In front of the car, Yu coco thought of the running figure, tears kept falling down.

Little Andy is four years old. He's a little tiger. Usually obedient, never noisy. But today, seeing mummy crying, he climbed into her arms and wiped her tears with his fleshy hands.

It didn't work, and he cried with it.

Watching his son cry, Yu coco, who was very sad in his heart, cried even more.

So back and forth, vicious circle!

"Don't cry, son." Chen yubai always has a good temper and coaxes him patiently.

Unfortunately, Yu coco can't control herself. Even she doesn't know what's wrong with her. Today's tears are like endless flow, breaking the dike.

In the carriage, there was the cry of mother and son. Chen yubai seldom saw her like this. Since she gave birth to her baby, she broke down and cried once, never again.

After all kinds of coaxing, it didn't work. When Chen met Bai, he roared, "shut up, everyone!"

On weekdays, Chen yubai spoke in a soft voice. Such a voice roared out, scared Yu coco stopped crying. Young as Andy is, he knows how to judge. See this situation, scared hastily shut up, small head stick in Yu Coco's arms, dawdle.

"I'm sorry to see you all crying. I'm too anxious. I should restrain myself." Chen yubai realized that his attitude was not very good and said in a hurry.

"I'm the one who should say I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me, but I want to cry. Sorry, yubai Yu coco apologizes seriously.

Although she doesn't know why Chen yubai is so angry, she knows that Chen yubai has always been very kind to her and has never been so angry with her. It must be angry to show this attitude now.

As a person who directly provokes his displeasure, why does she not apologize?

"I... I look at you all crying, heartache. Promise me that no matter what you have in mind, you will tell me directly, don't cry or hide in your heart, OK? " Chen yubai asked patiently.

Yu coco nodded.

"Come on, Andy, come and hold it for daddy." Chen yubai opens his arms to Andy.

In the dark, Andy's big eyes are watery. A few seconds later, he opens his arms and pours on Chen yubai's arms.

Chen yubai holds Andy in his arms, but he is still not at ease.

In the past, as long as Andy is there, Yu coco will follow him obediently for the sake of his children. But today, he has a strong premonition that Yu Coco's heart is not on him.

Besides, Ling Zhan appeared in the city and went into the same restaurant with them, which Chen yubai never thought of!

Over the years, Ling Zhan has made great efforts to find Yu coco, and he silently looks at Ling Zhan's efforts.

I just didn't expect that Ling Zhan could really find this place

It seems that it is no longer safe to stay here.

Back at the residence, Chen yubai puts Andy on the bed, pours a glass of water for Yu Keke, and watches her drink. Looking up at Yu Coco's tearful face, he was tearing his heart.

"In case of white, it's not early. Go back to your room and wash and sleep." For so many years, Yu coco has been sleeping with little Andy. Chen yubai has repeatedly proposed sleeping together, but she has refused to do so on the grounds of her children.

Chen yubai never forced her.

At the same time, it makes Yu Keke wonder how she married and had children with this man who has no feeling at all? Mingming doesn't like him so much. Why

Yeah, not that much.

She always wondered if she had forgotten something important? Unfortunately, she can't remember

"Or shall we sleep together tonight?" Chen yubai is a normal man, looking at his beloved woman wandering in front of him, he is not without ideas.

Because he loved her, he restrained himself and didn't use violence against her. Sometimes he thought that as long as she stayed with him, it would be good for him to do nothing with her.

But today, to see her cry for Ling Zhan so sad, his heart is very sad, want to let her become his woman immediately. Even if she cries, it should be for him!

"No, let's sleep separately until the child is older."

"Well, I'll buy Andy a cot tomorrow and let him sleep by himself. Then, I'll sleep with you?" Chen Yu said in a deliberative tone.

"Well, go out and have an early rest."

"Well, good night." Chen yubai prints a kiss on Yu Keke's forehead, turns around and leaves. After going out, he consciously helps her close the door.Yu Ke pasted himself on the door and listened. He made sure he was far away and locked the door. Lean against the door, close your eyes, after a long time, turn to take a bath.

Lying on the bed, looking at the little Enron sleeping peacefully beside her, a smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

No matter what will happen in the future, it's good to have little Andy. He is the driving force of her life.

Close your eyes and go to sleep soon. In the dream, the running figure appeared again, following her all the way.

She woke up from her sleep with a cold sweat on her forehead

Who is that man?

Why chase her?

Why does she want to cry when she sees him?

Over the years, Yu Keke has been used to being content with the status quo. Now, it's different. Unprecedented, she wants to know everything in front of her!

Looking at the time, three o'clock at night.

Keep sleeping.

At the same time, in a luxury hotel in the city.

Ling Zhan is lying on the sofa waiting for his call. He is asleep. Suddenly woke up, took a look at the mobile phone, his hands have not called.

No phone call, just no news. In the past, his hot temper had already lost its temper. But these years have made him patient. Because he knew that as long as he continued to search carefully, Yu Keke would surely appear.

Lying on the sofa, he was staring at the lamp overhead, surrounded by despair.

From Los Angeles to the United States, there is no such thing as jet lag. Because, these years, he runs all over the world, jet lag has long been chaotic. At the moment, he can fall asleep as soon as he closes his eyes.

It's just that he doesn't want to sleep.

In every dream, there is Yu coco. When I wake up, I find that there is no shadow of her. In the end, he was the one who was disappointed. So, if you don't sleep, you don't dream, and you won't be disappointed!

That night, Ling Zhan didn't know how he fell asleep.

Finally, he was woken up by his phone.

"Er Shao, we hacked into the traffic system and found the travel record of that car. Now we have decided his location..."

"Send me the position!" Ling Zhan is vigorous and resolute, and goes out of the house with great enthusiasm.

Out of the hotel, a look up, you can see the sun above. nothing

In terms of how violent the storm was, he believed that the sun would always rise. It's like Yu coco will come back to he