66 The Plo

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
Before Sasuke could reach the entrance of the school building, the door pushed open, revealing a happy Sakiko.

"I was wondering if I wouldn't get a warm welcome."

He looked so charming standing in the morning sun. Other students passing by couldn't help but admire him. Ignoring the stares they'd be getting, she closed the space between them and flung herself into his arms.

He hugged her back, blocking out the whispers from around them.

"How can they be close like this, especially in school?" A girl mentioned to another girl at her side.

"It is considered inappropriate for a boy and girl to be seen holding hands, not to talk of hugging," another student commented.

"Better keep shut guys, they can hear you," a male student chided the three girls.

"Won't they stop already?"

"Sounds to me like you are jealous of them. You wish to be in her shoes don't you?" The male student added.

"Nah… You're just overthinking things. Nothing like that.���

"Yeah, why would be jealous of her?"

"Girls… It is written over your faces, the blush and the envy," the boy replied.

Sasuke pulled away and held her hand, pulling her to his side. He leaned in to his right and whispered in her ears, "Let's go to class. I don't want people talking about my kid sis like this."

"I am kind of shy right now," she whispered back before he could pull away."

"Don't be. Only I can make you shy. Let's go."

From what he said, she was already flushed, coupled with the stares they were getting. With her head hung low and him pulling her along, they went inside the building.

"Sasuke Uchida sure is lucky if you ask me. Having so many girls swoon over him like that, boy which guy wouldn't love that?" Another male student said to the first.

"Too bad for them, he's got eyes only for one girl and that is Ishida-san," the first male student replied.

Another boy finally spoke out after watching the show before them. "Hey girls, rather than swoon over him and have your heart broken, why not come to us? If you do now, then I may reconsider this behavior and accept you."

Rather than get a crazed, happy loving feeling from the girls, he got several glares instead.

"Keep wishing, Riyu. At this rate, no girl's going to like a lazy dimwit like you," one of the girls replied.

"Perhaps if you are half of who Sasuke is, then you'd get a chance," the second girl added and walked away.


Later in the day during P.E, two girls meet up behind the school building and discussed.

"I know what you want and I can help you get it," the first girl disclosed.

"I'm not so sure. He wouldn't even take a look at me, let alone want me," the second girl said timidly.

"Why are you helping me? What's in it for you? What do you have to gain by doing this?" The second girl questioned her.

She wasn't so sure if she could just trust this girl. I mean she was wearing a hood and a sunshade on top her P.E vest. She wouldn't even reveal her face to her.

All she knew about this girl, was that she only messaged her with an anonymous number and told her she could help her get Sasuke. Later on, she messaged her that they should meet at the back of one of the school buildings during P.E activities.

"Nothing. I didn't want you feeling lonely since you like him and I know she is faking. You do not have to do anything, I would handle everything okay? Just thank me later okay."

"Why can't I see your face? I do not know you but you know me."

"Leave it at that little bun. I just want to help you. You can either take it or leave it. Whichever one you chose, it's your choice, not mine. I can very much go and offer this help to some other girl who has a crush on him, but I chose you," she said putting her hand on her waist in a nonchalant manner.

"I was already putting up a group, well a Sasuke fan page, for girls who were crushing on him. I was going to help them and whoever he picks, well he does. I refused against my better judgment when I noticed you were sad about not being able to talk to him."

"Okay, okay. Sorry for making you angry. I was umm…"

"Doubting me?"

"No not that. I accept your help."

"Good. I would get back to you, okay?"

The second girl nodded her head at the first one.

"You may go now."

"Ah, thank you."

After she was sure the girl had gone, her lips curved up slightly into a smirk. "Count the days Ishida."