Chapter 3 - Leaf Monster

Name:Uchiha's Butterfly Author:dahnik
"Oh! Hi Kushi-chan, are you here on a date with your boyfriend?" asked Sachi standing behind an 18-year-old woman.

"Sachi-taichou!?" screamed Kushina her face as red as her hair, she instantly inhaled a big bowl of ramen and answered "It's Minato-kun, do you remember the incident 4 years ago when I was abducted by four Kumogakure ninjas? He was the genin that saved me, ttebane. But he is not my boyfriend!… yet".

"Hmm, what did you said at the end? I didn't hear that. Nice to meet you Minato-kun!" replied Sachi with a knowing smirk, turning her head away from extremely red-faced Kushina. "Pleasure is all mine, thank you for protecting Kushina-chan on her missions." replied the blonde good-naturedly.

"I forgot, these are my kids: Ryuichi and Kaname say hello." After quick introductions, all sat together and waited for their ramen bowls or four in Kushina's case.

"How old are you Kana-chan?" asked Kushina, "Almost seven, I will start shinobi academy next month, Kushina-...sama", Kaname only saw Kushina's head-turning down and heard her mutter "Damn, now I feel old".

"Pft! Little Butterfly you can call her obaa-chan" with not exactly hidden laugh replied black-haired woman. "No stop! Don't do it! Call me, ... I know Aunt Kushina, ttebane!"

"Okay, I will Kushina-ob-." "NOOO!", Minato spat out water which he was drinking, while three Uchiha's had a big smile on their faces. "Just joking, okay aunty Kushina!" laughed Kaname.

"I feared what one Obito can do with his pranks, but there are three more Uchihas like him! Konohagakure won't know what hit them if you four are let loose." Laughed Minato.

"You know Obito-senpai Minato-...san?" asked the little girl.

Kaname heard her mother talking with again red-faced aunty if she heard it right they're talking about newborns, not her area of expertise. "He taught me some pranks but for most of them I need chakra, but I am still fighting to not let a stupid leaf fall of my forehead" Kaname sadly replied.

"Ryu-kun catch a leaf for your sister, I think I know where is the problem." said Minato, Ryuichi used 'He is extremely fast for a genin' thought Minato. Two seconds later Ryuichi came back with a handful of leaves.

"Kana-chan look at this" Minato took in his hand a white towel paper and shown it to Kaname. Her eyes darted through the entire towel looking for clues "...And?" she asked not sure of herself. Minato took his water bottle and let down a single drop right in the middle of the paper towel and raised it for Kaname "Look now". The little girl was looking hard at the wet spot [AN: Naruto ch.153] and then she had a eureka moment.

"Ryu I understand now, fast, give me all your leaves!" Kaname screamed happily.

"If I can ask Minato-san, what was the problem?" asked a smiling black-haired teen.

"That's easy, we're taught to circulate chakra in our bodies, it's good for training your chakra reserves. But to hold a leaf you need to circulate chakra at the spot where the leaf is. Your sister's tried to circulate chakra through her entire body instead of concentrating on this single spot. For how long was she doing it this way?" Asked Minato.

"At the least for twelve months, eight hours a day" replied Ryuichi, "Wow, she is t-". Their talk was interrupted.

"Hahaha! Its time for some fun!" a mad laughing Kaname bellowed with her entire face encased in leaves.

"Ryu-kun I am not sure I did the right thing helping her ." said frightened Minato, "Don't worry she won't do anything permanent" ȧssured him Ryuichi.

"Eh!? You knew his father!?"

"No, his older brother Dan couldn't ask Tsunade-san out for a date for almost 3 years. They were dancing around like two lovebirds but a week after they became a pair Dan got killed. As you wish, I will help you. Come to my home tomorrow, I think you will look great in my red lingerie" said Uchiha woman winking at her blushing charge.