Last night, Tang lu'er had a reply after drying out a bottle and nipple on the platform of the burning emperor star and the fighting class.

Robbie smiled. What does that mean? Tang lu'er has been visiting the platform of roast emperor star and fighting class! The dead duck had a hard mouth and said he had never visited.

It's also intoxicating to hit the face without knowing it.

Since Tang lu'er comes to visit the platform of burning emperor star and fighting class every day, Luo Bi is not polite. Naturally, she wants to step on each other's territory. This is called reciprocity. There is no need to be polite.

Tang lu'er said on her own platform that she would not refine bottle pacifiers. What did she do with bottle pacifiers? She never had such an idea and vowed.

Luo Bi leans against the back of the chair and won't refine the best. No matter what Tang lu'er is, Luo Bi will let her behavior come to light.

Want to hide behind the leak? There is nothing so cheap in the world.

Say she's dodder? Hehe, Luo Bi turned off her light brain and stood up. Tang lu'er has been dancing for so long. It's time to clean up. Luo Bi let Tang lu'er know what dodder is.

There is a price to pay if you look wrong.

Cleaning up people pay attention to the favorable weather, location and people. The weather is easy to say. As long as it is sunny, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

As for the location? Luo Bi has a star map of the neighboring stars of Zizhu, but it is not comprehensive. She asks Fengling for a map of the planet distribution.

After breakfast, the team was going to collect materials. Luo Bi unfolded the map of the planet and asked for details. In this way, Fengling, he Yun and Xue Yue sat down and looked at the star map around the table.

Collect materials. For a while, others will do something else first.

There are more than a dozen neighboring stars of purple bamboo star and obsidian star. Luo Bi looked at the star map one by one and said, "tell me about the blazing stars first! And the scorching sun star. What resources do you have? What's the geographical environment?"

Before the wave of Warcraft in Zizhu star, Xue Yue guarded the mineral source of the first legion of scorching emperor star in blazing star town. He knows blazing star best.

Therefore, Xue Yue said, "the planet area of blazing star is about the same as that of Zizhu star and obsidian star. It belongs to level 3 dangerous planet. It is preliminarily estimated that after the wave of Zizhu star Warcraft, the danger level has been above level 3, and Warcraft is dominated by imperial concubines and pigs."

Xue Yue opened the small light brain and called out the appearance of the blazing star. He turned the small light brain and pointed it to Luo Bi: "see these stones? The blazing star has a high temperature and high sand content in the soil. There are stones everywhere. All kinds of stones are suitable for construction."

Luo Bi's mind moved, and Xue Yue changed his words: "of course, the red star also has lush plants and streams and waterfalls. There are too many stones. Stones are not a source of ore. they are not used for much except construction."

Robbie remembered that she wanted the stone of the blazing star.

When it comes to the scorching sun star, Fengling is more clear. He said: "the environment of the scorching sun star is similar to that of the blazing star. It is rich in stone. The danger level of the planet belongs to level II. It should be improved now. According to the data, there are imperial concubines and pigs stationed. At present, the number is unknown."

Luo Bi understood and said something else: "tell me about cuibao star, Fucui star and cuizhong star."

A while ago, he Yungang just made a circle around these planets and said, "these three planets belong to small and medium-sized planets. The danger level is level II. They are a little far away from Zizhu star. There are few mineral sources, mainly plants."

Speaking of this, he Yun stressed: "these plants are pulp and meat, and have a wide variety. Most of them are used as animal materials."