Chapter 14:CHAPTER 13 : CHARITY

Next month will be December, Felice remember her life before while in French. She used to joint the church community doing some charities work for Christmas on whole month of December. She helped them selling some food and went to some orphanages to entertained and served them. She enjoyed it so much, and she missed that moment now. That morning she was eating her breakfast together with Aaron "Ren ge how about we do some charities work in this whole month of December ?" Aaron curious to heard her saying about charity, he never knew did it before "I never knew about charities work before, I never did it, you tell me what to do, I'll see what can I help you ?" She then explained about what she had done before when in French, Aaron listened to her carefully. "I think grandpa will like to help also. Let's see him tomorrow." Felice was happy to hear it "Yes, let's invite grandpa, he will enjoy it. He is a generous man !"

The next day they met grandpa at the foster children's house. Grandpa likes to play with children. Grandpa called Felice "Lin why did you never invite me here before ? Did you rent this place for them ? Let me buy this place and rebuild it to be nicer to stay ! Aaron you arrange this for me !" Aaron smiled "OK grandpa I'll do it !" Aaron instructed Danny to deal with the owner. Felice took grandpa to the living room and had a chat with him, she explained about her planned to do some charities, Grandpa very exciting to hear her plan "I'll give my full support to you Lin and I'll invite my friends also to joint your plan. Your father was a good man, he inherited to you such a big heart and good habit about caring for others in need ! Don't forget to take me with you if you'll visit the orphanages. And as for your sisters and brothers let me take over to take care of them whose still studying in schools, you don't have to worry about them anymore. I like kids also, it will be my honor to finished what your father's had started and hadn't finished yet until he passed away." Felice eyes became red heard grandpa's words, tears dropped from her eyes "Thank you so much grandpa, you are a caring person also ! My daddy will thanks to you also if he can hear you saying that !" Grandpa smiled at her "It's OK, it's just a small matters. What I regretted is I didn't met your father in the past, we should be a good friend, we had the same habit and same thought. But I still thanks to God that I can meet you as his daughter, you've gave Aaron a good influence. I'm happy that you married to him. Aaron you've chosen the right person on your own !" Aaron big smiled heard his grandpa praised him "Thank you grandpa, I know who is the right for me. You shouldn't bother to find one for me back then!" Grandpa laughed out loud and they went for lunch together, grandpa took the foster children also.

In the first week of December Danny and Nian Che got busy selecting which orphanages would be help and how much money they need to collect. Felice got busy also preparing some materials food to be sell specially for charities work and she helped grandpa inviting his friends who wanted to help also. They worked in two days for charity every week then sent the money to help one orphanage every week end. Felice invited Kent also for the charities work though Aaron not really like it. Aaron always went together with her and grandpa to each orphanage every week, he enjoyed this new habit. The last orphanage they visit was in Christmas day, there is a little girl who is very attached to Felice, she's just 2 years old. She wanted to sit on her feet the whole day "What is your name ?" The girl didn't answer her, the nanny then told her that she couldn't speak, but she could hear and they used to call her Kelly. Aaron saw her and asked Felice "Do you wanna adopt her ?" Felice answer "I don't think so, I'm not ready for it. I'm afraid I don't have time for her now."

Aaron :"But I think you like children ?"

Felice :"Yes I like children, but I must have time for them."

Aaron :"How about if we make our own children?"

Felice surprised and smiled :"A child is God's gift."

Aaron smiled :"You didn't use any contraceptive right ?"

Felice smiled :"Of course not, we rarely did it !"

Felice didn't answered him just smiled. And they sang and danced with the children for few hours. They went home after had lunch together with them.

That night on the bed Aaron teased her "How about we make a child tonight ?" Felice turned her body to the other side and closed her face with her pillow, she tried to avoid Aaron, but she smiled. Aaron chased her and tried to open her pillow "Ah so you're agree with me ! Don't be shy I know you want it too ! He opened her pillow and they kissed each other passionately and they enjoyed to make love through the night together.

The factory and the bakery shops were closed for three days after, the worker and the foster children went to the countryside together to had some holidays after worked hard for the charities work. They rent a bus and Grandpa and Aaron's mom were going with them also. Grandpa was so happy spending the time with those children, he told Aaron "Aaron when will you give me grandchildren ? I like to play with children and my time won't be too long ! I can't wait too long !" Aaron laughed and he glanced to Felice "Grandpa you should ask to Lin also !" Felice just smiled to grandpa "Don't worry grandpa you will live longer since you like children !" They enjoyed the holidays with fishing and hiking and just walking around the hills. On their way back home Aaron said to Felice "I think this holiday too short, I still want to have some holidays with you again. How about we go to see the ocean tomorrow ?" Felice thought a while "Hmm where do you wanna go ?"

Aaron :"If you want I'll booked two tickets just for the two of us to go to Maldives."

Felice :"Don't you think it's too far ?"

Aaron :"No, just few hours from here."

Grandpa was sitting behind them and heard them talking "You two just go, and make some children for me ! Hahaha...." Aaron's also laughed

Aaron and Felice went to Maldives the next day, they spent new year's eve in there also. Felice liked to play with the wave and they enjoyed playing with water tools. They got intimate to each other on those holiday. That new year eve Aaron arranged a romantic dinner for both of them "Lin, I think I've been waiting long enough for you. Now please answer me will you marry me for real ?" he opened the wedding ring box and knelt down in front of her. Felice's tear dropped from her eyes "Are you proposing me Ren ge ? I do ... I do... I want to marry you forever !" Aaron was very happy to hear it, he put the ring on her finger, and she put the ring on his finger and they kissed each other. The fireworks exploding one after the another it was new year eve. They all celebrating the changing years in there. Aaron and Felice had some wine celebrating their new life also, and they continue to made a child back in their room that night. They went back home the next day.

Aaron :"Let's tell grandpa and my parents to have wedding party for us."

Felice :"Alright but I don't want a grand wedding, just simple party with just relatives and friends of us."

Aaron :"How about we had wedding after chinese new year ?"

Felice :"That soon ? It's up to you."