"Er..." I feel that I owe him more and more, and even the refusal is not very nice, "is it suitable for us to live together?"

"What, you don't think I'm good enough for you?"

"No, I don't think it's better."

"Stay with me."

"You seem to like Valentine's day very much. Don't tell me, you haven't had it before," Yu said

"I haven't tried. I just want to try." In the past, Ling Zhan felt that love was meaningless, so he didn't have much hope for love. But with the girl in front of him, he wants to spend every Valentine's day with her.

Yu Coco's mouth widened in surprise. Listen to meaning, has Ling Zhan ever had Valentine's day?

Well, there's nothing to be surprised about, and so is she.

"Hungry? I know a new restaurant. It's delicious. I want to show you something to eat Ling Zhan reaches for her hand and rubs her little head,

"Yes, but how did you know I was here?"

"I can find you if I want to!"

Yu Coco's face turned red: "thank you for that."

"You're welcome."

With these words, both of them were quiet. Ling Zhan is not the kind of person who talks a lot. Yu coco talks a lot, but when he is with Ling Zhan, he feels some pressure. So, unconsciously, they all became quite silent.

Hearing what Ling Zhan said, Yu Keke was surrounded by happiness. At least, after experiencing the contact with Yu ai'ai and Lin ou, it makes people feel very happy.

Well, thanks to him, it made her feel like she was cured.

So after being cured, Yu cocoa always feels that he has hidden something from Ling Zhan, which is very bad. Or, she would like to talk to someone. Now, Ling Zhan is the one who deserves her to talk to.

"That one?"

"Which one?" He said with a smile.

Seeing his smile, Yu coco couldn't help laughing. She pursed her lips slightly: "why don't you ask me what I met today?"

"When it's time to say it, I'm sure you'll tell me! This trust should be given to you, right? "

Well, it's so nice to give her so much freedom.

This makes Yu coco think of Lin Mu again. When he fell in love with Lin Mu before, this guy just wanted to know everything. No matter what happens, he will ask clearly. However, when Yu Keke asked him something, he was dumbfounded.

One of the things he asked more clearly was Yu Keke's salary. Every time it comes to pay, he knows better than she does.

On the one hand, the money made by Yu Keke is to help subsidize the family, on the other hand, it is also for his sister Yu Aiai to go to university. So, she didn't spend much of her money.

But even Lin is not very generous. Every time they go out on a date, they can save money, and the AA system goes without saying, because more often, they ask her to pay for it.

Now reaction, Yu coco began to wonder, Yu Aiai in the end where the Iron Rooster?

"Did I say something wrong?" Ling Zhan asked.

In emotion, he can be said to be a relatively stupid person. He had never been in love before. Most of the time, he was chased by others, and he didn't promise. So I'm really not good at getting along with girls.

"No, I just think of some things before. No more Yu Keke shook his head and didn't want to talk about it.

Just, Ling Zhan's behavior let her small ground heart plug next. All the time, Yu coco thinks that if you really care about someone, you will care about what she is doing every day and want to know everything about her.

In the past, I was in charge of her. She didn't feel bored at all. It was just because she thought so in her heart.

Even after being hurt by Lin, Yu coco also believes in love. So, from this point of view, Ling Zhan should not like her, right? If you like her, you will want to know more about her!

As everyone knows, people are different. Ling Zhan doesn't ask her, so naturally she will understand through other ways.

"Let it go of the past, stay with me, this is a new beginning, from today on, you can only think of me, understand what I mean?" Ling Zhan's tone seems to be discussing, but in fact, he is domineering.

"Well, I see." Yu Keke leaned on the seat of the car and closed his eyes.

Before long, the message came.In fact, she was not asleep at all. Hearing these sounds, she was even more sleepless.

Pick up the mobile phone, Yu coco took a look, it is Yu Ai Ai sent wechat.

In fact, after experiencing the previous experience, she was disgusted. Now for her, no matter what Yu Ai Ai said, she would not be angry.

Open wechat and have a look.

This time, Yu Ai Ai didn't speak rudely to her, but what she said surprised Yu coco!

The content of wechat is as follows: Yu Keke, don't think that you have everything when you try to marry a blind man. Later days are still long, who can laugh to the end is not necessarily! Besides, since brother Lin proposed to me, I've decided to tell you a big secret: brother Lin is actually a rich second generation! We will be very happy together! In the future, I will marry into a real rich family!

After reading this passage for several times, Yu coco was a little confused. Listening to this posture, Yu coco was willing to be with Lin because he was a rich second generation?

It's possible because Yu Ai Ai's childhood wish was to marry a rich man.

The problem is that Lin was abandoned by his parents when he was a child? He is also an orphan... When did he become a rich second generation?

After thinking about it for a long time, Yu coco couldn't think of a reason

She looked back and said, "I'll ask you a question, and you can answer me what you think, OK?"

"Say it

"If an orphan abandoned by his parents suddenly becomes a rich second generation, is it possible?" When asked this question, Yu Keke hopes that Ling Zhan will give her a negative answer.

It's not that she can't see other people well, but that this kind of thing doesn't work here. All in all, she thinks it's impossible.

"Of course."

"Of course, or not?"



"Maybe his parents later developed and had money. They felt guilty for him and decided to take him home again. In this case, he is the rich second generation. "

"So Lin's parents took him back?" Yu coco whispered.

She still thinks it's unlikely.

With Lin's personality, he doesn't have much money and doesn't miss any chance to show off. If he really becomes a rich second generation, he will have to be known all over the world?

As for today's proposal with a can ring, it is even more impossible.

Yu Keke guessed for a long time, and thought that Lin could be cheating Yu Aiai.

However, Yu Ai Ai is so devoted to him that she doesn't even have the ability to judge and is willing to be cheated. What can she do