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Mrs. Zhu is a planter, but she can't grow high-grade fruit trees.

Everyone was full of joy looking at the high-grade fruit tree, calculating when they would be able to eat the high-grade nutritious energy fruit, Luo Bi only cared about playing, and went home with Feng Ling after playing enough.

Luo Jie, Wen Yao and the others planted high-grade fruit trees. The other Thunder Flame fighters in the garrison base had heard of them, but no one cared.

However, people were stunned to give it a living.

Leng Lie, Zhan Di and the others didn't believe it at all. The planters might not be able to grow a living, but the Lei Yan warrior could grow a living? Leng Lie, Zhan Di and the others took a look and were dumbfounded.

After being dumbfounded, I will be jealous. This is a high-level nutritional energy fruit tree that can grow high-level fruits. Whoever plants a tree is not a treasure, and they want one too!

Luo Bi and Zhu Xingzhi were eating at home, picking and eating all kinds of snacks. Wei Bunting ran over, and when he entered the door, he said, "The Thunder Flame warriors are all looking at the high-grade fruit trees at Luo Jie's house. Do you want to go?"

Luo Bi likes to join in the fun, so she got up and left: "What's so interesting about high-grade fruit trees."

"Colonel Luo's tree grows well." Wei Bunting said as he walked.

Several companies compared each other when they had time, and it turned out that the fruit trees planted by Roger grew the best.

When I arrived at Roger's house, seeing Leng Lie, Robbie looked away.

Leng Lie also saw Luo Bi, and ignored her, He Yun and Wen Xiao greeted Luo Bi, Zhan Di was focused on the fruit tree, and didn't look this way, so he didn't say hello.

"It is estimated that we will be able to eat the fruit in the coming year." Leng Lie said.

Roger nodded, and Robbie took another look at the tree, unable to see when it would bear fruit.

However, Warrior Lei Yan's eyes are poisonous, so Leng Lie said, the fruit tree will probably bear fruit in the coming year.

This can't be arguing, and there is no need to raise a bar if it doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

At this moment, talented people such as Zhou Ya and Jiang Qianran came to Luo Jie's house to look at the high-grade fruit trees. They were all exquisitely dressed, wearing various styles of dresses, all of which were embellished with beads.

As they walked, the beads swayed, some were decorated with only a few beads, and some dresses were full of beads.

Their eyes turned red when they looked at the high-grade fruit trees. The small young leaves that had just grown on the fruit trees were quite lively no matter how they looked.

Jiang Qianran looked at it with jealousy and excitement, thinking that her planting talent was okay, so she discussed with Roger: "Can you plant it? How about I plant it for you! What a pity if the planting dies!"

When Luo Bi heard this, she sneered, feeling that Jiang Qianran had a lot of eyes.

Luo Jie was taken aback for a moment, hehe smiled and ignored Jiang Qianran, wanting to snatch her high-grade fruit tree? There are no doors.

Luo Jie wouldn't foolishly ask Jiang Qianran to plant fruit trees for him, who would be the one to plant fruit trees on Jiang Qianran's side? How much fruit will he receive? What was this woman thinking? She was playing tricks on him.

Over there, Wen Fei also came to Wen Yao to ask for fruit trees, but Wen Yao didn't give them to him. Now he had the same idea as Luo Bi, he wouldn't plant them for others if he planted them himself, and it didn't make sense to give them to others after they were all alive.

Seeing that Wen Yao and Luo Jie did not let go, the gifted talents with close relatives could only give in to the next best thing, and one by one came together and said: "When the fruit bears fruit, you can share some with me. I haven't eaten high-level nutritional energy fruit yet." Woolen cloth."

Zhang Wu'er felt that Luo Jie would give her face, so she also said, "Roger, I want it too."

Zhang Wu'er has never eaten high-level nutritional energy fruit, but she doesn't say it, Zhang Wu'er is worried that others will laugh at her ignorance.

I missed it before it came to fruition.