Don't bite me, zombie

My name is tan CHENFENG. Before, I was a person. After... I don't know what I am. I'm not a human, but I'm not a zombie.

I met wanwan by chance, but I didn't expect that we would be connected by fate in the future. She even gave up going to the base and living with human beings for me.

I never thought that I would be abandoned by my friends and "grow up" with someone I didn't know before. I don't know what kind of thoughts I had at that time. After I gradually had more human consciousness, I really wanted to ask, but I didn't have the chance any more.

Yes, in the final battle with the Zombie King, she died in my arms, but I stubbornly held her in my arms, thinking that she just fell asleep as before, or just coma upgrade as last time, so I don't want to give her to anyone.

Han Qing stressed the difference between sleep and death over and over again. At that time, I was still a little confused, but I decided that it was just closed eyes. In fact, there was no difference.

Later, Han Qing tricked me into saying that it would be more comfortable to sleep in ice and the sleeping time would be shorter, so I agreed.

How long did you sleep in the coffin made of ice? When Han Qing got old, I didn't wait for her to wake up, but by that time I had already realized

I don't know the difference between sleep and death.

In that year's war, we started with a basketball match and ended with a duel. Although we won, we lost a lot.

At the beginning, I saw that night became strange. Later, I knew it was an illusion. I didn't know what she saw. I just remember the smile on her face. It was warm, which I had never seen before. Most of the time, she would frown and poke my head, or talk with a cold face. In fact, she seldom smiles.

Because we entered the dreamland at night, we didn't successfully pull the Zombie King into Han Qing's hanging space for the first time.

When I woke up that night, I knew the opportunity had come, but the Zombie King was still very difficult.

Seeing the red blood flowing from her mouth and nose, my first reaction was to kill the Zombie King, because he was the culprit.

So I ran into the Zombie King. I wanted to die with him, but I died late.

It was the first time that I saw the determination and fear on her face. It may have appeared before, but I didn't have much memory before.

She had never eaten crystal nuclei before because she felt sick and dirty, but this time she did.

Then she stood up and pushed the Zombie King into the hanging space.

The last time she went to sleep like this was when she was upgrading, so I waited happily, and I didn't even dare to hand her over easily, but this time she didn't wake up again.

It's death, not sleep, not coma. It's the last word I want to understand, and it's also the last word I want to be taught by wanwan.

The Zombie King died, and the zombies on the land were cleaned up one after another. The world recovered little by little, but the dead people really couldn't come back.

Han Qing has become a hero in the world. Under his leadership, everything is developing in a better direction. I just don't like it. I just want to live late. I don't care whether the world is human or zombie.

When did I have memory? It's hard to remember clearly. When the human memory is completely recovered, it's also a gradual process. It's like a child. He doesn't know when he has memory, but when he talks about something, he can always think of some fragmentary things. I remember the first time I poked my head late when we met a zombie dog.

She had tied me all the time before. That time, she loosened my rope. The last look she looked at me was an emotion I didn't understand. She might have been ready to be killed by me at that time, but I didn't want to eat her.

Later, because of her coma, I gave her to Zhan Caijun and separated for a long time.

I suffered a lot in the laboratory, but I always believed that she would come to me, so I always insisted. At the beginning, she did not leave me, so I was very confident at that time, and she would not leave me at that time.

But I didn't think of the distant word "future" at that time.

She rescued me, and we started the days before, just the two of us.

Then we met a zombie snake. She asked for help for the first time for me. So later, I kept thinking that if I died when I met zombie snakes, would I not have to promise Han Qing's help later, and I would not have died in the gymnasium, but there were not so many ifs.The first time I know "like" is in Zhan Caijun's place, maybe it should be called the rival of love. At that time, I didn't know the meaning of liking, but I heard the conversation between sister Lu and Tong Xin. Liking means being together. She would abandon me.

This is the first time I have a sense of crisis, more than in the laboratory, dare not face my choice to escape.

Fortunately, wanwan came out to see me as before.

Maybe it's because of jealousy, or maybe it's because I want to know my weight, so I didn't appear until she said those words, I was the first

The first time I heard a cry in her voice.

Her slightly trembling voice made my chest very uncomfortable. Although there was a heart there, it was always in a state of slow work. When I spoke at night, it was beating very hard, and I could feel it.

In her mouth, I know the meaning of like, so I stubbornly say like to her, but she never said like me, I am not happy, but now I want to come, in fact, she likes me, otherwise she will not always take me.

But why do you like it? I don't know. I don't even have a chance to know now.

She died late, all the muscles and veins in her body were broken, and her bones were smashed in many places, but she should have a lot of things to solve, such as why did she take me? Do you like me or not?

She owes me a lot of reasons. She didn't know how to ask when she had time. Now she knows how to ask, but she has no time.

How long have I lived? When Han Qing's son died, I didn't want to live alone, but I was waiting for someone to invent a machine that could go back to the past, but my hope failed.

When I died, Han Qing's grandson helped me put it in the ice coffin. I held the cold evening and said to her: evening, you always say I'm stupid. Can you come back and take me, just like before, I'm afraid I can't find you if I get lost