How does it feel to lose control

But she even survived in the mouth of these crocodiles, and even chose to stay when she had a chance to escape. The reason for staying may be ridiculous. She was angry that she was bitten by these crocodiles.

After watching her beat the crocodile, I realized that she was abnormal.

Maybe I started to doubt it a long time ago, but I didn't pay attention to it.

I still remember when we went home together one night, we met some dark night. Lu Qingwan goes up to help, but the weapon in his hand is an iron bar removed from the guardrail beside him. The iron bar is not bent on the dark night, but Lu Qingwan takes it down.

Later, it turned out that I was right. Lu Qingwan was a hybrid of human and dark night. It was amazing that dark night and human could even have children under the condition of apartheid.

After the summer camp, I've started to pay more attention to it

Lu Qingwan's body, also obviously feel her change.

She became more irritable and irritable, and more and more like fighting.

In order to test her identity, I also attacked the school once. This time, it seemed that she was not very happy.

Before and others against her will stay, but later she is more and more fierce.

Once again, I took the risk of being found in the virtual world.

Liao Zi said I'm crazy. Now I want to come. I'm afraid I'm really crazy. If I'm not crazy, why go in? Why go to the same place to review the process of defeat? Why do you want to bring people under your wings?

But she denied, just like the previous time, the last time she was just joking, but this time she refused.

Just when I tried to persuade Lu Qingwan to join the demons, I didn't expect that she had found out my identity and leaked it to the executors. I didn't expect that.

In fact, my magic had not fully recovered that day. Under the siege of the people, I could only escape. But when I saw Lu Qingwan hiding in the dark, I was caught for a moment of absence.

burning shame and humiliation!

In the Research Institute, they tried every means to seal my ability, using a variety of high intelligence research genius.

But it's useless.

Later I also know that they seem to have invited Mo kairan to come, but Mo kairan just looked at me and left.

On the surface, those people smile and say it's OK, but as soon as they listen to their voices, they know that they are swearing.

When I was tied up to do all kinds of experiments, I was still wondering why Lu Qingwan was.

I'm angry. It can be said that the reason why I can keep on escaping and keep awake under the great pain is to find out why. Want to know what Lu Qingwan is thinking, even... Want to kill her.

The magic that had been injected into her body became the way I came to her dream

When I came to her dream for the first time, I even wanted to kill her.

But a "I'm sorry" still didn't let me down. I frantically recovered my magic, and then came to her dream again.

I thought that as long as Lu Qingwan followed me, I would forgive her.

But she didn't, but I clearly felt her guilt.

But then I forced her to my site and gave her the greatest trust.

But she was beyond my imagination. Yes, she ran away again.

At that time, I didn't understand why she yearned for such a hypocritical human life? Clearly I have been very good to her, no one can disobey me, even alive.

She once again chose to snitch, and even took the map.

When she left, I watched behind her, thinking, let her suffer a loss to know that our demons are good.

As expected, human beings, as I thought, held her and experienced the process I had experienced.

She left these days, I have been restless, but I will never go to save people.

But later Liao Zi gave me a reason. He told me that it was Lu Qingwan who helped to give advice, so that the demons would not be destroyed.

For this reason, I ventured into the academy and brought her out.

In the process of waiting for her to wake up, I have been thinking about one thing, why should I be so persistent in Lu Qingwan?Although we came to the previous house safely, it was finally exposed.

Lu Qingwan was injected with something that made her fall into a state of riot as soon as she saw the fighting scene.

In such a state, we were besieged, even Mo kairan came out.

When I choose not to leave, I seem to understand something in a trance. I don't want to leave because I don't want Lu Qingwan to follow anyone. I want to open an umbrella with my wings, just for her.

Because of the intervention of dark night, I fled, and the hypocritical Mo kairan stayed.

Originally, I didn't worry about Mo kairan, and I never thought that Mo kairan would fall.

Relatively speaking, I am more concerned about Lu Qingwan, but I also know that Lu Qingwan is protected by the evil spirit I left behind, so no one can touch her.

When Mo kairan died, I was in a meeting to study countermeasures.

I never thought that Mo kairan, who can always answer all kinds of my questions, was so hypocritical, pretentious and self righteous that he fell just to protect the Protoss and human beings from being eaten.

Just as stupid as before.

I'm not sad. I just feel that my heart is empty after Mo kairan's death. All of a sudden, I don't know what to do.

And I didn't expect that my fall would come so soon.

Wu Yi is indeed a great dark night. If you let him grow up

He must be a good opponent in the future, but now he is still too young, even less than one tenth of Mo kairan's, so he is not worthy of being my opponent. If he didn't have Lu Qingwan as a hostage, I would not even pay attention to him. It's just this bug that turns on the black hole.

This black hole can strangle everything.

When it was opened, many creatures were sucked in, including my demons.

I'm not as stupid as Mo kairan, but looking at Lu Qingwan, I have to be so stupid.

When I was about to enter the black hole, I seemed to think of something, but it was vague. At last, a thousand words became "late".

I am not hypocritical, not stupid, and not so selfless as Mo kairan. What I want to do is to protect Lu Qingwan.

Because a voice told me that if I didn't, Lu Qingwan would disappear, completely disappear.

I, Mo xiuran, the king of the demons, do not owe anyone, do not serve the world,

Just because Lu Qingwan is safe and sound.