52 Bright Smile

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
Sasuke's phone rang in his pocket at a new message coming in.

He brought it out and took a glance at who the message was from.

"An unknown number!" He whispered to himself then clicked open the message icon.

All of a sudden his eyes darkened, his gaze seemed distant.

"Sasuke what is wrong?" Sakiko quickly asked.

The expression on his face was too scary to be true.

He blinked, twice, then looked up at her and a small smile spread across his lips as he shook his head and said.

"What? Nothing, it's nothing."

"Why did your expression suddenly change after the message that came into your phone?"

"Sakiko, its nothing really. It was Sai reminding me of something. I just had a slight stomach ache that's why."

He lied and she knew it, his behavior today has been different. She didn't want to push further and just allowed him be.

Whatever it was she was going to get to the bottom of it, by herself.

She picked her bag and walked past him. He got the cue and followed her.

By the time they got outside, Father Tanaka's car was already parked in front awaiting him.

He turned around, his eyes were searching for something but couldn't find it. His gaze found their way back to her face.

"Sakiko, where is your driver?"

"Apparently not here."

"If they haven't come yet, why not go with us and call them not to worry, we would drop you off."

"Nah, it's okay. I'll just wait here for him. He should be on his way any minute from now. Thanks."

"Are you sure? I hate leaving you here all by yourself. I don't want anything to happen to you."

She could read and hear the concern in his face and voice. But, he had lied to her and was hiding something from her, that she couldn't let go by.

She was already angry at him for not trusting her with whatever had him troubled.

The truth was, her driver wasn't coming, she had told him she was going to hitch a ride with Sasuke or walk home together, just to spend time with her brother, have a coffee or pancakes.

That wasn't happening now with his current behaviour. He ruined her mood today.

"I can handle myself Sasuke, besides, its just a little wait. He would soon be on his way."

"Sakiko, I would wait till he arrives okay?"

"No, you can't do that," she waved her hands at him and shook her head in panic.

He would find out if she let him and would be forced to go home with him. She had to make him leave one way or the other.


Both of their heads turned at once. It was Father Tanaka, they had to leave.

"I'll be right there Father, give me a minute please."

He turned to look at Sakiko, about to say something, but stopped when she quickly faked her best smile.

He felt hurt that she was faking for him, but decided not to push it.

He took her slim hands on his and rubbed the back of her palm lovingly.

"I will, you have fun. Would chat you up later okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Bye."

He released her hand and hurried over to the car. He waved at her as they drove passed her and out of the school gate, till she was out of sight.

"Phew!!" Sakiko sighed, it wasn't easy keeping a false pretense with him.

She almost spilled the beans and told him the truth. Well thanks to that, she was going to walk home.

She wanted to call the driver, but didn't want to disturb him, considering she told him not to bother and relax. Now she was regretting the decision she made this morning.

"Well, pancake shop it is," she said with a loud sigh and took a step forward.

"Waiting for someone?"

A voice said from behind. She stopped in her tracks, her body stiff at the sudden shock. The voice was too close behind her, her mind screamed at her to walk away as her head slowly turned to see the one who spoke.

She could already guess, but she hoped her guess was wrong. By the time she turned, she was greeted by a blinding smile from the girl in front of her.

"Hey, it's you Akamine Yuki."

"You got that right," Yuki said with grin.

Her smile never seemed to diminish, she was always jovial and happy. This made Sakiko a bit jealous of her.

"How can she always smile like that, she's mostly showcasing her bright smile. Her life may just be perfect or it is just a facade?" She said in her head.