

At this moment Sachi heard someone knocking on the front door, opening them she noticed white-haired Sannin without his usual smile.

"Hello, Sachi-san. Is Kana-chan here?"

"Hello. Yes, she is, but she sealed her room doors, she didn't even leave her room yesterday" Sachi led Jiraya to the sealed doors.

When Jiraya brought his hand closer to Kaname's room, his palm was attacked by electric sparks sending his entire arm flying back.

"Hmm, this design… it's like Kushina's seal. Give me a moment Sachi-san" Jiraya said unrolling an empty scroll and creating the counter-seal.

Ten minutes later the white-haired Sannin, called out "Kana-chan! I'm deactivating your seal and entering the room!"

Sachi saw her daughter the first time from one and a half days sitting on her bed. Kaname had red puffy sleepy eyes, her hair was a literal mess.

"Hello…" Kaname greeted.

The woman couldn't hold back, she ran to her daughter and hugged her with all the strength she had.

"*Shh* Everything will be alright, I know you are sad. You loved them very much"

"*Sigh* Thank you, mom. I'm okayish now, I just feel… so tired" Kaname hugged her mother back.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, I'm here on Hokage's orders." Jiraya stated, "As the only survivor, only you can tell us what happened there. I was asked to "bring you in" to the Council meeting"

"Jiraya-san, do they believe that my daughter had something to do with it?! Little Butterfly, stay here I will go and ki-"

"Don't bother Sachi-san, I know Kana-chan enough to know she isn't the culprit. This meeting was called in full with all the Clan Heads. She will not be harmed by a bunch of stupid civilians, with all of the Clans at her back. I promise"

"Hmph, let them wait for fifteen more minutes, I have to go somewhere first" Kaname replied.

"Let me guess... Ryuichi? First, let's make you a little more presentable Little Butterfly"

Five minutes later Kaname entered Ryuichi's hospital room and saw her brother lying on the bed, looking at his hands.

"Hi Aniki"

"Hi, Little Squirt, sorry I didn't hear you when you entered"

"So how the famous Konoha Protector is doing?" Kaname asked.

"*Cough* Don't even start, I heard what happened. I'm sorry…" Kaname saw his eye remained unfocused.

"Oh, sorry. Do you need some water? Here you go" she gave him an empty cup.

"*Sigh* Yeah, I'm almost blind. You got me" Ryuichi sighed after trying to drink from the empty cup.

"Shit, did you find a cure?" she asked putting the filled cup into his hands.

"No, but I found that in history book the Madara had developed even higher form of the Sharingan, maybe there is a clue somewhere"

"And what about you? You will remain blind as a mole when I burrow myself in books?"

"Don't worry Little Squirt. When I activate the Sharingan my sight comes back. But any use of my Mangekyō powers will most likely rend me blind"

"Okay, I will think of something, See you! *Pft*" Kaname kissed her brother's cheek and left.


"Enter!" Hokage's voice answered.

"Hello, Hokage-sama, Clan leaders. I'm sorry for being late" Kaname bowed her head to them, completely ignoring the other council members.

"How dare you make us wait, young la-" yelled an old woman.

"So why was I called Hokage-sama?" Kaname interrupted her.

"Kaname Uchiha, you were called because we want to know what was your part in killing Yondaime and his wife, and releasing the Nine-tailed fox into the village," Danzo said.

"Are you the Hokage? I'm not talking to you, so shut up dɨċkhead. Once again Hokage-sama why was I called to the meeting" Kaname calmly replied, her words were met with a lot of smiles from all the shinobis inside, Jiraya standing behind the Hokage laughed out loud.

"HOW DARE YOU! No respect for the Council. Do you see that Hiruzen? It must have been her!" Danzo shouted out rising on his feet.

"Sit down on your ȧss, or I will make you never leave the chair again. What did I say about calling me by name in the meetings, Danzo? I'm your Hokage for gods sake" Hokage's voice promised pain.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama…" Danzo sat, his eyes staring at the young black-haired teen.

"Hello, Kana-chan. We would like to hear what has happened with the delivery of Minato's child" Hokage calmly asked.

"*Sigh* Everything was okay until the child was born. As you most likely understand by now, we were attacked, I'm sorry Hokage-sama, your wife was killed first by a masked man with a single Sharingan" collective gasps sounded through the meeting members.

"So it was an Uchiha! I told you Hokage-sama, we can't trust them!" Danzo said.

"Watch your next words, Danzo-san. As an Uchiha Clan Head, I can't tolerate such words directed against my clan" Fugaku calmly replied.

"SILENCE!" Sarutobi ordered, "That's what I found out myself, we found the bodies of stationing Anbu there with wounds suggesting that they were impaled by a blade. Did he say who he was?"

"Yes, but I think it should stay between me and you, Hokage-sama. There are some people here that I don't feel I can trust with this secret. It's for the good of Konoha. Let me continue the story, as I saw a blade sticking out of Biwako-sama I rushed at the enemy, he saw me and…" Kaname remembered of the ȧssailant's eye opening in shock and worry when he looked at her, "...Sorry, I had a wild thought going through my head. His Sharingan had a distinct design, can I speak of this Fugaku-san?"

"Hmm, this is a Clan's Secret, but if it's necessary to understand the story then I give you my permission"

"Okay, Uchiha's eyes got a higher version of evolution known as Mangekyō Sharingan, it gives its user additional unique powers, but we need to sacrifice something close to one's heart to acquire it. With that said, I rushed at the enemy but his eye changed shape, I will draw it later for Fugaku-sama to check it in archives, my attack and body went through him like he was a ghost. Landing on his other side he counter-attacked me, breaking my spine"

"Eh? Then how do you stand here Kana-chan?! It was two days ago!" Tsume shouted out.

