There is something wrong with the president (4)

Speaking of this, Lu Qingwan just remembered whether he was too kind-hearted. The case of H country in his world is still fresh in my mind. It is because of his kind help that the child's life is ruined. However, all people are blaming the child for not helping

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Qingwan felt that his scalp was numb, and he could not help feeling a little flustered. The more he thought about his scalp, he began to feel numb, and his hands and feet became cold.

Lu Qingwan's abnormality even the man realized, Gu Haoke asked: "are you ok?"

Lu Qingwan shook his head mechanically, and then stammered to system A1: "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, is this man not a bad guy? If I meet a villain when I'm new here, I'm really at the end of it. "

"What do you think?" System A1 thinks that Lu Qingwan really thinks too much. Is it not enough to rely on that birthmark?

Lu Qingwan swallowed his saliva, and then saw the birthmark on Gu Haoke's little finger. He was a little relieved, "I don't think I'm so bad, am I


System A1 would like to roll his eyes to Lu Qingwan, "host, if there is any danger, I will remind you soon? It's like that man just now. "

Lu Qingwan just wanted to speak to system A1. Gu Haoke frowned and looked at Lu Qingwan, "Why are you distracted again?"

"Ah? I'm not distracted. I'm just thinking Lu Qingwan did not admit that he was distracted.

Gu Haoke

Soon the elevator arrived. When he got out of the elevator, Lu Qingwan planned to go out. After all, the place seemed very luxurious. He had no money and could not afford to live. So he waved to Gu Haoke, "OK, it's delivered. I'll go."

Gu Haoke pulled people out of the elevator. "Do you want to leave before you get to the destination?"

Lu Qingwan has been affirmed by system A1 for a long time. He is not a bad person, so he has nothing to worry about. So he can send it to us. Lu Qingwan thinks it's nothing. Seeing Lu Qingwan cooperate,

Gu Haoke smiles with satisfaction, "my name is Gu Haoke."

After that, he waited for Lu Qingwan to show his shock and admiration. After all, Gu Haoke was confident of his identity.

However, Lu Qingwan is doomed to let him down, because Lu Qingwan has no idea of Gu Haoke's identity, let alone that this person is his mission target.

Lu Qingwan's face did not appear any shocked expression, but thought that the other party had already reported his family, so he also replied: "my name is Lu Qingwan."

Gu Haoke: "why didn't I hear that Lu family has a daughter named Qingwan

Lu Qingwan helped Gu Haoke to go forward. In fact, it was Gu Haoke who helped him to land and go forward. Because Lu Qingwan's steps were flighty. Although he looked sober and didn't look drunk, in fact, every step he took was like stepping on cotton, which was not stable.

The reason why Gu Haoke is so troublesome to Lu Qingwan is that he is not at ease. Lu Qingwan, a girl with no money and no phone, goes out alone. Of course, there is an inexplicable emotion in her heart, that is, she doesn't want to go out

Lu Qingwan was out of his sight. This feeling was so strong that Gu Haoke felt puzzled.

Two people walk to the room together. On the other side, they come across a woman. Lu Qingwan doesn't know her, and system A1 doesn't have any danger warning. Therefore, Lu Qingwan doesn't plan to hide. He even kindly wants to let her pass first.

However, the fact that Lu Qingwan didn't know her doesn't mean Gu Haoke didn't know her. After seeing this woman, Gu Haoke held Lu Qingwan in his arms. Lu Qingwan wanted to break away, but Gu Haoke said, "I just helped you, now you help me." Lu Qingwan thought about what he had just done, but he didn't move any more. Instead, he looked at the woman opposite.

The woman opposite is slim waist and full breast, wearing a big red skirt close to the body, with a good figure at a glance.

A woman, who is in her mid-20s, is draped behind her head with big waves dyed red. Her face is exquisitely made up and her eyes are upturned. Just one look gives people the feeling that she is seducing heat.

Even as a woman, Lu Qingwan couldn't help admiring the words "Piao"

Lu Qingwan carefully asked about his appearance. After he got the words "pure, beautiful, not able to dress up", he was relieved. Fortunately, he was not ugly.

No way, women can't help worrying about their looks.

The woman saw Gu Haoke, eyebrow pick, the whole person's momentum changed, "Gu Haoke, did not expect you are such a person!"Gu Haoke said with a smile, "you see, now that I have found someone I like, can our engagement be cancelled?"

Lu Qingwan

"Xiaoyi, is this the kind of woman who loves a man deeply and makes trouble for the woman owner frequently, and finally leads to her own ruin, even makes her family bankrupt and the company annexed by the man?" Lu Qingwan couldn't help but want to retreat.

System A1 really didn't know how to explain it, so it just said, "that's the treatment of the heroine, aren't you?"

Well, in a word, Lu Qingwan will be beaten back to his original shape.

Originally, Lu Qingwan thought that this woman would step forward in the next second,

Then she slapped herself to death and threatened herself, but the woman didn't.

The woman touched her long hair. "It's boring."

Gu Haoke said: "so you can only find other people to marry."

The woman waved her hand. "It's boring."

Then the woman came up to Lu Qingwan. Lu Qingwan was a little shorter than her, so the woman bent slightly and said to Lu Qingwan, "she's really a beautiful woman. She looks pretty plain."

After that, he straightened up and politely extended his hand to Lu Qingwan and said, "Hello, my name is Wen Shuxian."

Lu Qingwan also showed a smile, "Hello, my name is Lu Qingwan."

Wen Shuxian nodded, "it's a nice name."

"Your name sounds good, too." Lu Qingwan sincerely said, just want to keep up with the sentence, "but it doesn't seem to match you very much."

Just as he was talking, Gu Haoke was already in the middle of the two people. He was a little nervous and separated them. "Well, I'm going to go back to my room with my girlfriend. Help yourself."

After that, she takes Lu Qingwan to her room. But Wen Shuxian doesn't care about Gu Haoke's attitude. Instead, she waves her hand and smiles warmly.

Lu Qingwan had to exclaim to system A1, "it's all deceitful, and the rich ladies are not so bad! Miss Wen is very generous and says hello to me! "