Every one of these is undoubtedly a fatal blow to su. Su Hao grabs her mother's arm and says, "Mom, is it true that Su's money laundering and profit manipulation?"

"Of course not!" Su's mother raised her voice excitedly, "others don't know. Don't you know what mom and dad are? Even if we are poor all our lives, we will not do those evil deeds! "

That's good

Su Hao asked again, "Mom, did you go to Uncle Wen and ask him to save Dad first so as to take charge of the overall situation?"

Mother Su shook her head and sighed: "the Wen family is already in a mess. There is no leisure to care about us. Wenmu was in shock due to drug allergy in the morning, and now he is still lying unconscious in ICU.... "

There was a look of embarrassment on Su's tearful face. "Su Su, otherwise..."

Suhao grabbed her mother's hand, "Mom, you say."

"Why don't you go to Wen's house to see Wen mu, and by the way, tell Uncle Wen about our Su family. After all, it's tough. Wen Mu is still like that. If he can help, it depends on the relationship between our two families. If he can't help me, he won't complain."

Su Hao agreed to her mother and immediately rushed to the private hospital where wenmu lived.

Along the way, Su Hao's head was in a mess, thinking about the affairs of Wen and su.

She's only been out for a long time. How can so many messy things happen? What's more, it's such a coincidence that two things happen to bump into each other?

The car stopped at the gate of Huanji hospital. She got off the car and rushed to the ward.

Outside the ICU, Su Hao met Wen's mother, whose eyes were red and swollen, and Wen's father, whose face was pale. After only a few days' absence, they suddenly looked like teenagers with white temples.

Su Hao distressed to sit next to mother Wen, "Auntie, how's brother Wen?"

Seeing Su Hao, mother Wen's tears burst again. She couldn't help telling Su Hao, "ah Mu hasn't woken up yet... The doctor said that if she doesn't wake up after 48 hours, I'm afraid she'll have to sleep forever."

Su Hao's whole body was cold, and the piercing chill spread all over her body.

"Auntie, how could this happen all of a sudden? A few days ago, I went to see wenmugo. It's still fine. I can even stand up and walk. "

"Yes, it was fine the other day." Mother Wen wiped her tears. "My former personal doctor couldn't take care of ah Mu's body because he was pregnant. Your uncle and I hired another doctor again. Ah Mu took his medicine a few days ago, and his health gradually improved. From time to time, he could go out for a walk. But just last night, Amu suddenly fainted after taking the medicine given by the doctor, and then went to the ICU. "

With that, Wen's mother sobbed again.

"It's too much. How can there be such an irresponsible doctor?" Su Hao clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. "Auntie, what's the doctor's name and what's the phone number? I have to ask him to explain it!"

"Doctor... It seems that his name is song Lu. He graduated from the Foreign Medical College of Iraq. It doesn't matter to others. The doctor said that everyone's constitution is different, and their sensitivity to drugs will be different..."

Su Hao didn't pay attention to what Wen's mother was saying. Her fingers were just pulling harder and harder. Until her palms were sticky, she felt something and released her fingers a little bit.

Song Lu, it's song Lu again! It seems that he won't give up until he kills wenmu!

"Are you still listening, Sue?"

Consciousness returned to disappear, Su Hao quickly nodded: "aunt, you don't have to worry too much, wenmugo, he, Jiren has his own appearance, it will be OK."

Wen's mother sighed: "that's what I said, but Xiao Su, I'm really afraid that brother Wen will never wake up after sleeping like this. I'm just a son like him..."

Su Hao looked at Wen's mother and felt hurt and hated. She thought she could take the lead. Unexpectedly, song Lu took the lead.

She accompanied her mother in the hospital for a while. When it was dark, she said that she would go back.

"Xiao Su, my aunt knows you are a good child. If our family can't survive this disaster, it's just that he's not lucky enough to marry you."

"Auntie, don't say that." Su Hao is so sad that she quickly lowers her head and doesn't want anyone to see the light in her eyes.

Mother Wen patted Su Hao on the shoulder: "go back, your mother also needs your company now. Your uncle has heard about you. He will try his best to help you. Don't worry."

Su Hao moved, lifted his eyes and looked gratefully at the silent middle-aged man who had been standing by.

"Auntie, when Moog wakes up, you call me."

Mother Wen nodded, "OK."

After leaving the hospital, Su Hao wants Pei Ying to call and ask about her progress. But after several calls, the end is always busy.

What's the matter with Pei Ying.

Su Hao stares at the screen of her mobile phone, slightly annoyed. Just then a taxi comes not far away, and she waves up.

