There is something wrong with the president (12)

There are also several chatting aunts and uncles sitting here. When Lu Qingwan pulls his suitcase to stop here, someone has already warmly asked if Lu Qingwan wants to rent a house.

Lu Qingwan looked at his mobile phone, and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Because it was summer, it was not very dark, even bright.

And Lu Qingwan has basically seen the community all over, and even asked about the general price, water and electricity charges, business fees and security issues with some chatting aunts and uncles nearby.

When Lu Qingwan asked, a lot of aunts and uncles strongly recommended their own houses. Then Lu Qingwan learned another key problem, that is, although the security of this community is not good, it is a small property right house, that is to say, it was built by the village itself. Later, the city developed and it was not demolished, So there are at least two houses in a family here.

After knowing this, Lu Qingwan had to sigh: "ah, this is the rich man, and the one who has a house is the big man."

After making clear some basic things here, Lu Qingwan went to see the house with some aunts and uncles.

After seeing a few of them, I finally decided on one. After all, Lu Qingwan only needed to rent one room. For the sake of safety, he still wanted a female family.

It is said that the family settled by Lu Qingwan was sublet by relatives. Because the landlord had to take care of his daughter, he lived here and helped to look after the house.

As for the rent, the landlord also has to hand it over to relatives.

Lu Qingwan asked about the price. It's only three hundred and thirty a month, and it's much easier to use than other places.

Lu Qingwan's favorite place for the house lies in the fact that the landlord's aunt is a Northeast Chinese, also surnamed Lu. She has a good face and is honest. In addition, the rent is cheap, so Lu Qingwan will live in it.

This house is a residence type house. It used to have two bedrooms, a dining room, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. But because it was to be rented out, the dining room was changed into a bedroom.

Because of the shady side, Lu Qingwan didn't feel much heat, but it might be very cold in winter.

However, Lu Qingwan didn't think too much about it. After all, he now has a place to live

Fang is not bad.

Of course, when he came in, Lu Qingwan didn't forget to ask who was living in another rented room. When he got that he was a girl and an accountant about the same age as Lu Qingwan, Lu Qingwan was relieved.

Lu Qingwan originally looked at a bedroom refitted from a restaurant. The advantage of this bedroom lies in its connection with the kitchen. But there was nothing in the room, no wardrobe, no shoe cabinet, not even a table. At last, when Lu Qingwan proposed that there was no table, aunt Lu moved a big stool over. Although it was a bit shabby, she could barely put the computer on it, so Lu Qingwan paid a deposit and rent to stay.

But just after Lu Qingwan cleaned up, aunt Lu wanted to change with Lu Qingwan. Lu Qingwan thought that he had paid all the money, and he lived in the same place, and the other party's room was still the master bedroom, so he agreed, and then he spent another hour moving things out.

It was already 11 o'clock in the middle of the night when the toss was good, and it was almost 12 o'clock, but Lu Qingwan still had his own things to tidy up.

Lu Qingwan wanted to finish it in one go, but this is not the case

The room is so pitiful. It's a bare bed. It's the master bedroom, but it's a single bed, because Aunt Lu has occupied the double bed. After all, her daughter will come to live on Saturday after school. The only advantage is that there is a balcony, the convenience of drying clothes.

When she came in, aunt Lu had made it clear that the kitchen could be shared, but she had to pay the gas fee. If not, she could not pay it.

Then the balcony should be shared, because her clothes are too many to hang in her small room.

Lu Qingwan didn't retort either. Anyway, he would always be neighbors and should help each other.

At this time, Lu Qingwan may not realize how serious a mother's aunt is.

Lu Qingwan asked for wireless's password, and then sent a message to his editor, which generally means that the next month's contribution fee will be typed on his other card.

Of course, the editor didn't reply. After all, it was evening and the other party had already left work.

Lu Qingwan didn't feel sleepy after he sent the news, so he continued to look at his group of writers or authors

Group, outline group, spelling group, signing group and so on.The news of many groups is 99 +. The host will see the screen in the group, but rarely speak. That is to say, although the host can talk to many friends of the author, he has no deep friendship.

Lu Qingwan looked at several groups according to the habits of the host, especially the one who signed up for the website,

In a word, one of the main reasons why the host wants to sign a contract here is because there is an author he likes very much. The author is a big man who can go to a better website, But it is in this small site to settle down.

And this author is quite accompanying, that is to say, if you have inspiration, you can write a little, if you have no inspiration, you can drag on for a long time. If you are in a good mood, you will get red packets. The amount of red packets is very large. If you are in a bad mood, you will receive heaven and earth.

It's just such a character that makes many fans recognize the author, and the host likes the outspoken character of the other party, so she becomes the little fan sister of the other party, and then joins the website to write.

Originally, I wanted to get to know my idol, but in the end, I didn't even know each other

I didn't dare to grab the red envelope because I didn't dare to say thank you.

The name of the host is not very big now, and there are not even a few regular fans. However, the host has a lot of passers-by fans, so you can get a share every month. Of course, there is full attendance. Although it is not as good as the big guy, at present, as long as you are hungry, you can't die.

Of course, Lu Qingwan was not satisfied with taking the minimum wage, nor was he satisfied with writing at home.

Although it is more likely to succeed in doing something with such a single mind, it will be out of touch with the world. That will blind the knowledge in Lu Qingwan's head. You should know that Lu Qingwan was also a well-known screenwriter, and Lu Qingwan himself is a person who never forgets. In addition, there are systematic analysis data, In this world, Lu Qingwan is confident that he can mix well.

Lu Qingwan began to conceive his own future in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more excited he was. Finally, he tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep. Coupled with the soaring adrenal gland and the stuffy heat of the room, the little fan he borrowed from Aunt Lu was not enough.