Chapter 31 - Whine of help

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik

"Once again!" Itachi was ordered by an old Uchiha.

"<Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu>!" a big fireball was released from a five-year-old mouth followed by a round of coughing.

"Once aga-"

"Stop this you old fossil!" Kaname barged in, interrupting the elder.

"How dare you! It's not a place for the likes of you! I'm training our future Clan's Head!"

Kaname flashed her Sharingan, she centered some bloodlust she gained at the battlefield "Do you want me to do this the fun way? Scram!" she yelled out.

"Guh… Fugaku-sama will be informed of your insubordination!"

"It's okay Itachi-chan, I need to talk with your mother, can you show me where is she?"

"*Wheeze* Thanks oneesan. Follow me"

They were heading to the kitchen, "Itachi-chan, I need to talk with your mommy privately. I will meet with you in five minutes, okay?"

"Sure, I will go wash my face"

"Thanks" Kaname entered the kitchen.

"Damn aunty, you got voracious appetite! Is this a big box of ice creams, and four empty ramen bowls?" Kaname asked.

"Hehe, Hi Kana-chan. I'm not sure I felt like eating something"

"Okay, whatever. I have got results, and it's worse than I thought. The blood I saw didn't come from his mouth, it had some traces of his lungs fluid. I need to ask: when did he start training with the great fireball?"

"*Sigh* I told them that it's a bad idea. But Fugaku was adamantly pushing his training with the Council on his back. They wanted to "create" a perfect clan head. Itachi started training this jutsu when he was three"


"I know it's bad, but what will happen with Itachi?" Mikoto asked with a half-eaten tuna sandwich in her hand.

"You don't understand, there is a reason the ninja academy starts when a child is six years old. The organs of a child are very delicate, the first elemental jutsu child learns, is after at least a year - when they have at least a small amount of chakra control. From your face, I see you understand, with their early start the fire element did microscopic damage to Itachi's lungs. Without help, those microscopic damages could lead to terminal sickness of Itachi's lungs, his life would end in the next fifteen or so years..."

"*Growl* I will kill him!" Mikoto growled finishing her third sandwich.

"No, let us talk with Fugaku. If you want to save Itachi's life, we need to shield him from the Elders. As a clan's head, I think he can help us."

"FUGAKU! GET YOUR ASS HERE! RIGHT NOW!" Mikoto shouted out.

Ten seconds later Fugaku's shown himself looking like a poor animal that knew he messed something up.

"Yes, dear?"

"*Growl* I feel sick looking at you, I will let Kana-chan talk"

"Yeah, with all due respect Fugaku-sama, you are an idiot"


"*Sigh* You almost killed your firstborn when you started to train him at such a young age, and now he is on the brink of contracting a new terminal illness, better now?"

"Oh that, but the elders said that it would-"

"I don't give a shit about them. If you want your son to live past his twenties I need your help!" Kaname interrupted him.

"Guh, I understand"

"Good, no more training for at least six months, the damage is minimal, and his body will slowly repair itself. And if any of the elders have got something to say about that, you can kill them for all I care" Kaname ordered.

"*Sigh* Not sure about killing, but I will protect Itachi. I'm sorry Mikoto-chan, it was my fault, I will repair everything, I promise" Fugaku hugged his wife.

"Hmm, wait a minute aunty," Kaname said, she put her hand on Mikoto's belly and used <Diagnostic Jutsu>

"Hahaha, I have some news, you will have a second baby. Congratulations!" Kaname laughed out.

"Not again…" Fugaku fainted.

"So that's where this appetite of my comes from, I started eating like crazy with Itachi as well. Thank you Kana-chan, for the great news." Mikoto hugged her.

At this moment Itachi entered the kitchen, his eyes seen a really bizarre image of his father lying unconscious on the floor with barfs all over his body, and his mother and older sister hugging and laughing. He left the room and entered again, 'this genjutsu is a persistent one' he thought seeing the same scene again.

Three days later Kaname was called by someone in the middle of her shopping spree.

"Hi, Kana-chan, I was looking for you!" said a white-haired Sannin.

"Hello, Jiraya-san. How can I help?"

"I have some news from Minato-kun, he wants you to meet your new teammates. In an hour go to the Training Grounds 15, I will meet you there"

"Hi… What happened here?" she asked.

"Hi, Kana-chan!" Minato greeted.

Jiraya being tallest among all of them took both lying bodies by their collar and raised them.

"You know Genma, your third teammate is Raido Namiashi," Jiraya said.

Raido had a standard jōnin uniform, the first thing Kaname saw was a weal-like scar on his face, it ran across the left side of his face ending on the bridge of his nose. He had brown spiky hair and dark eyes.

"Hi Genma, and nice to meet you Raido" both men just bȧrėly gave a sign with their heads.

"What has happened to them? Do they need medical attention?" Kaname asked.

"Nah, they just did a one-v-one spar against me. Now it's time for you Kana-chan" Minato answered.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Jiraya-san on your signal!" Minato said.

"Start!" the Sannin shouted out.

Kaname's survival instinct just flared up, she used <Kawarimi no Jutsu> to replace herself with a wooden log. Next moment the log exploded being hit by a small blue orb in Minato's hand. Kaname saw a flash of yellow light, her instinct screamed at her, she heard a sound of whirling chakra right behind her, she ducked rolling on the ground, seeing Minato she slashed with her katana. But before she drew blood, she saw another flash of yellow light.

