Zhou Feng was anxious and excited. The game was really fun. He was busy on the left and on the right. Seeing the intercepted liquid sneaking out, he jumped his feet in a hurry.

Luo Bi quickly went over and blocked back, driving the liquid to Zhou Feng's mental power control range. Seeing that Zhou Feng was busy, she resolutely withdrew the tiny mental power: "practice by yourself, I'll go to work."

"What do you do? Let's play together!" Zhou Feng took driving away the liquid as a game.

There is still a lot of work waiting for her. Luo Bi shakes her head, grabs the green radish and continues to dry it. This work must be finished today. Pickled dried radish has always been one of her favorites. My mouth watering when I think about it. She hasn't eaten it once since crossing. No one in the world pickled dried radish.

But Luo Bi just dried it for a while, Zhou Feng shouted: "shit, Luo Bi, come and help. They all ran away."

When she heard the cry, Robbie ran over quickly. Before the man arrived, a trace of mental power had been released. I broke into the jade stone. Well, I've been busy for a long time. The two liquids are all mixed, which is more chaotic than before.

"What should I do?" Zhou Feng asked Luo Bi.

Luo Bi vomited and said she had a headache: "re divide! I'll watch it for you and you'll catch it."

"Let's catch it together." Zhou Feng didn't want to go alone.

"This is your battlefield. I'll figure out what's going on?" Luo bixun asked him.

Zhou Feng stared at her unconvinced and manipulated his mental power to divide and catch the liquid. When she got some back, Luo Bi kept it for her, and Zhou Feng slowly controlled the situation. Now he was happy again and rushed up happily.

Zhou Feng had fun, but Luo Bi was bored. Guarding the city gate was not a good job. It was so dry and boring. She wanted to go away and worried that the liquid that was easy to drive to a piece would mix again. In fact, it was nothing to mix. It was a big deal. Luo Bi was afraid that Zhou Feng would quit.

Luo Bi thought for a moment, controlled her mental power and began to help Zhou Feng intercept. Zhou Feng was proud of her helper. Finally, she drove all the dark liquid to a place to isolate.

Then, then······


Looking at the energy liquid running out of the jade stone, Zhou Feng opened his mouth and looked silly. He was stupid. His mental power was also stupid. Once his control power was lost, the energy liquid controlled by mental power immediately fell down.

Luo Bi's eyes were sharp and her hands were quick. She caught it with a trace of her mental strength. She said to Zhou Feng, "energy bottle!"

"I don't have an energy bottle." Zhou Feng is still stupid. He has never successfully extracted energy solution. How can he prepare an energy bottle?

Luo Bi took out her energy bottle, put away the energy liquid and handed it to Zhou Feng: "yours."

"This, this... This is what I extracted?" Zhou Feng stammered excitedly and took the energy bottle happily. It seems that he doesn't know how to handle it.

Luo Bi saw that he was too impetuous and said, "it's not easy to extract it. Don't fall."

As soon as Luo Bi reminded him, Zhou Feng didn't dare to fiddle with the energy bottle. He carefully put it on the table and blinked and stared at it.

"Don't look." Luo Bi took out another class-I jade stone without attributes: "continue to practice. Maybe you can extract a bottle before dark."

At this time, Zhou Fengxing continued to practice extraction.

Luo Bi stared for a while and went to dry the green radish again. Every once in a while, she would come and take a look and help Zhou Feng guard the city gate. When Zhou Feng stabilized the situation, she continued to do her own business.