The glass cover is a closed facility with limited defense capacity. It broke a hole when it was hit by the energy golden ball. Jiang Yixin's energy water ball flew out with water.

"What's this for?" Roger muttered, staring at the big screen.

No one answered him. General Qi LAN and lieutenant general Mi Yue didn't understand what the energy ball meant. No matter how spiritual it was, it was also an array, not a human. Their spirituality was really hard to understand.

The energy golden ball head led the way, followed by the energy wooden ball and energy water ball, whizzed away from the team dormitory.

"I'll see what's going on." Roger got up, took his military coat and went out of the general command hall.

Where the three energy balls passed, people looked up in surprise. The energy water ball was dripping. A soldier wiped his face. There was water on his hand, which came out of the energy water ball.

Lieutenant general Mi Yue hissed in front of the conference table. He felt strange. He pushed forward the camera and looked at it. The energy water polo in the wind and snow was indeed running outward, dripping all the way and melting into the snow on the ground.

When I saw this clearly, I fixed the lens on the energy wooden ball. Lieutenant general Mi Yue immediately narrowed his eyes. He said, why do you always look wrong? The vine branches and buds stretched out by the wooden ball seem to be lack of water, and the leaves and stems are drying up little by little.

The lens was so obvious that general Qi Lan also found a clue. He was not familiar with Jiang Yixin's energy water polo. He saw the golden ball and wooden ball when they were arrayed a few days ago. At that time, the wooden ball followed Peijing. No branches and buds were fried. The vitality was very strong. It was only a few days that the branches and buds were dying.

There is also the golden ball of energy. Although people throw iron balls out from time to time, the ball body is extremely dazzling gold, but now look again, it is black, dark, emitting cold light. Is this going to blacken?

General Qi LAN and lieutenant general Mi Yue looked at each other, and the same answer came out of their hearts. Staring at the route on the big screen, they suddenly stood up from their chairs, and the three energy balls went to the Garrison's family building.

For whom?

They thought of another place at the same time, Robbie.

The blackened energy golden ball, the water drop energy water ball, and the exhausted energy wooden ball are all good enough to find Robbie. General Qi LAN made a quick decision. He first dialed a communication to Fengling, and then sent Lenglie to quickly take people there. These three energy balls are wrong. It's better to be just in case.

At this time, it was 10:30 a.m. the snowflakes in the sky were very big. Hu Li came to visit and Luo Bi was talking with her. The two stood in front of the glass cover and watched the little partridge chicken chatting about the festival. The glass cover was "Dangdang" tapped several times.

Luo Bi and Hu Li raised their heads at the same time and looked at the three energy balls suspended outside. Luo Bi didn't recognize them for a moment. Her eyes blinked. Only then did she see that they were energy balls. They all changed and their state was not good at all.

Luo Bi looked at Hu Li. Hu Li looked surprised: "this, this is an energy ball?"

Last time she had dinner at Luo Bi's house, she only saw the energy water ball once. Hu Li had never seen the energy ball with the other two attributes, but the energy water ball she saw last time was not like this.

The water polo is full of water and large in size. It's more than a circle smaller. You can see the falling beads of the water polo through the glass cover. Jiang Yixin's energy water polo doesn't drip.

"It's an energy ball." it's just that the shape is different. Luo Bi looks at the three energy balls outside. If she doesn't make so many handkerchief balls, she can't confirm who they are.