70 Relay Race

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
"Bye, good luck out there," Sasuke yelled back at her, his gaze following her fading form till she disappeared.

He returned his gaze to Sakiko, her loving eyes meeting his and a knowing smile crept up her lips as she spoke up.

"I have got to go, Sasuke."

"I know. Take in deep breaths and you'll be fine. No tension okay?" He tried to calm her down and prep her.

"Got it. No tension," she chanted, her hands raised in front of her and balled into a fist.

He raised his hands and placed them on her shoulders, holding her in place.

"Go out there, Sakiko and win for our class. Trust your teammates, you girls can do it."

"Thanks. I won't let everyone down. I will do my best."

"Good. Come here."

He pulled her in for a hug, holding her tight against his chest for some seconds before he finally released her.

Her face brightened as she felt more confident from his prep talk.

He held her palm with his right hand and put the other in his pocket as both of them left there and walked towards the others.

As soon as they left, a figure stepped out from behind a locker at the corner where they stood.

It was Akamine Yuki. Apparently, she had gone there to vent her anger and was about leaving when she heard their voices, then quickly went to hide till they left.

"Let's watch how you would take all the spotlight again," she said to herself, her face comforted into a tight frown and her knuckles paled as she clutched her P.E shorts tight.


Minutes later every participant for each class took their spot on the track.

The PE teacher came up on stage to give a little speech on the race, after which the race was set to start.

"On your marks!"

His voice rang out with each student getting down and positioning themselves with legs against the board.


All heads went up, eyes we're sharp on focused on the track in front. One could see the determination clearly written on their faces.


At the sound of the gun, all four athletes took to their heels and sprinted forward.

For the first racers in the relay team, Reina Aiko represented Class 1.

She gave it all her go and took the lead, giving the other classes a considerable gap and ran for her next teammate.

In no time she passed the baton to Matsuda Akari of Class one took the lead and carried on with the same pace Reina had set.

Right now it wasn't about the arms, it was about winning against their seniors that mattered and taking the school's cup.

The other classes got their baton and raced up, trying to catch up with Akari.

"Akari is on the lead, but it seems Class three's Basara is about to take the lead. Would Matsuda Akari still be in the lead or would she lose? Oh my God! What a race, both athletes are at the same line with each other," another commentator announced.

"Akari! Akari! Akari!" Class one students yelled her name, trying to give her boost and confidence with their cheering.

That seemed to have boosted energy asher pace increased and passed Basara heading for Yuki Akamine.

Before she got to where Yuki was, she was already fingered and started moving forward.

Akari stretched forth her hand holding the baton and placed it on Yuki's outstretched arm.

"Yes, Yuki Akamine of Class 1B is now on the lead. Class one is really giving us a promising race and heading to take the cup. I wonder what the other classes are going to do."

"Oh, my gee! What is this I see..? It is either Akamine san is slowing down or the other classes are catching up really fast."

"What's going on? Why is she falling short?"

Several murmurs erupted in the crowds as they saw the scene unfold before their eyes.

Yuki was in the lead due to all the efforts from the first two teammates but all of a sudden her speed reduced and the other classes began catching up with her.

'Good, I would see how Sakiko would remain in the spotlight after this," Yuki said in her head.

"I see it is not our eyes, Yuki Akamine is losing speed. Could this be the loss of Class one?" The commentator said again, their eyes more fixed on the track in front of them.

"Yuki! Akamine! Akamine! Go!"

Hearing the crowd call her name, Yuki made up her mind to increase her speed so she didn't look too suspicious.

"Akamine-chan, come on. You've got this," Sakiko yelled at her, trying to increase Yuki's confidence, clapping her hands as she spoke.

They were already close to where Sakiko was and Yuki increased her speed.

As soon as she got to Sakiko, Sakiko moved her gaze forward and stretched her palm ready to receive the baton and sprint. Yuki held out her baton and placed it on Sakiko's outstretched her at her back.

"No... "