"I got better, it doesn't matter. Let's just say I was out of the fight. Then in this intruder's hands landed Minato's baby that was in his wife's arms, not sure how - I think it's one of his powers. He wanted to use the weakening of the Kyūbi's seal to eradicate Konoha. Then…"

After five minutes Kaname was finishing the story.

"... With losing both of them I was able to awaken my own Mangekyō Sharingan and then I fainted" Kaname finished.

"*Sigh* I'm sorry for your loss Kaname. I would like to mark this killer with a "Kill on sight" order, adding him to Bingo Book as an S-rank ninja. Anyone against this motion?" Hokage asked.

"Kaname-san, as everyone here knows you awakened your eyes, can you show us how they look like?" Aburame clan head asked.

Kaname made the chakra flow into her eyes, soon she saw everything more clearly than ever before, she could see the small spider hiding in the dark corner of the room under the sofa.

The meeting members saw Kaname's three tomoes in her eyes bloom like small seedlings into three black water lilies.

(AN:, fiction cover will be changed, it's an old project. I got a better one now. I will do it when she gains her EMS - because it took me lots of time to create it :-))

Kaname's head was flooded with new information about her powers.

'Wow, I feel power cruising in my body, now about my powers, hmm. Heh so similar, yet so different, let's see Kami-no-mon, almost the same as Aniki's. And the second Tsubasa-no-kioku, hmm a little tricky genjutsu to use' Kaname thought out.

"So what are your powers?" Danzo called out.

"*Pft* Yeah, like I would tell you. This is only for the people I trust to know"

"Hokage-sama, I would like to take young Kaname-san as one of my students. With me as her teacher, she could become one of the best Kunoichi in history" Danzo tried his luck.

"Nah, you look like a shady type, I don't want to become your student"

"And that's that, anything else Danzo?" Hokage asked.

"Hmph! If I can't get her, let me take the Weapon to train him from young"

"Like hell, I will let you take Minato's son Danzo. Leave, I had enough of your stupidity for today" Hokage ordered.

"We shall see what the Daimyo will say at the end" Danzo replied leaving the room with the company of two elders from the Council.


"*Growl* Can I sick my dogs on them Hokage-sama? All our internal problems would end with their deaths" Tsume asked.

"Don't worry, this time we are on the attack. We got Minato's last will, they can't do anything against his and Kushina's baby"

"Heh, I guessed Kushina was his wife" Inoichi laughed extending his empty hand to Chōza and Shikaku.

"Tsk/Troublesome…" they replied, putting the money in his palm.

"Hokage-sama, can I ask you something in private?"


Kaname stood next to him and whispered, "How many Anbu's are here?"


"What about the one hiding as a spider beneath the bed?"

"What?" he whispered back.

"Can I deal with him? I would like to test one of my powers on a living test subject" she was answered with a nod of the head.

'<Tsubasa-no-kioku>' Kaname silently used her power.

The root agent heard everything that was said in a meeting, he was waiting for the room to empty to return and report who was the child's mother. Then he saw a red buŧŧerfly flying his way.

'Aren't the buŧŧerflies scared of spiders?' he thought.

The buŧŧerfly grazed him and flew away in terror. Just like all those people were fleeing him when he was on his first mission, the most committed to the memory was a young boy protecting his little sister with his body from a fireball heading their way.

In an instant, the spider's body exploded in flames. From under the sofa came a smoke cloud, throwing the sofa of him, still burning, came out a man with black-cloak and a mask screaming in pain.

Hokage dosed the flames, but the man was still screaming.

"What has happened to him?" Chōza asked while the Anbu took the crazy spy outside to the T&I department.

"It's one of my powers Tsubasa-no-kioku, with my left eye I create and control immaterial buŧŧerfly-illusion when it touches my victim it makes them remember their first kill, recreating it on their own body" Kaname answered deactivating her eyes.

"Easy there Kaname-san" Fugaku caught falling Kaname, "The first time we use the Mangekyō Sharingan our body is not ready for the influx of power. Without it, we can feel tiredness"

"Thank you. I'm okay now. Now that we don't have anyone that I don't trust, we can talk without secrets. The man called himself Madara Uchiha, and no he wasn't the same person, maybe his child or grandchild?" Kaname words were met with a loud gasp from the ninjas.

"Fuck…" Shikaku said.

"Yeah, now I have a favor to ask of you Fugaku-san"


"The fight against a Kyūbi made my brother almost blind. Can you pull some strings and enroll him into Konoha's Police Force somewhere into the book-keeping? Any use of his powers will rend him blind forever"

"Hmph, you saved my firstborn from premature death, you delivered my second-born. Consider it done" Fugaku replied.

"Kana-chan there is one more thing. Minato's and Kushina's last will. Both of them want you to inherit the Namikaze estate, Minato was the last of his line" Hokage started.

"What about Naruto, he is his son?" Kaname asked.

"I will get to this in the end. The second thing, Kushina left you sealed information about the location of Uzumaki Clan's Mask Storage Temple, she thought you would be able to study them. Minato's left you a scroll with his research on Flying Thunder God Technique and Rasengan. And now to the last thing, as Kushina wrote "If I don't do it, she will find me in the afterlife and kick my ȧss", I don't take any chances with that… Both of them ordere- asked me to make you Naruto's guardian. Do you accept?"

"*Sigh* I knew it would end up like this... I most likely owe them my life, I accept"