In the afternoon, Fengling came back soon. He paid a high price to buy Luo Bi a white fox skin skirt and cloak. The white fox skin is light and warm. It is comfortable and warm to wear on her body, which can make Luo Bi less cold outside the safety zone.

When general Qi LAN heard that Luo Bi was going with him, he sent a luxurious small spaceship to the first team. Lei Yan soldiers are not afraid of the cold, but women and pregnant bodies are not. As the top general of the garrison base, others should be concerned about everything.

After Fengling asked consul Pei Jing, Pei Jing thought a little and agreed. The next day, he took the guard to the garrison base to gather with the first team. He Yun, the captain of the 10th team, was appointed by general Qi LAN and represented the general. It can be seen that he is the general's confidant.

Fengling pulled Luo Bi up from her bed early in the morning and wiped her face with a hot towel. Her sleepiness was gone. After washing and eating, Fengling first put on the white fox fur skirt for Luo Bi, then tied the white fox cloak and wrapped people in her arms and went out.

The north wind on this day is not big or small, but it is very sharp. The small sharp wind blows everywhere, which is more biting than the big north wind. The goose feather like snow was flying all over the sky. All you could see was white. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground. Stepping on it was a small pit.

When Fengling arrived at the parking place of the spaceship in the suspension car, everyone had arrived. He took Luo Bi on the spaceship and took off as soon as the door of the spaceship was closed.

It was only nine o'clock in the morning when the spaceship arrived at the burning star. The spaceship door opened. Qin Yilang said to Feng Ling, "let Shaochen stay on the spaceship with Luo Bi. It's too dangerous in the flame valley."

Lei Yan soldiers all know that Huoyan beast has a huge body, violent nature and extremely hard scales. Winter is the most manic and ferocious period of Warcraft. Once Huoyan beast goes crazy, Qin Yilang is worried that he can't take into account Luo Bi.

Instead of taking Luo Bi to distract Fengling, it's better to let her stay safe on the ship. Besides, she can't freeze.

Qin Yilang had a good idea, but Luo Bi was unwilling: "no, I don't stay on the ship. I want to follow into the flame valley."

If she doesn't follow her, the small handkerchief can't exert its power. Although Luo Bi doesn't know how powerful the specific small handkerchief is, she knows how to use it. Who made it by her.

"OK, let you go." Fengling looked pale, but her tone was gentle.

Well, don't say anything. Qin Yilang took the lead in jumping off the ship.

This season, no one has come to the task of burning stars. It is snowy outside the flame valley. Except for them, there are no footprints of mercenaries and hunting teams.

The first team in the flame Valley is familiar. Jade stone energy liquid and advanced energy stone are distributed. When they arrive outside the flame Valley, they take the energy liquid respectively, install the advanced energy stone, and they rush in with swords.

With the last combat experience, the team saw the trail of the flame beast, lined up and wielded the power to attack it. They always do this. There is no need to talk about rules with Warcraft.

All kinds of powers were waved out together. Just listening to the sound of "boom", the fire beast stumbled and didn't fall down, but there was no way to kill it. In winter, both Warcraft and monsters have upgraded their combat power, and one move can't work.

When one move failed, he then attacked, took out a spare Bi Fei sword again, picked up the high-level energy stone and installed it. They lined up in a tacit understanding and urged the power to fight out with all their strength.