I've never heard that division Qi was still thinking about chatting with people when refining. The Lei Yan soldiers who heard Luo Bi don't know what to say. No wonder they always blow up the furnace. That's such an attitude. It's hell if they don't blow up the furnace.

"Where?" asked Jiang Yixin.

Luo Bi found a place close to the stove and pointed, "put it here."

Jiang Yixin put down the refining tripod and turned to the river. He didn't disturb Luo Bi's refining.

Luo Bi first pulled a chair and sat down to think about it. Then she poured out a pile of extracted Bi jadeite stones from the storage bracelet, and then poured out a lot of qiangen grass and melon seed soap. The leaves of these herbs are fresh and clever. She hasn't had time to dry them.

Nima Lingzhi she can't spoil. She has plenty of worthless herbs. She threw eight extracted Bi jadeite stones into the refining tripod, grabbed some herbs and put them in. When the tripod was covered, she released her mental power and began to urge the fire source in the red jadeite stone.

In the past, Luo Bi needed to control the fire carefully when refining medicine. When it was too big, it couldn't be too small. Now these are not problems. She just urged the fire to the maximum.

"Poof", the red flame suddenly burst out, and the fierce wind was startled. Good guy, the fire is fierce enough. It's cooking! Besides, is this a refiner? I haven't heard of anyone using a herb refiner!

Lei Yan warrior didn't know how to refine. Li Feng looked wrong and began to mutter in his heart. He cut the green onion and dry pepper into sections, sliced the ginger and wok with hot oil. When the oil is hot, pour in the green onion, ginger and dry pepper, burst out the fragrance, pour in the brocade fish section and stir fry.

"Cough, cough, cough... Cough... Luo Bi was having fun with the fire. A spicy smell choked her throat:" Li Feng, did you put the pepper? "

Li Feng smiled: "Pepper tastes good, so I put a little pepper, not too spicy." the three women in the garrison can't eat spicy, but the stewed fish doesn't put pepper, which is not delicious enough. It's also difficult for him to cook.

Li Feng quickly poured in an appropriate amount of water and pressed down the spicy taste.

Luo Bi coughed a few more times before her throat felt better. She rubbed her hands and fully opened her mental strength to maximize the fire energy of red jadeite. It didn't matter what she urged. The flame was so fierce that it rang.

In addition to bidouqi division, they seldom refine in public. At this time, Lei Yan soldiers came to have a look out of curiosity. When they saw Luo Bi's posture, they knew that they didn't understand blind refining. They lost interest and went to work.

No matter what other people think of her, Luo Bi is very happy. She plays with fire in one hand and grabs out the river melon seeds in the other. After eating, she throws the shell onto the red jadeite stone. "Hoo", the flame runs away and burns the melon seed shell in a moment.

Li Feng took the string of shrimps and crabs handed over by others and put them on one end of the grill in order. The whole duck was smeared with honey and placed in the middle, and the fish fillets were placed on the other end. After these, he began to fry.

Put the seasoning into the oil pan, "Zi La", the smell burst out, and Li Feng poured the water celery into the pan and fried it. In the other pot, the fish stew was gurgling, the kebabs on the grill were also zizilla, and the smell of barbecue came out.

Just at this moment, the refining tripod on Luo Bi's side also smoked. Luo Bi immediately got up and ran. While running, she shouted at Li Feng: "Li Feng, Li Feng, hide quickly..."

Li Feng didn't know why. He was stunned with a shovel. He didn't know which of Luo Bi's sudden troubles.