Chapter 7 - Proper Uchiha Behaviour

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
"Wake up Butterfly." Her mother said, gently shaking her arm.

"Mommy let me sleep, it's Saturday. I don't have to wake up for school" groggily replied Kaname. After regaining a part of yesterday's memory of a conversation with her mother 'Oh right, we were invited to a party. But why do I feel so tired?... Damn! I stayed up till 4 a.m. training .' Kaname's mind slowly started working, her headache a testament of the last night stupid idea.

"Butterfly, if a week of the academy student life makes you so tired then what about your life as a ninja? Get up, it's about Fugaku's-chan and Mikoto's-chan firstborn. Our entire clan will be there, we will need to pretty you up a little bit." Sachi smiled sinisterly.

"Wha-" Kaname woke up instantly and saw her mother's evil smile, 'Please work!' . From a small smoke cloud, she saw the corridor right outside her room 'Thank you God! Now let's ninja my way out to safety, maybe my brother's room will have some good hiding places.' she thought and started moving along the corridor wall until she heard a weird metallic sound.


'Why is there a chain wrapped around my ankle?' was the first question in her mind. The chain started somewhere inside her room, 'Oh no.' was her last coherent thought. She felt a sharp yank, pulling her leg from under her, "No I don't want to-. Aniki! HELP ME!" Kaname screamed seeing her brother walking out of his room.

Her last ray of hope was squashed when her brother waved her goodbye with a smile adorning his face. "Traitor!" her room doors closed with a *snap*. Ryuichi heard his mother behind the closed doors cackling evilly "Fufufu, I got you now!".

Two hours later the entire family was taking a stroll through the Uchiha district "I hate you both!" said the girl. She was wearing a red yukata with decorative white and pink flowers. After a long fight, her mother was able to get her disheveled hair into something more proper. Kaname's hair was now straightened out showing off most of her face, her black hair was combed to the left side of her face bȧrėly hiding her rosy cheek while the rest of it gently laid down to her shoulder blades.

"Oh please! You look like a proper young lady now. By the way, we know you like to take care of your hair. It's not my fault it is as stubborn as an ox. You're welcome Princess." replied her mother.

"Hello Saki Uchiha, Ryuichi Uchiha, Kaname Uchiha. You're expected, enter." Said a gray-haired man in a monotone voice, his face full of wrinkles.

"Thank you Tetsuzan-sama." replied Saki bowing her head just a notch, pushing her kids inside the compound.

"Mom who was he? With his tone of voice and emotions shown on his face, I think he could be a plant, no wait! Can Uchiha clan resurrect corpses!?" asked shocked Ryuichi when they neared near the main building.

"Pft! For as much as I know he could be either. Tetsuzan has a special place in our clan, as an Elder he thaught the last two generations of clan heads The Proper Behaviour for an Uchiha. Three if we take the kid we're here to meet in the consideration. He was born before Sandaime-sama and in his own opinion, he was a friend to a friendless Madara. From time to time he is strolling through the district like a peacock and giving out penalties for children's… misbehavior" informed their mother.

After living through the hell of grunts, hearing only "Hns" and "Uns" for 25 minutes. Sachi with her children got to the front of the queue. "Just a little more Butterfly, don't blow the fuse now." she said seeing her youngest child bȧrėly holding herself back. "Hello Fugaku-san, Hello Mikoto-chan. I offer my and my children's best wishes to you and your new boy." Sachi said formally bowing before her clan's head.

"Hn-." said a man with brown hair reaching his shoulders. His emotionless face had big deep creases on both sides of his nose.

'Kaname stop, don't do it girl. Breathe and countdown from 10… phew! That was a close one.' Thought Kaname.

"Hi Sachi-taichou, thank you for coming! Are these your kids?" asked an excited woman sitting next to Fugaku. The woman had snow-white skin, her straight black hair had bangs on both sides of her young pretty face adorned by black onyx eyes.

"Yes this is Ryuichi, he is a fresh Chunin and my pride. This little mayhem is my daughter Kaname, she just started the academy..." said Sachi, seeing a questioning look from her daughter she finished, "oh come on, I'm proud of you as well. Not many parents can say that their daughter moped floor with a bigger boy on her first day in the academy, hahaha."

"Hi kids! I heard about you from Kushi-chan. By the way, Kushi-chan said I was to thank you for the photos. Hiruzen-sama wanted to send Fugaku-kun for a week-long mission, I did not want my husband to leave me a day before my term. Let's just say Hokage-sama had to find a replacement, hahaha."

'At last someone I can talk with!' thought Kaname smiling at the laughing woman. "You're welcome Uchiha-sama." she saw the young woman waving her finger sideways showing that she is wrong.

"You will call me like Kushi-chan or I won't talk to you." Mikoto explained.

'Great another foster aunt.' Kaname thought, "Ehh, okay aunty Mikoto. And if you want blackmail materials on other people you know who to look for. I have some on Minato-san, aunty Kushina, my homeroom teacher in the academy and some more on Hokage-sama."

"Not yet." replied the little blackmailer with still not perfected Uchiha smirk on her face.