Just like this, Fengling and Qin Yilang Wenxiao moved the six planting stoves to the bedroom balcony. After all, poultry are birds. Even the most precious Fengling can't accept close contact, so they all moved to the planting field to circle.

Fengling can't accept that poultry fall second, mainly considering Luo Bi's feelings. If he moves poultry to the bedroom balcony, it's possible for Luo Bi to throw all poultry off the balcony.

Fengling didn't want Luo Bi to be angry, so she arranged everything properly.

Qin Yilang and Wen Xiao went back once. Emperor Xing had private affairs to deal with. They said hello to Fengling and left. They all walked out of the apartment. Qin Yilang turned back and said, "Fengling, if Luo Bi's body is still like this tomorrow, you'd better let Zhan Yi show her. Don't be careless."

Feng Ling nodded, "I know."

Wen Xiao's eyes flashed with surprise, smiled and left. Qin Yilang was also surprised by Fengling's attitude. He was too calm. He was very different from the tension on the spacecraft before. Qin Yilang couldn't figure out the reason, and Wen Xiao couldn't figure it out, but they didn't ask.

Fengling is so calm. Naturally, he has confidence in his heart. When he is on the spaceship, he is concerned and chaotic. Now he is very clear headed. Luo Bi is the one who wants to accompany him all his life. As long as he protects him, Luo Bi won't have anything.

Close the door of the apartment, Fengling handles a partridge chicken on the big balcony, cleans it, and turns on the communicator and he Yun video. Doesn't Luo Bi like the food cooked by He Yun? In order to let Luo Bi eat more, Fengling doesn't mind asking He Yun for advice on cooking.

After receiving such a video communication, he Yun smiled at his lips, but he still thought carefully about what people with poor appetite were suitable for. A moment later, he Yun instructed Fengling to make a stewed partridge chicken with unique flavor through the video.

Tong Yiting woke up hungry. The bedroom was dark. She turned on the light, rubbed her eyes, pulled her slippers out of the bedroom and went to the shared balcony. The smell of meat gave her a boost and her saliva was about to flow out.

With no distractions, Fengling filled a small bowl of stewed chicken, closed the kitchen door and walked back to the bedroom.

Tong Yiting followed a few steps. She wanted to eat, but as an adult, she still wanted face. People ignored her. Tong Yiting couldn't speak if she wanted to. She was a little angry and stared back at the closed kitchen door. People set a password to prevent her.

Luo Bi was still sleeping. Fengling soaked a towel and wiped her face. Luo Bi opened her eyes: "I still want to sleep."

"Eat and sleep." Fengling threw away her towel, scooped a small spoonful of chicken soup, cooled it gently and sent it to Luo Bi's mouth.

She vomited hard before. Eating something is good for her health. Luo Bi knew in her heart, so she had no appetite and opened her mouth to drink. Fengling has always been patient with Luo Bi. He blows it cool spoonful by spoonful. Hello, Luo Bi has no spirit and doesn't want to drink after a few drinks.

Fengling didn't force her. She took a quilt and put it behind Luo Bi and asked her to lean against it: "don't sleep yet. I'll put bath water for you, take a bath and then sleep."

Luo Bi likes to take a shower and doesn't like to take a bath unless it's a special day every month. Fengling knows Luo Bi's habits, but goes to put bath water. It goes without saying that this time is not a bath.

Sure enough, when Luo Bi lay in the warm water, Fengling kicked the small chair and sat down by the bathtub. Expressionless, she took five bottles of magic medicine from the storage ring and sprinkled it into the bathtub. The magic medicine melted when it met with water.