Luo Bi said no more about Andy Lin and said hello and left.

Andy Lin naturally wants to find Wu Cheng for verification. Wu Cheng didn't come to class today. He dialed a communication. Wu Cheng was taking care of the little moo on his ship. When she heard that Luo Bi gave Lin Andy a bottle of magic potion, she was not calm at that time.

"Bishop, don't listen to her nonsense." Wu Cheng was so anxious that he almost climbed over the signal.

Andy Lin sank his face and knew that Luo Bi was unreliable. Unexpectedly, he just thought so. How did Wu Cheng open it: "what spiritual potion? It's the water melted with five spiritual potions. Luo Bi is a loser. He feeds Moos with five spiritual potions."

So far, it is inconvenient for other Wucheng to disclose, and the communication is hung up.

Wupin panacea? Andy Lin was a little confused. He opened the bottle cap and smelled it. It's not. The five product panacea is right. Feed moo animals with five panacea? Andy Lin crossed three black lines on his forehead and put away the potion. He was not as willful as Robbie.

Andy Lin has to consider whether people eat or animals eat. Besides, he has got the purification medicine. There is no need to waste the five miraculous drugs.

When Luo Bi returned to her dormitory apartment, Fengling was waiting for her to leave.

"I have to go to Lingzhi street to buy some things." Luo Bi didn't expect Fengling to arrange so soon. She still has a lot of things to buy.

Fengling said slowly, "it's not urgent. Let's buy it now."

When the man said this, Luo Bi was relieved. They went out to Lingzhi street.

The Lingzhi street of Dixing is incomparable with that of zhihuangxing. The shops are next to each other and the decoration is higher than each other. Luo Bi doesn't know which one to go to. Fengling has a clear door and leads her directly to the Qi family's medicine shop.

"This is my grandfather's medicine shop." Fengling specially told Luo Bi.

The Qi family is an aristocrat of a great family and the mother family of the emperor and empress, while Fengling said that the Qi family is his outsider. Luo Bi almost immediately guessed the identity of Fengling, but she had never heard of Fengling.

Luo Bi was a little puzzled, but she had no intention to ask. She still knew little about the royal family.

They were received by a young clerk in the Qi family medicine shop. He didn't know Fengling, and Fengling didn't intend to tell her identity. Luo Bi didn't want to climb relatives and went straight to the Dinglu area to choose the Dinglu.

Even buying fried Luo Bi has been in contact with many tripod furnaces. She roughly asked the price of the tripod furnace and said, "I want 100 medicine tripods. You can make it cheaper."

"A hundred?" the young clerk was startled when he met such a big customer for the first time. Then he said happily, "Miss, you're a little big. I'll ask our supervisor to talk to you."

Luo Bi nodded, and the steward of the medicine workshop came quickly. He was an old man, hale and hearty, with bright eyes and a shrewd spirit. He saw Feng Ling Leng behind Luo Bi, and soon smiled and said, "major Feng has come to the emperor star."

Feng Ling nodded: "go back today."

The old steward turned to Luo Bi with a smile: "do you want a hundred medicine tripods?"

Luo Bi nodded: "if your price is reasonable, I want 50 refining array tripods, 50 refining device tripods, and thousands of spirit plants."

Ho, it's really a big deal. The old steward raised his eyebrows and asked, "all kinds of small tripod furnaces are basically twenty thousand. Do you want large or small?"

"Small," said Luo Bi.

The first time I met such a customer, the old steward took a silent look at Fengling. Fengling looked cold and didn't participate. The old steward had no bottom in his heart. He asked Luo Bi a few questions. Then he offered Luo Bi a low price: "two hundred of the three small tripod furnaces cost you 35 million in total. It's low enough."