Zombies don't bite me (22)

Lu Qingwan takes a cool breath and once again avoids the fierce talk about Chen Feng.

"What's the situation?" Lu Qingwan looked at Chen Feng and asked.

System A1 is also puzzling. Didn't it say that the progress of the task has increased before? Why is it still like this.

Lu Qingwan talks with Chen Feng about several hospital beds. After several rounds of Hawking, Chen Feng chooses to give up. Chen Feng doesn't know that she is tired, but she does.

This man is the target of the mission and can't be killed. Lu Qingwan decided to tie him up.

Lu Qingwan finds a rope from his own space, and then uses his mental strength to bind Tan CHENFENG, and then uses his hands and feet to bind people. When binding, Lu Qingwan is electrocuted several times, almost exploding his hair.

When meeting Tan CHENFENG's wound, Lu Qingwan obviously felt Tan CHENFENG's tremor, which immediately made Lu Qingwan interested.

Lu Qingwan in order to revenge Tan Chen Feng discharge on himself, so it is very bad to tighten the rope, and then tie Tan Chen Feng to the hospital bed, and then happily looking at Tan Chen Feng grinning at himself.

"How did you become like this?" Lu Qingwan pokes at Chen Feng's wound and asks.

Talking about Chen Feng's howling, he couldn't understand Lu Qingwan's words at all. He felt pain on his body, so he moved more widely. It seemed that he wanted to break the rope and bite Lu Qingwan.

It's just tied up now. It's just howling.

"Shut up Lu Qingwan's head ached from the noise.

"Roar, roar," Chen Feng continued to howl.

Lu Qingwan slapped his wound. Unexpectedly, his howling became louder. This time, his voice was also painful.

Lu Qingwan touched his chin, and then felt the zombies attracted by Tan CHENFENG's voice. So he took out a towel in the space, and then slapped Tan CHENFENG's wound again. While he opened his mouth, Lu Qingwan put a towel in Tan CHENFENG's mouth, so later Tan CHENFENG could only make a whimper, All of a sudden let Lu Qingwan smile.

Lu Qingwan said with a smile: "let you roar!"

Tan Chen Feng doesn't know what Lu Qingwan said. He only knows that the other party has blocked his mouth. Now he can't make a sound. He is very sad.

After Lu Qingwan finished talking about Chen Feng, he moved a chair to the bedside and looked at Chen Feng with his chin. It seems that there is no big difference between Lu Qingwan and human beings. How can he bite?

Lu Qingwan sticks out his finger and pokes Tan Chen Feng's head, which leads to tan Chen Feng's dull roar. Lu Qingwan is not moved.

"You said that if I put my mental energy into his head, would I establish a communication with him, and then understand what he said, or let him understand what I said?" Lu Qingwan seriously thought about the possibility of this approach.

System A1 has gone to the main system to ask what's going on, and it's not online.

Talk about Chen Feng is trying to avoid the touch of landing Qingwan, and Lu Qingwan's stubborn temper also came up, I don't think you are dirty, you also dislike me, don't let me touch I also want to touch you, said again forcefully poke talk about Chen Feng's head.

Tan Chen Feng stares at Lu Qingwan. It seems that he is going to eat Lu Qingwan“ You are the fish on my chopping board now. Do you want to be honest? You'd better put your eyes away. " Lu Qingwan pokes Tan CHENFENG's head hard and says that he pokes Tan CHENFENG's head too far.

Chen Feng doesn't understand about it, but he is as sensitive as a small animal. It seems that Lu Qingwan is educating himself. At the beginning, he was not convinced, but later, as Lu Qingwan became more and more powerful, Tan CHENFENG's momentum weakened, and finally his roar turned into a small whimper, which made Lu Qingwan satisfied.

Then he didn't poke his head any more, and touched his head by the way. Although he touched his hands with sticky filth, Lu Qingwan didn't care.

Talking about Chen Feng is like a little beast just born. He wants to bite when he sees people, but he also has the intuition of a little beast. He knows how he won't be beaten.

Lu Qingwan congeals a water ball to wash her hands, and then looks at Tan CHENFENG who is dirty all over. Does she want to help Tan CHENFENG clean up?

Lu Qingwan saw several zombies she had killed before, went over and took out the crystal nuclei in the heads of these zombies, and then saw Tan CHENFENG get excited again. Lu Qingwan thought of a good method. She had watched TV training small animals. Although she didn't know the advanced training skills, Lu Qingwan knew some simple common sense.

When a small animal does something wrong, give it a meal. If it does something right, give it something delicious. In this way, the small animal will form a simple reflex.Lu Qingwan cleans up several crystal nuclei, then takes out one and walks to tan CHENFENG, "do you want to eat it?"

Chen Feng doesn't understand what Lu Qingwan is talking about, but he stares at the crystal nucleus in Lu Qingwan's hand without blinking. That makes Lu Qingwan feel strange and cute.

Lu Qingwan sighed deeply. Well, Chen Feng can't understand what he's talking about. Everything has to be taught from the beginning.

"I'll take down the towel. You're not allowed to scream, OK?" Lu Qingwan pointed to Chen Feng's mouth.

Tan Chen Feng is still staring at the crystal nucleus in her hand.

Lu Qingwan took down the towel. As soon as he took it down, there was a roar, which made Lu Qingwan cover the towel again.

"Don't shout, you know? He said with a hissing gesture Then he took down the towel.

But talk about Chen Feng or call, so Lu Qingwan again to pick up the towel.

Tan CHENFENG wants to throw out the towel that Lu Qingwan covers his mouth, but Lu Qingwan just doesn't let him.

So Lu Qingwan once again compared a hissing posture, and then after repeating this for more than a dozen times, he still didn't know where he was wrong when talking about Chen Feng. Lu Qingwan was really angry.

When he took down the towel again, Tan CHENFENG roared again, which made Lu Qingwan very angry. So he slapped Tan CHENFENG up and immediately gave him a whimper. Lu Qingwan even clearly saw the grievance in his eyes.

After playing, Lu Qingwan also felt that he might have made a mistake, but he didn't know about Chen Feng, so he continued his training.

Maybe it's because he was beaten just now, so tan CHENFENG understood it a few times this time. After taking down the towel, he stopped yelling, and Lu Qingwan gave Tan CHENFENG the crystal nucleus in his hand with satisfaction.

Tan Chen Feng contentedly eats Jinghe, and then stares at Lu Qingwan. He looks like a little suckling dog asking for food from his master. His eyes are wet and pitiful.

Lu Qingwan immediately softened, so he took out a crystal nucleus again and fed it to tan CHENFENG.