"Where are you going, miss?"

"Dongyang villa area on Yishan Road."

"All right."

At night, the front windshield mirror like reflection of the man's face, but only fleeting.

Suhao was really tired. Everything that happened in this day was twisted into a rope. A little movement would hurt her muscles and bones. She couldn't help sleeping for a while next to the car window.

When Su Hao opened her eyes again, the scenery outside the window suddenly became strange and remote. She woke up and looked at the driver coldly with her back against the window: "where do you want to take me?"

"It's not Dongyang villa." The driver replied with a smile.

"This is not the way to Yishan Road at all. Who are you?"

The driver didn't answer. Sue put his hand into his pocket quietly, "do you want money? If you want money, I can give you all my jewelry, or... "

"Miss," the driver interrupted abruptly, "I won't hurt you. If someone wants to see you, I'm just a guide."

After hearing this, Su Hao put back the blade that had been exposed in his pocket.

Want to see her? I little interesting.

The taxi finally stopped in front of an abandoned building. It rained last night. The ground was muddy and the air smelled sweet.

Suhao was led into the abandoned building by the driver. He couldn't see his hand around. The driver turned on the flashlight and pushed her up the stairs.

Su Hao was a little reluctant to go, because the deeper he went to the stairs, the more clearly he could smell the strong smoke in the air.

"All right, here we are." About came to the second floor of a piece of open space, the driver pushed Sue forward a good, quietly left.

Su Hao narrowed his eyes, and there was a long sofa about three or four meters away from him. On the sofa sat a motionless shadow. Su Hao narrowed his eyes again, and vaguely saw that the hand of the shadow was bright with scarlet.

"Song Lu?" Sue asked tentatively.

Song Lu doesn't deny it. Su Hao sees the dark shadow on the sofa move, and then the scarlet also moves. The next second, the small sound of the light comes from his ear, and the whole space suddenly becomes bright.

Song Lu was dressed in a luxurious suit. He was dressed like a Hong Kong movie. His hair was combed backward, his tie was white, and he had a thick cigar on his hand.

Oh, it turns out that scarlet is a cigar.

Su Hao suddenly, but looking at Song Lu's appearance, she can't help but want to raise her lips.

It should be a natural and unrestrained feeling of Luotuo, but this dress appeared on Song Lu's body, but it was neither fish nor fowl. In a moment, a word flashed in her mind -- gentle scum.

Song Lu's face became gloomy: "what are you laughing at?"

Su good cunning blink eyes, against the heart said: "smile you romantic ah."

"Do you regret it?" Song Lu's evil spirit rose to his lips. "Su Hao, seeing what I look like now, do you regret what you said to me?"

Su Hao shook his head again and again: "no regret, really no regret." She only hated that she didn't make those words any worse at that time.

As soon as song Lu's face changed, he narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Su Hao, it seems that you haven't changed. You are still so stubborn!" He said, "but, hello sue, what qualifications do you have to be arrogant and domineering in front of me now? After all, your Su family is going to collapse, isn't it? "

He walked slowly to suhao. Every step, suhao smelled the pungent smoke.

"Hello, su. Do you want to know who made your Su's report call?"

"Do you like it?" Sue can almost think of it with her little finger.

"That's right," Song Lu's voice was full of pride. He said, "Su Hao, not only did I make the phone call, but also I asked my friends to stop your Su family's projects."

Su Hao looked at him, eyes slightly Lin: "Song Lu, you can, ah, mix the human model."

"Su Hao, I told you that one day you will regret it and kneel down to beg me!"

He suddenly came up to her and put his lips on Su Hao's ear. He said in a low voice, "Su Hao, but I don't need you to kneel down and beg me now. As long as you beg me, you tell me that Su Hao was wrong before, I'll let my friend stop at once!"

"I Pooh." Su Hao spat at him mercilessly, "Song Lu, I can't beg you in my life, because I'm a scum!"

Song Lu, not angry but smiling, raised his hand to wipe his face, and then put his dirty hand on Su Hao's shoulder: "it's undeniable that you are still attractive to me. No matter before or now, I especially like your pride. I've never met a girl who treats me like you."

Su Hao sneered in his heart. He didn't know what to do.

"Hello, Sue. Otherwise, you stay with me one night, and I'll let you Su's family go. How's it going? "

Su Hao turned his head and looked at him: "with you?"

Song Lu's eyes were keen and he nodded hard.

Su Hao's smile was warm and cool. He raised his arm and slapped his hand on Song Lu's shoulder.