"Your parents should pay attention to it in the future. How can such a small child be lost? Fortunately, today the child is safe. If something really happens, you don't think there is any regret medicine to sell, right?" It seems that the aged nurse told Ding Xiaolan when she left the nursing station to thank him.

Ding Xiaolan did not hold her daughter's hand, tightly holding Su yunyun's thin arm, she closed her eyes tightly, controlling the liquid that was about to flow out of her eyes, she felt that there was a huge stone in her chest, she could not breathe, her heart was beating fast, and her chest could not hold it.

After all the inspection, Ding Xiaolan used all her strength to visa Su yunyun, so that several times yunyun said it hurt. She won't let her eldest daughter leave her sight for a moment, but her heart is still beating.

After all the tests, I went home with my two daughters. The two children were tired. The little daughter didn't need Ding Xiaolan to coax her to sleep this time. She put it on the bed and fell asleep. The eldest daughter, too, lay quietly in bed for a few minutes, then came the sound of calm breathing.

Ding Xiaolan looks at Su yunyun's quiet and gentle sleeping face, and finally shed tears that have been accumulating in her eyes for a long time. Tears down her yellow face, deep wrinkles gully slide.

She looked at her eldest daughter's face, which was much thinner than before. Her clothes were dirty, and even there was a scraped hole in her short sleeve.

Ding Xiaolan heard a noise coming from the door. Her husband, who had been out all day, must have come back.

She flustered wiped his tears, but still uncontrollable gush out.

"If yunyun is OK, you can have a rest. Don't blame yourself all the time. There are times for negligence." Su Dahai listened to Ding Xiaolan's narration. Although her face was not good-looking, she comforted her in a soft voice.

"Hai Hai, I've thought about it for a long time today. I can't take care of both of my children together." Ding Xiaolan said with trembling voice.

With this sentence, Ding Xiaolan was silent. She can't say it. It's cruel to send a two-year-old child away from her parents.

"In fact..." Su Dahai takes out a pack of inferior cigarettes from his dusty black trousers. Just as he wants to light them, he sweeps his eyes over the two children on the bed and puts them back.

He took a deep breath and said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time. I've made up my mind before that I won't send my daughter away and let others take her with me. But you told me about today's event. I..."

He scratched his hair hard: "I think it's better to send her to my hometown than we can't take good care of yunyun. My mother will take good care of her."

In fact, when he said this, Su Dahai didn't know anything at all. He knew his mother's character and preferred sons over daughters all his life. When he saw his daughter's family, he laughed endlessly. But now he had to comfort his wife. Since Su Hao was born, Ding Xiaolan has been busy from day to night, but something still happened. He can see that, Today's event is very exciting for her.

The next day, instead of going out to the stall, Su Dahai made the earliest ordinary car and went back to his hometown to meet the old lady.

"To raise a daughter for you is the daughter of a woman with a poor stomach?" Sure enough, the old lady sat on a small bench in the deserted yard, with a needle and thread in her hand, mending her clothes, and said with disdain.

This is what Su Dahai expected. He was not surprised. He could only keep his eyes fixed on the ground and sighed softly.

Who knows that the old lady looked around the desolate scene in the yard for a week, turned her eyes, and said, "in fact, I can also bring you children. After all, I am also my granddaughter."

Hearing her words, Su Dahai looks up unexpectedly.

The old lady's eyes seemed to be shining, and she continued: "you see, my life is not good. I can't use the money you gave me every month before."

Su Dahai heard this, in the heart a rage, before give her money, she took gambling. Every day I play cards with people, one game is the whole day.

"You give me more money every month. Of course, you pay for the living expenses of the little girl."

Su Dahai listened to her request and asked with a little doubt.

"Yes, but mom, can you take good care of yunyun? You have to promise to take good care of her. " Su Dahai hands hand in hand, said carefully.

"Sure, I brought you up, and I can't take care of a little girl?" The old lady laughed.

In the end, even if Su Dahai and Ding Xiaolan were unwilling, life and reality still forced them to send Su yunyun to the countryside.

As Su Hao's age increases, her condition becomes more and more serious. Her husband and wife devote themselves to taking care of her all day long. Their plan to see their eldest daughter has run aground. They feel guilty, but they can't change it.

