Chapter 19 - Prepare for War

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
"Welcome back team 9," said Sarutobi after Inoichi got into his office with his team.

"Hello, Hokage-sama. We're here to report the completion of another B rank mission," he answered, "human-trafficking near the Tea country is now stopped and won't come back in the nearest future. Slavers had guards consisting of mostly genin level ninja and 2 young chūnins, from our side excluding some bruises there were no injuries."

"Good job team 9, it looks like your pupils are almost ready to become chūnins themselves Inoichi-san. I have some good news, Chōza was relea-" Hokage was interrupted by someone barging into the office.

Kaname from the corner of her eye saw three old people walking inside like they owned the place. She knew two of the faces, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane, they were members of Konoha Council, but the man standing between the two gave her creeps. He appeared as a frail, old man walking with a cane, but Kaname saw hidden strength underneath this facade. He had black, shaggy hair, the right side of his face was bandaged.

"Sarutobi, we the Council with approval from Daimyo created a new law." said the black-haired man.

"How dare you Danzo! In accordance with Konoha's Law, I must oversee all Council meetings! Especially the ones about the fate of our ninja."

"Your voice was unnecessary, we had Daimyo's order to get them to the frontlines." calmly replied Danzo.

"I will get you back for this someday, all three of you get out of my sight!" Hokage ordered.

'What now?!' thought Kaname.

"*Sigh*... I'm sorry for this spectacle, in times of war the Council got bolder, especially now that they have Fire Daimyo word behind them. I got very bad news for you, and pretty much all the new teams," After a long pause and another sigh, he continued "the Konoha Council and Fire Daimyo call all our ninja troops to the frontlines, even the young genin teams are conscripted. I'm sorry I was trying to stop this order for as long as possible. I beg you to come back to Konoha alive."

"Fuck… Did I thought it out loud?" Kaname asked seeing Maki's scared eyes on hers.

"Hokage-sama we will move according to the order, but with all due respect fuċk the Council and the Daimyo," said Inoichi.

"*Sigh* Normally that would be punishable with death Inoichi-san, but now these are pretty much the same words that are on my mind. What's worse you won't be their captain, young ninjas will be ȧssigned to their divisions, I will try to pull some strings and keep them together. Good luck, watch your back out there and stay alive - especially you Kaname, you have a weird gift with landing into the hospital with grave wounds, promise me you will come back alive."

"It's hard to promise something I don't have control of Jiji… But I will try my hardest to come back, I promise," replied Kaname.

"I suppose I can't ask for more. Further instructions will be sent to you in 30 minutes. Farewell Team 9!"

"Thank you for keeping calm when those 3 old fossils came kids. There are so many things to say, and I don't have enough time. Prepare your equipment as you would prepare for a very long spy mission, you don't have to worry about food or sleeping conditions, kunais and shurikens will be provided, pack everything else you need. Do it fast thirty minutes is not as much time as you would imagine. Let's meet at the north gate after we get our instructions, go!" said Inoichi.

Kaname got to her home in record time, created two shadow clones and started packing herself.

"Kana-2 take Mr. Fluffy to aunty Mikoto… wait!" she stopped the clone, Kaname took the hare in her hands and hugged Mr. Fluffy one last time. "Okay, go!" (AN: ninjas are killers, but they still got emotions - at least Kaname has them :-) )

After checking the list the third time, a small brown monkey jumped into her room "Instructions from the Sarutobi-sama!" it said.

'Head north-east and join Army B ... a division under Jiraya-san, okay that's not so bad,' Kaname skipped most of the instructions, just to get general orientation what to do next. 'I need to go meet with Inoichi-san and the team.' she thought, left her home having hope that it wouldn't be the last time she has seen it. (AN: a division is ~1k ninjas)

"You're here already Take-kun?" she asked seeing her friend's pineapple-shaped hair.

"*sigh* You will never stop with this nickname?... My mom's raised hell and made me ready in ten minutes, now she is on her way to "kill every member of Konoha Council a little bit", how can you kill someone a little bit?" said Takeshi.

"Hahaha, nothing to worry about, most likely many parents are there on their own, Anbu will stop her before she does something bad. Where are you going? I'm joining the Army B on Jiraya's-san division."

"Good, me too-"

"Me three!" said Maki landing near her team.

"At least we're together to watch each other's back," said Kaname.

"And I believe you will do it for the rest of your lives," said Inoichi showing himself from around the corner, next to him stood 2 of his friends, "let me introduce you this is Shikaku Nara, and this is Chōza Akimichi. I hope you three become as close friends as we are, and always remember, with teamwork there is always hope for victory. Regrettably, we're sent to army A and I can't save your hide when something bad happens. After this war is over I want all of us to meet at Yakiniku Q, the one with the most injuries will pay!"

"Hey that's not fair Inoichi-san, you know my luck with getting ambushed!" replied Kaname.

"Hahaha, pay up or get better Kana-chan" he laughed, he hugged his pupils and left with his friends heading north-west.

"Let's go Takeshi-kun, Kana-chan, according to the letter we need to be there before the dawn. And Kana-chan, if you get ambushed one more time, both of us will dress you as a lettuce and feed you to the snails!"

And so they went with the sun slowly setting behind their backs.