Chapter 13 - Clan Spar

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
They bȧrėly kept up with their jōnin-sensei, he stopped at the small park closest to the academy, the park was full of open areas with few trees here and there. Just then Kaname found out his looks, the man had long ash-blond hair with a ponytail reaching his lower back. His face adorned by light green eyes, strong facial features, and a well-defined jawline.

"Hello, It seems I'm your team captain. My name is Inoichi Yamanaka, as of last week I'm 23 years old and engaged to Noriko Yamanaka. I belong to Konoha's Ino-Shika-Chō formation and got designated as a jōnin-captain, my team got ambushed and Chōza Akimichi is in hospital for a foreseeable future. As a future Yamanaka's clan head I'm well versed in my clan's techniques, and I'm one of the best sensors in our village. My dream is to open a flower shop and start a family with my girlfriend. Who will go next? Oh, it's you Takeshi-kun? You have grown, how is your sister?"

"*Sigh*" the Nara clan member started, "Hello Inoichi-san, Ari is still in the hospital bed, even if she wakes up from the coma, her future as a ninja is no more. As you all know, my name is Takeshi Nara, I'm 11 years old and come from the branch of Nara clan. My strong points are my clan techniques and strategic mind, I have a dream to become a Chūnin and guard the Konoha gates for the rest of my life."

"My name is Kaname Uchiha 10 years old. I come from the stick-in-the-ass clan aka "Uchiha", my hobbies are training, pranking and training, I'm good at close to a mid-range fight. For now, I have some basic fire jutsus, I'm just starting my training with kenjutsu (AN: weapon fighting), genjutsu (AN: illusions) and iryōnin-jutsu (AN: healing). My dream is to learn all of the jutsus and become a kickass kunoichi."

"I'm Maki Inuzuka, as Kana-chan I'm 10 years old. This is my partner Hamimaru, he is a ninken. I'm pretty fast and good at close-quarter combat and smelling things, with my partner, we make a deadly duo. I like dogs, sleeping and training with friends, I hate people that abuse animals. Eh, what else? My dream is to become an Anbu and keep Konoha safe." Maki finished the introductions.

"Okay kids, normally you would be tested if your good enough to become a genin. But in times of war Konoha needs all potential soldiers, let's see what are you made of. I rented this entire park for this evening, I want you three to try and defeat me, I don't care what you use, come at me with an intent to kill, we have 4 hours to pla-" Inoichi was stopped by a body-slam attempt by Maki.

"!" young Inuzuka started the fight with her clans basic jutsu swirling like a drill, only for her captain's body to explode in a small smoke cloud. "Damn! He got away. Let's chase him down!" Maki said full of vigor.

"Stop, you troublesome woman."

"Yeah, just wait a moment Maki-chan. We need a plan, he is a jōnin, he would just hunt us down one after the other. Take-san you are the brain, have you got anything planned out?" Kaname said. Her smile grew as she saw Takeshi's eyebrow twitch when she said his nickname.

"Just bȧrėly, he is somewhere south from here." Maki said.

"Okay, let's do it like this…" Takeshi whispered to them.

Five minutes later, the team found their captain. Maki started the fight spinning like a fast mill saw, the trees on her path got cut down.

Inoichi jumped above her landing on the ground, only to be met with a flying kunai heading for his heart. Reflecting it with his blade he said.

"Not a bad throw Kaname. Where is T-... Damn!" he had to jump away from a shadow that was aiming at him from his blind spot.



In the air, he was met with a flying drill and a fireball, following him from the top and bellow.

Inoichi had to swap himself with a substitution Jutsu.

"Sorry, he is still too young to use Inuzuka clan techniques, he is safe up there on the branches." Maki showed him where her partner is with a pointing her finger above Inoichi's head.

Inoichi sight went after Maki's finger only to get a sight of Kaname using seals. He felt a very small foreign fluctuation in his chakra pathways, 'Haha, this team is good. They got a jōnin under a genjutsu.'

"!" Jōnin released himself from Kaname's influence, he saw Hamimaru sitting on the young Uchiha's shoulder. But before he could ask anything about Kaname's experience with genjutsu, he was met with another drill attack, that destroyed his surroundings.

This time he redirected Maki's attack and faced Kaname doing another set of seals and breathing a stable stream of fire in his direction, he had to jump away from the fire jutsu. Now he was going to land on the field full of broken lying branches and trees, from the corner of his eye he saw the Hamimaru. The pup in a puff of smoke cloud got bigger, from the smoke cloud came Takeshi.

Jōnin landed on the ground full of shadows without a chance for evasion. He was met with a standard Nara's clan jutsu and got bound with Takeshi's shadow.

"Hahaha, good job! It's going to be a pŀėȧsurė to work with you! From now on four of us are Team 9." Inoichi laughed out.

"Wow, Kana-chan, Take-san we owned a jōnin. Let's try to hunt down some Anbu next!" loudly proclaimed Maki.

"Nope, I'm sorry Maki-san but we didn't "own" him. We were lucky Inoichi-san never used any of his techniques, we were always on the attack and never had to defend ourselves. At most, we're at a high genin level." replied Takeshi.

"That's not exactly true Takeshi-kun, while I didn't counterattack, you three applied some pressure, while each of you is easily a genin material with teamwork this team can easily overpower a young chūnin. Team 9 from now on we meet every day in front of the gates of Training Grounds 12 at 6 a.m. After 4 hours of training, we will go do some missions. But for now who is up for some barbeque from Yakiniku Q, my treat!" Inoichi said asking for his proteges to follow him.