The scattered planting fields are mostly planted with crops such as sweet potatoes, soybeans, peanuts and vegetables. Millet birds don't necessarily like to eat, but they don't let go. They fly over and toss for a while.

This is a posture that will spoil if you don't eat!

The women are red eyed, these damn birds. Is it easy for them to work hard to grow a season of crops? I was sweating under the sun. I didn't have time to go home for dinner at noon. I got up early and went to bed late every day. I was busy in the ground almost every day.

How hard they work!

When it rained, they couldn't stay idle. They had a rest. They waded into the planting field to drain and drain the waterlogging.

After a few months, it was easy to harvest, and they were watched by these damn birds. The other side snatched the ears of grain and wheat and pecked the corn. The other side took out the stalk, threw it away, and then pulled the other one.

It's so wicked!

The women were very angry and their eyes were burning. They saw millet birds pulling out of the soil the crops they had worked hard to grow, first soybeans, vegetables, then peanuts and sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes haven't grown yet. The biggest palm is long. Some are as big as green dates. They are pulled out by millet birds with seedlings and fruits.

It was unbearable. The women hated the itching of their teeth and raised their energy guns to shoot quickly.

However, anger is not equal to being on target. He shot several times in a row and only hit once. Missed the point, hit the bird's wing, lost a pile of hair, and attracted a burst of abuse from the millet bird.

Chirp: shameless, take off other people's bird hair, ah bah!

Chirp: did you provoke you? It's shameless for a good bird to pick up other people's bird hair. Bah, bah, bah! Spray you to death and let you move other people's beautiful feathers.

Chirp: soldiers, spray together. They collect my hair.

Then, there was a splash of saliva.

The women brushed back together and said: ".........." they provoked the shrew birds. They fought all martial arts. The bird's hair stood up, put on their mouth and claws, and didn't even take a break from swearing and spitting.

Oh, my God! More bitch than them.

Women want to cry without tears. What birds are these?

Ah, bah! When no one can spit.

There are also shrews among the women who do farm work all year round. Unfortunately, their attack power is zero. They spit out and die prematurely on the way. The problem is that their behavior angered the millet bird at once, and a wave of crazy women retreated.

"Oh, my God! It's not an opponent. Withdraw." the women withdrew to the outside of the planting field.

The thunder flame soldiers were stunned when they saw it: "······!!!!!!"

This operation, no one.

In the duel, the woman was completely defeated.

The women withdrew from the battlefield, and the thunder flame soldiers were inconvenient to get close at this time. The children in the East, South, north, West and central areas greeted each other and rushed to the front to attack with sharp stones.

At the critical moment, Temo still has to use cold weapons.

Energy guns are not powerful, and abilities can easily be suck up, and other equipment can not get close. This time, the stone that we use will be used. The children, mainly from each district, were divided into five teams and made a fierce attack on the millet birds.

Millet bird saliva met, the children stone attack, millet bird and the children soon disrupted the set.

Luo Bi raised her energy gun and stood in the rear. There was no way to start. The situation was too chaotic.

Wei Peng was eager to try several times. Finally, he collected the energy gun, picked up a sharp piece and squeezed into the children's team.