Su yunyun spent most of her childhood at her grandmother's house in the countryside. Her grandmother was not good to her. She had already forgotten her promise to Su Dahai. At the beginning, she would cry at night and miss her parents. Her grandmother always said to her, "your father and mother are busy taking care of your sister. They have forgotten you for a long time."

Su Yun didn't believe it, but she thought that her parents would miss her and would come to see her often, but it backfired. They seldom came to see themselves, almost once a month.

Later, Su yunyun got used to it. She didn't expect her parents to come. Even if they came, she was never happy. Even later, she didn't take the initiative to talk to them, and even refused to answer their questions.

In the past six years, Su Hao has been suffering from illness, but the good news is that she can have an operation. When Su Dahai and Ding Xiaolan heard the news, they were both red eyed in front of the doctor.

As long as the operation is done, suhao can recover.

More importantly, we can take Su yunyun home.

The two of them feel like stepping on the marshmallow now, with a light and unreal sense of happiness. They finally find time to take suhao to see their eldest daughter.

"Does grandma beat you often?" Even though Su yunyun just ignored Su Dahai's words and didn't make any reply, Su Dahai didn't want to give up, and he was not allowed to ask about it clearly.

Usually, when he and his wife come back, they will say hello to the old lady in advance. After they come back, although Su yunyun doesn't look very good, at least it's not the way he is now - his hair is messy, his clothes are ragged and dirty.

It's even less likely that the child will be beaten just after going out with his wife.

Su Dahai is now glad that he ran into this scene. If not, who knows how long the child will suffer.

Su yunyun heard her father's gentle inquiry, but she didn't want to answer.

Su Dahai still did not give up: "you tell Dad, does grandma often beat you?"

Looking at Su yunyun without any reaction. Su Dahai simply sat on the windowsill and touched a bruise on Su yunyun's arm with his hand: "is this also from grandma?"

Su yunyun knows that she should answer that her grandmother often punches and kicks her when she is older, but she will not be found by her parents every time. Her grandmother will specially dress her with clothes that can cover up her wounds. If her parents take her away, her grandmother will not have to provide her with basic living expenses, but there will be no living expenses from Su Dahai.

"Did you tell Dad that grandma was responsible for the injury?"

Looking at her husband asking her daughter, Ding Xiaolan, who has been holding Su Hao in her arms, interjected: "Dahai, if it's really mother's fight, then we'll pick up yunyun right away." There was sadness and anger in her voice.

Hearing Ding Xiaolan's words, Su yunyun shook his head in a strange way: "no, it's my injury. I ran out to play and accidentally fell down."

She didn't know why she would answer like this. Maybe she hated her parents more subconsciously, didn't want to live with her parents, and didn't want to be with her sick sister.

Su Dahai was a little surprised to hear Su yunyun's reply. The bruise didn't seem to be caused by a fall. He looked at his eldest daughter's eyes seriously, but didn't see anything in them. Only a pair of dark eyes looked back at him.

Su Dahai sighed. Now he can't tell whether Su yunyun didn't tell the truth or the old lady was just excited;

But what he knows is that he has to take his daughter home. Even if his youngest daughter's illness is in a critical period, he doesn't want Su yunyun to be in this village, not only far away from his parents, but also suffering from the possible violence from his grandmother.

He looked back at Ding Xiaolan, who had been quietly looking at them. Ding Xiaolan understood the meaning in his eyes and said, "yunyun, please come home with us. This time, mom and dad want to take you back. They will take care of you. You don't have to worry."

Su Hao, who had been observing silently, opened his eyes when he heard this.

"No, I haven't done anything. I'm going to take him back. The first task is finished. It's not so simple."

Su Hao's idea is right. Because Su yunyun didn't pretend not to hear this time, she immediately replied: "no, I live very well here, and my grandmother is also very good to me. Today, I'm not obedient. My grandmother said many times that she can't go to the pond to play, worried that I'm not safe, but I went. My grandmother is really angry, so she can't help but want to teach me a lesson."

When Su Dahai listened to her explanation, he only murmured in his heart. At that time, the old lady's vicious words were not like the loving grandmother in yunyun's tone. However, he observed her daughter's expression, and her answer was very calm. There was no waves on her little face, so people could not see the meaning of lying.

Su Dahai and Ding Xiaolan look at each other, and then Su Dahai asks, "why don't you go back to live with us? Mom and dad miss you very much, and hope to take good care of you. "

Su yunyun didn't speak any more, but expressed his resistance with his deeply buried head.