64 Get Well Soon

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
Sasuke shook his head. At this moment he couldn't believe his sister.

"Hey, I was preoccupied with my thoughts, you know." She tried defending herself against his future scolding.

"What's your first priority, Sakiko?"

"Umm… My studies?"

"Good. So why were you preoccupied? You should know that only your books should do that to you at this moment and nothing else."

"And if I said I was preoccupied with thoughts about you? Are you not important as well?"

"Well then–then, I... " He stopped talking. He couldn't think of a better argument to counter her words.

He sighed feeling defeated. Her eyes brimmed with joy at her victory.

"Don't be happy. I am happy that I am important to you but still, you need to focus. I can't have your grades dropping now can I?"

"No. Anyways, let's study together. The topic isn't hard trust me."

"Okay. Whatever you say."


~Ishida's Residence~

In the dinning of the splendid house, Itachi and Itsumi ate their meal in silence.

Each one had their phone in their hands as they browsed through the internet. The front door opened revealing Mr. Ishida and Mrs. Ishida as they walked into the house.

"Hello dear," Mrs. Ishida called out.

"Mum, dad!" Itsumi said getting up from her it and heading towards the kitchen.

"Welcome dad, mum," Itachi greeted.

"Come and seat. I would serve your meal."

"Thank you Itsumi," the couple aid in unison.

Upon hearing their voices, Rina rushed out from one of the rooms to welcome the masters of the house and help with their bags.

"Thank you Rina," they said and moved over to the dining room.

"Where is Sakiko? Isn't she eating?"

"She called that she would be home quite late," Itachi replied.

"And why is that? It's already past eight," Mrs. Ishida questioned

"Sasuke isn't fine. She went from school straight to his place to check up on him and give him notes."

"Oh that is the case. Anyways, call her and find out where she is, then ask the driver to pick her up," Mr. Ishida instructed.

"Yes dad,"Itachi replied and went straight to his dialed call log.

Withing seconds, he was already calling her.

Ring! Ring!

"Hello, Onee-chan?" Sakiko answered and said.

"Sakiko, where are you? Its getting late."

"We just finished revising the topics for today. I would be on my way soon."

"No need, the driver would come pick you up," he informed her.

"Okay thanks. I would just wait then. Have dad and mum returned?"

"What do you think?"


"Affirmative. My regards to Sasuke, I hope he recovers soonest."

"I will, see you."


She hung up the call and he put his phone down.


Itsumi walked back in with a tray bearing dishes for her parents. "Here you go."


After they studied for a while, a knock came on the door. Both heads turned towards the door.

Knock! Knock!

"Sasuke-san, Miss Ishida's ride has arrived," Mr Toujou informed from behind the door.

"Thank you Mr Toujou sama. I'll be down in two," Sakiko replied.

She turned her attention back to Sasuke and with a warm smile, she leaned in for a hug. He hugged her back, wrapping his arms tightly around her and inhaled deeply.

"Hey Sasuke!"

"I'm going to miss you. Do take care of yourself and remember, it would soon be time."

She nodded against his chest before pulling away after some seconds. She quickly arranged her stuff and took her things.

"Get well soon. Don't leave me alone too long."

"I won't. Send me a message when you get home, okay? I would call you before I go to bed."

"Aye, aye captian."

With that she headed towards the door and left.


~Ishida's Residence~

She arrived home a couple of minutes to nine and went straight for he door.

Before opening it, she quickly typed on her phone and sent Sasuke a message.

"I'm home, thanks for today," she read out.

Almost immediately, a message came in.

'Welcome. Would call you an hour later.'

She kept her phone in her pocket and went in.

On getting to the living room, she met her parents watching the news.

"I'm home," she announced.

"Sakiko, welcome dear."

"Mum, dad, good evening."

"My little hunny bun. Come give papa a hug."

She moved towards her father and dived into his waiting arms.

"I see someone missed her dad."

"Of course dad."

"Isn't this somewhat bias? How come mum doesn't get one?"

"Mum would always have a hug."

Pulling from her father's embrace she moved to where her mother sat and hugged her.

"You must be tired. Go freshen up and I'll heat up your food for you," Mrs. Ishida said.

"How about Onee-chan and troublesome Itsumi?"

"I heard that!" Itsumi's voice rang out.