'I need to get some distance!' she thought, jumping away from another attack. While in the air she created two shadow clones and sent them to attack. A second later both clones were

dispersed, Kaname landing on the ground repelled three-pronged kunai heading her way

'That's the way of his teleportation! Fuck!' Kaname had to pirouette around a kick sent her way. Jumping away she noticed another kunai three steps left from her position.

"<Katon: Kaen Senpū>!" Kaname intoned sending a whirlwind-like bullet in the direction of the kunai. She saw Minato appearing before the fire bullet, but in a blink of an eye, he disappeared. Kaname felt cold steel placed near her neck.

"I win" she heard Minato's voice from her back.

"*Wheeze*, *Wheeze*... What the fuċk was that?!" Kaname asked.

"Hahaha, that's the same thing I said when he has shown me this technique!" Jiraya laughed out.

"Good job Kana-chan, you survived the longest of this team, full thirty seconds" Minato gratulated her.

"*Wheeze*, the longest thirty seconds of my life…" Kaname answered sitting on the ground.

"Okay, as you all three now understand the upsides of this technique, I would like to teach you all a lesser version of it. It's a joint technique allowing you to teleport in a group after each session we will spar again, I want all of you to be in shape"


"Minato-san did you heard that?" Kaname heard a whining of an animal.


"It's coming from there!" Minato teleported away.

"Kana-chan! Come here! Quick!" Kaname heard his voice behind the trees.

"It's Hamimaru!" Kaname saw the border-collie partner of her friend, the puppy had one eye destroyed by a slash of a blade, her right front paw was broken, blood was seeping from her belly.

"Jiraya-san! It's an emergency bring me an Inuzuka Clan member here, I will try to patch her up!" Kaname ordered.

"On my way!" Sannin disappeared in a <Shunshin no Jutsu>.

"*Shh* It's okay, little girl, I have got you"

"Damn, do you know what has happened Kana-chan?" Minato asked.

"No idea, that's why I sent for an Inuzuka. They can talk with their ninken"

"How is Hamimaru?"

"I'm not a miracle worker, I can't recreate the lost eye. But she is stable for now, the broken paw will need time to mend"

At this moment Jiraya returned with a wild-looking woman.

"Tsume-san we need your help!" Minato greeted her with a nod of his head.

"Yeah, I see, good job Kana-chan with healing the cut" Tsume replied.

"Thanks, ninken's anatomy is different than a human's, I'm winging it. Can you ask her what has happened?"


"I don't exactly understand, Hamimaru said: "Snake attacked, traitor of the pack"." Tsume translated.

"Fuck! Hamimaru what has happened with Maki, do you remember where she is?"


"Maki ordered Hamimaru to seek your help, she and her pack were taken away"

"Hamimaru can you show me where it happened, maybe there are some clues there," Kaname asked.

"Hey! The puppy is heavily wounded, she shouldn't be taken to a mission!" Tsume tried to take Hamimaru in her arms, only to be stopped by a *bark*.

"Minato-san, I need to go," Kaname said, putting Hamimaru on her shoulder.

"I understand, I will go talk with Hiruzen-sama, we will create a unit to track down Orochimaru. Genma, Raido, go with her, Jiraya-san can you protect them?"

"I will show this snake face, what happens when someone betrays his friends!"

They ran full speed north, Hamimaru gave signals with barks and growls when they went right or wrong way. After two hours of running, Hamimaru whɨnėd.

"It's was here?" Kaname asked.


"Shit! Nothing out of ordinary. Anyone sees anything out of place, the snake-bastard liked to create small hidden caves here and there" Jiraya informed.

"Hamimaru can you smell Maki-chan's smell?"


"Jiraya-san, I need to get high up, maybe from the top, I will spot something"

Atop of a giant toad's head, Kaname saw a rock formation further west of their position.

'Maybe there are some caves out this way' she thought. Half-way there Hamimaru barked.

"What? Do you smell something?"


"Maki's smell?" Kaname asked excitedly.

Another bark and a wave of a tail.

"Jiraya-san! Hamimaru says it's somewhere here!" Kaname yelled out.

"Hamimaru can you track this smell?" Jiraya asked.


"Okay, show us the way!"

Soon under the root of a tree, they found a masked entrance. Even without the Inuzuka's nose, one could smell the rotten odor of dead bodies from inside. The entrance led to a long corridor with tens of closed doors on either side.

"Shit! What this snake-bastard played at?" Jiraya asked.

Genma broke through the closed doors on the left. Inside there was a dead mutilated body of a young green-haired girl.

"These are cells!" Genma said.

"Please, we need to go, there is still a chance to save my friends!" Kaname pleaded.

"Yeah, let's go," Jiraya said.

The long corridor ended with a single big room, with vials, scrolls, and some kind of operating table. On the table, Kaname saw a woman's freshly amputated hand, with a small note.

Hamimaru jumped on the table and smell the hand, she whɨnėd, it sounded almost like a human's cry of sorrow.

Jiraya took the note and read it.

"Don't try to find me you toad pervert! I left you a gift, a bad girl punched me so I took her hand. If I even hear about you looking for me I will send you her head!" Jiraya intoned.

"I promise I will find him, and when I do I will fuċkɨnġ destroy everything he ever held dear in front of his eyes! He will beg me to end him!" Kaname yelled out with tears in her eyes.

"Not so fast Kana-chan, you're third in a queue. And you need to get much stronger for that" Jiraya hugged the crying teen.

"Genma, Raido, look for survivors. Knowing Orochimaru, there isn't much chance for them. We will bury the dead" Jiraya ordered.