41 Discharged

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
"So, mind telling us what happened?" Itsumi asked with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Yeah! We arrived at the house and took the drinks, I started drinking mine, a stupid thing I did," he face palmed himself at the thought, "then we admired the house, didn't know where you guys went as at then."

"We went right into the house, after collecting our drinks" Itachi replied.

"Okay, well the next thing I know, Mari pulled me along with her, Sakiko was about following but, I don't know. I was too busy telling her off, we got to the pool and I stopped her. I told her I wasn't going to hurt her, that's when she informed me our drinks were drugged. I hit her on the head, it was a mistake, that one and ran off."

"But you still seemed okay from your story, how did she... "

"I met Sakiko, took her drink and went back to give Mari a taste of her own medicine, Itsumi," he said cutting her short.

"Alright, that was when you collapsed and we found you."

"Yes Itachi, after I forced the drink in her mouth, leg wobbled, eyes spined, the drug was taking effect I guess."

"The good thing is, you are safe now and so is Sakiko" Itachi tried showing him the good side about the whole situation.

"Mari would get what is coming to her. Now that mum is involved, Fr. Tanaka would definitely find out."

"I dislike that girl." Sasuke's face was comforted with anger as he spoke. The door opened and the Doctor walked in.

He walked up to Sasuke and did a major check on him, "You would be discharged soon. Your mum has taken care of the bills and all, the nurse would be with you soon, okay?"

"Thank you doctor."

"Thanks sir," Itachi and Itsumi appreciated him, "What about Sakiko?"

"She would come around soon. Hers is mild as compared to his. Nevertheless, you both would be fine."

"Yes doxtor. "

"Okay, I would take my leave now," he smiled at them and walked out of the room.


**At School**

Mari got punished by the school's disciplinary committee. After observing her punishment for the day, Mari walked up to Sakiko in class.

"Hey Ishida, thanks for telling on me, but know this, Sasuke is mine. I would still get him from you, so enjoy this victory while it last girl. I am still pure, so he would definitely want me unlike you, always forcing yourself on him."

"What!! Are you mad? I am a hundred times better than you, Mari. If there is anyone who isn't pure, then it has got to be you. Sasuke hasn't seen me, not to talk of doing... " she flushed at the thought and shook her head frantically, "You are so stupid Mari."

"Yes I am, I am stupid for Sasuke, you won't have him. When he sees how genuine my love is, unlike yours, he would definitely see all the loops and your pretence, then leave you lying bitch and come to his senses to get me. "

No sooner had she said that, than a hot slap came landing on her face.


Mari's face was turned to the side by the force of the slap. Everyone in class were shocked by the scene, Sakiko raised her hands against Mari... Wow.

"People like you shouldn't even bother going to school. You are a waste of decent money and resources."


A hot slap, the sound rang across the classroom and all students had their eyes open wide in shock.

Sasuke wasn't in class as at that the, he went to get lunch for Sakiko and himself while she finished the assignment the student council Vice-president gave her.

"What nonsense," Mari replied after hitting Sakiko across the face. Tears threatened to spill as she was affected by Sakiko's words.

"That's my word you thief, so shut up."

"I won't, what are you going to do about it if I don't, useless girl?"