It's hard to have both beauty and country (47)

Of course, the other side didn't give up so easily. Instead, Lin Pu quickly came to mend the knife, and Lin Pu pointed his toes on the ground, rotated and glided close to the ground behind him.

At this time, Lin Pu has no weapons in his hand, and the other side quickly returns to stab, but it's too late. Lin Pu's left shoulder is attacked again, but the other side is kicked down by him.

The thrilling competition finally ended like this, and Lin Pu won.

Next, Lin Pu and Wei Yuege had a fight. Because he was injured, the emperor specially allowed him to go to the paper first.

But Lin Pu didn't mean to win. In the face of Wei Yuege's full attack, Lin Pu casually called two times, and then Wei Yuege's attack came down to the stage.

The Emperor

Everyone: "I'm sorry."

Wei Yuege on stage

Lin Pu looks sorry, but the smile at the corner of her mouth can't be hidden. "Ouch, ouch, I can't fight, I can't fight, I'm gone."

"Wait!" The prince took a look at the emperor who was not very good looking and stood up, "you are the final winner!"

"But I lost!" Lin Pu said innocently.

The prince looked at the emperor. The emperor said something in the ear of the eunuch beside him. Then the eunuch came to the prince and reported it.

"Considering that you are injured, today's competition is not enough. When you are cured, you will be allowed to compete again." The prince happily acted as a microphone.

However, Lin Pu said: "your royal family will have this leisure one day, but I won't be free another day!"

"Bold!" Cried the prince.

But before the prince's voice fell, Lin Pu had already started to use lightness skills, and then flew to the opposite roof.

"Come back to my palace!" The prince realized something was wrong.

But is Lin Pu the kind of person who will come back? Obviously, it's not, and it's all calculated by him in advance. How can he go back like this?

"Chase The prince immediately gave an order.

So all the people listened to the prince's words to chase, or Wei Yuetai stopped the prince and said: "brother, the safety of father's life is the most important!"

Although the Prince wanted to refute, he had to admit that Wei Yuetai was right. This time, he could only be strange and obedient. Then he sent half of the people to chase Lin PU.

Shi Chengli reacted when Lin Pu jumped on the roof, gritting his teeth and saying, "stop!"

With that, he chased Lin Pu in the direction of running away. Lu Qingwan didn't hold him.

"Shi Chengli!" Lu Qingwan yelled, but it didn't work. In the chaotic crowd, no one noticed, but Wei Ziyu was afraid that Lu Qingwan would be scattered by the crowd and held Lu Qingwan's hand.

Wei Ziyu's escort stood beside the two people. Despite the people coming and going, there was nothing between them.

"Shi Chengli ran out. I have to chase him!" Lu Qingwan's tone was a little urgent“ Who are you worried about? " There seems to be something wrong with Wei Ziyu's focus.

Lu Qingwan did not want to answer: "of course, they are worried!"

Wei Ziyu frowned, as if he was not satisfied with the answer, but Lu Qingwan's focus was not on Wei Ziyu. "If Shi Chengli catches the second elder martial brother, will the second elder martial brother fight back or not? If you don't fight back, you'll catch, and if you fight back, you'll give a gift. I have to help! "

"Lin Pu's lightness skill is very good." What Wei Ziyu said was that he was unwilling.

Lu Qingwan was still a little worried, "I know, but I'm still worried!"

"Don't worry!" Wei Ziyu could not refuse to say comforting words.

Lu Qingwan: "this is a long reaction. Wei Ziyu seems to be a little unhappy, but why?

Lu Qingwan rushes out in no hurry. As the stream of people disappears, Wei Ziyu takes Lu Qingwan by the hand and walks away.

Lu Qingwan

"Xiaoyi, is Wei Ziyu OK?" Lu Qingwan asked inexplicably.

System A1 hummed and hawed: "it's OK. I guess I have my own arrangement. I don't want you to do bad things."

Lu Qingwan thought that he was right, so he gave up the idea of chasing the past.

System A1: "after my host has not been in love for several years, I feel that my previously enlightened EQ has run away from home again.After the two returned to Yufu, Lu Qingwan still couldn't help asking: "elder martial brother, is the second elder martial brother OK?"

"I don't know." Wei Ziyu said without thinking.

"Ah?" Lu Qingwan didn't expect to get such an answer.

"Elder martial brother? Are you ok? " Lu Qingwan asked carefully.

Wei Ziyu took a look at Lu Qingwan, who was carefully looking at him, and breathed out, "it's OK."

"What are the plans of the second elder martial brother and you? Tell me? "

Wei Ziyu didn't plan to tell Lu Qingwan, "how do you recognize Lin Pu? When did you recognize it? "

Looking at Wei Ziyu's serious expression, Lu Qingwan wondered why he was so serious?

"Just, just see his skill!" Lu Qingwan unconsciously put his voice to the lowest level, "can't you recognize me all of a sudden?"

"You recognized him at a glance?"

"This, this is not the point..." Lu Qingwan retorts in a low voice. Now the point is not whether Lin Pu is OK or not?

However, in Wei Ziyu's opinion, Lu Qingwan obviously acquiesced to his own view.

Lu Qingwan

Wei Ziyu snorted coldly and turned away as soon as he swung his sleeve.

Lu Qingwan looked at Wei Ziyu's back and said, "Xiaoyi, what did I say wrong?"

System A1 said "no" dryly, but actually Lu Qingwan did. Lu Qingwan's biggest mistake was that he didn't see that Wei Ziyu was jealous, and Wei Ziyu was also wrong. Wei Ziyu's biggest mistake was that he didn't realize that he was jealous. After Wei Ziyu returned to his room, he realized that he was angry, but why? I'm really at a loss.

Looking at Xiaoyu hanging outside, Wei Ziyu fell into meditation and began to sort out his thoughts.

On the other side, after shaking off the pursuers behind him, Lin Pu comes to the grove that Wei Ziyu said before, and then finds the tunnel.

The knock made Wei Ziyu come back to himself. After a few seconds, he remembered that Lin Pu would come here along the secret road.

Wei Ziyu walked slowly to the secret Road, trying to look as expressionless as before.

Wei Ziyu opened the secret Road, and Lin Pu came up panting, "I'm so tired."

Lin Pu doesn't treat himself as an outsider either. After he comes up, he sits on the ground and gasps.

Wei Ziyu looks at Lin PU. His martial arts are good, his appearance is good, and his character is good. He grew up with his younger martial sister from childhood. In fact, his younger martial sister and he are a good combination, but