Luo Bi looked tired and distracted. Mrs. Zhu came to visit: "what are you doing at home? I had a good sleep. I didn't have the strength to talk to you."

"I don't want to move either." Luo Bi led people to the outdoor living room. As soon as the wind blew, the green vines hung the rain, full of vitality: "I don't feel it when I'm working. I'm not energetic when I'm free."

"It's all like this." Mrs. Zhu went into the living room and sat down.

During their chat, Wei Peng and he Xiang also came to visit, and then Huang Xinling came. Huang Xinling brought a bag of freshly fried River melon seeds. Mrs. Huang personally fried them. They were crisp and fragrant. Huang Xinling's generous one handed them out.

Except for her, they are all adults. Anyone who wants to eat her will not want to taste it.

The harvest of these two days left us with more than enough meaning. Opening your mouth was the topic of river fresh food. You said it to me, and several women laughed when they talked about the happy place. Talking about the topic, he pulled out the task from fresh river, and then pulled out the task to the weather.

In short, one topic after another.

It was this harmonious atmosphere. Luo Bi was very happy. The more she played, the more energetic she became. When Mrs. Zhu proposed to have a dinner, she agreed.

Mrs. Zhu is good at entertaining guests. A group of people cheered to the Zhu family, Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Luo also went, as well as Xu Yi, Lan Yu and Bai Yu. After a meal, the better to continue playing in the afternoon.

As a result, I was too tired. I took a lunch break at home and slept until dark.

Well, there's no need to have a party. It's dark. I eat and continue to sleep.

The next day, the heavy rain was still falling, and the trip out of the task continued to be postponed. Some people continued to sleep and some did housework. There are planting fields outside the safety zone. I went to see them in the morning, but I couldn't hurry back. They came to discuss countermeasures with each other.

"The autumn harvest is coming these two days. How to harvest when it rains all the time?"

"It's been raining for several days. It's estimated that it's almost time to stop. Wait!"

"I knew I would harvest early."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? It's useless to talk."

Zhu was also worried about the autumn harvest at the moment. He observed the rain from time to time. When the rain stopped and the sky cleared up, he immediately organized people to rush to collect it. It's no good not to rush the harvest. I don't know when it will rain again this day. Everyone is looking forward to a season of grain.

The sergeant was sent out to help families harvest wheat and rice. The jade bamboo star was initially built, and the grain grew well in the first quarter.

Lei Yan soldiers, women and children went to battle together, and the whole family rushed to collect. The adults in front reap and the children in the back pick up ears of wheat and rice. It's like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves and drying in good weather.

The autumn harvest atmosphere is high, so Luo Hang and Guan Zhu Ting are busy with food. Luo Bi Guan's farm work is not suck, but cooking can still be done. Pick up the pheasant, marinate it with seasoning, bake it on both sides, cook 20 tea eggs and take it to the planting field.

Luo Hang drew from the corner of his mouth, "did you clean up that pheasant?"

Luo Bi said, "do you look like a partridge chicken?"

If it's not a partridge chicken, it's naturally a pheasant. It's a whole roast pheasant. What else do you ask.

As soon as Luo Hang heard the emphasis, he knew it was impatient and asked Guan Zhuting to have dinner: "eat more. There is still busy in the afternoon. Finish harvesting this land before dark and harvest another land tomorrow."

Guan Zhuting had been busy all morning and was already hungry. She asked Luo Bi, "have you eaten?"

"Don't worry about me. I don't do hard work." Luo Bi waited for her parents to have dinner and tidy up and go home.